Saturday, October 27, 2007

Funny One Liners!

Hi friends! Here are some rib-tickling one liners that I received as an email. Thought I’d share them with you. Hope you enjoy them!

  1. * Join the army, see the world, meet interesting people, and kill them.
  2. * Until I was 11, I thought my name was 'Shut Up.'
  3. * I'm not afraid to die. I just don't want to be there when it happens.
  4. * Always and never are two words you should always remember never to use.
  5. * The road to success is always under construction.
  6. * Work is fine if it doesn't take up too much of your time.
  7. * When everything's coming your way, you're in the wrong lane.
  8. * Born free; Taxed to death.
  9. * Everyone has a photographic memory; some people just don't have film.
  10. * Life is unsure; always eat your dessert first.
  11. * Smile -- it makes people wonder what you're up to.
  12. * I love being a writer... what I can't stand is the paperwork.
  13. * A printer consists of 3 main parts: the case, the jammed paper tray and the blinking red light.
  14. * The hardest part of skating is the ice.
  15. * The guy who invented the first wheel was an idiot; the guy who invented the other three, he was the genius.
  16. * The trouble with being punctual is that there's no one there to appreciate it.
  17. * If our constitution allows us free speech, why are there phone bills?
  18. * If you tell a man there are 300 billion stars in the universe, he'll believe you. But if you tell him a park bench has just been painted, he has to touch it to be sure.
  19. * Beat the 5 O'clock rush: leave work at noon!
  20. * If you can't convince them, confuse them.
  21. * It's not the fall that kills you; it's the sudden stop at the end.
  22. * Someday is not a day of the week
  23. * When I was born, I was so surprised I didn't talk for a year and a half.



Hi Meghna,
Your collection of one-liners is interesting to read. Especially "Everyone has a photographic memory; some people just don't have film."


Hi Catherine,
I too found them interesting and funny. Glad that you too have the same view!


Good read. Stumbled.


Some really cracked me up. Thanks for sharing.


Thank you jesieblogjourney & manictastic. I am happy to know that you liked the one-liners.

E.G. and staff

Hi Meghna,

Great One-liner list. I like the
Writing & the Skating the most.
Thanks for sharing on your blog.
Elizabeth G.

E.G. and staff

Hi Meghna,

Just left a comment on an older post about the Prankster Poem?
In case you miss it. Try to read this book called "Frindle". You would really like it a lot.
Elizabeth G.


wow tht was gud.... thanks for ur comments meghna...
btw cant believe .. ure just 12 years/... u appear as a seasoned blogger..
when i was 12.. dint knw wht was e-mail... lol..
bye tc. keep up the good work..


Funny stuff!

to thank you, go to youtube and check out "human transformer". A neat halloween costume idea.



Hi Elizabeth,
Thanks for this wonderful comment and the one for the poem too. The writing and skating ones are really funny!


Hi Shasi,
Oh yes! I'm only twelve (at least until yet). That's strange! But I suppose computers were not that famous at your time . Thanks for the compliment!


Hi nick,
Thanks for this comment.I'll sure check that out and thanks once again for that as I had been in search for such halloween costume idea!

Peter Pie

Dear meghna,
I laughed it loud! I think some of them are really facts too :)


Hi Peter Pie,
I'm glad to read your comment and to know that I was able to tickle you!


Meghna you made me laugh and laugh... and they are real ones. We do in our life and but don't know. specially that 'star ....painted bench' great...thanks. I will share these with other too. keep visiting and sharing.


Dear Champ,
Keep laughing as it's good for your health! Yep! That's really funny and the reality too.
Thanks for the comment!


It is a good collection no doubt. Honestly serious net surfers would have come across these some time or other. Creativity is at its best when original. I think u have now reached a stage where u r best when original.

What i am saying here is that invest time in writing more of your own stuff. IT will help. All the best and take care


Hi Nitin,
I'm glad you liked my blog and creativity. Thanks for the suggestion and I really appreciate it. I'll Certainly write more original posts and let my imagination soar!
Thanks once again!

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