Monday, September 3, 2007


Like crystals of liquid

They fall on the ground

Bringing happiness, greenery

And natural beauty all around

Flowers blossom in amusement

And the peacocks are an enchanting sight to see

The bare fields now yield many crops

Gazing at such a scene is delighting to me

The wonderful fragrance of the flowers

And the lovely colors of the peacock’s plumes

The rainbow above the lush green fields

All these in the fresh air blooms

The rain is so charming

And brings such enjoyment

I just love the sight of it

And watching it is a great entertainment!



reading this made me feel like i was under actual rain.. cool poetry.


I agree totally. I've ready many many poems with the same topic, but this is special!
Keep it up, Meghna.

Peter Pie

'Like crystals of liquid
they fall on the ground'
Hi Meghna,
I like the expressions you use in your poems and it seems like you have an inner feeling. What else to say?

Ashley Ford

really good poem! i could do with some rain at the moment im currently sat in LA airport in a thick jumper and boiling!


Dear ALL,
Thanks for the encouragement. I'm happy that you like my poems; may be because it's improving with your support & cooperation.

Emily Suess

Dropping in from Blog Catalog. I can see why you've listed this as a favorite post. Lovely poem!


Dear hands,
Thanks for the visit. Glad you like it!

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