Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Her Destiny

She sat all alone in the dark room

With clouds of fear encircling her

She was a sight of complete misery

And her thoughts were a demur.

Depression and pain ruined her life

And I dared not to look at that poor soul

As she had lost a dear one

Whom she really did love much more

But what could I do?

Seeing her in pain wasn’t fine

Only I could pray to Lord

That she has for eternity a happy time.



Hi meghna,
This indeed is a wonderful poem. It looks like that you realize the pain of others and your posts have been testimony to that!


Hi Catherine,
I'm glad that I could please you with this post of mine! I sure try to imagine the pain of others while writing such posts. Thanks for this comment.

Peter Pie

Dear meghna,
I have noticed that you can handle the situations of humor, horror, loneliness and tragedy very well. That is great!!


Hi Peterpie,
I am trying to have varieties in my posts so that all can enjoy. Glad that you like it. Keep reading!


Hi meghna,
This again is a sad poem written beautifully with great expressions. Keep it up.


Dear Prabha,
Oh yes, these days I'm exploring the sad and serious self inside me so out came this poem!

Thanks for this rejuvenating comment!

E.G. and staff

Hi Meghna,

Your poem is one of great emotion.
Thanks for sharing on your blog.
Did you take your idea from a true story about someone you know?
Elizabeth G.


Hi Elizabeth,
Thanks for these kind words! Oh no! this idea just popped into my head as I tried to write a poem!

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