Top Secret Bank Vault Plans In Trash Bin!
A strange event took place recently in
A Berlin hairdresser was dumbstruck when he found top-secret plans of a safety vault at Berlin Bank Branch in….in…a…guess what? a bin! Yeah! You’ve read it correctly! This valuable information was discovered in a bin!
As I had some doubts and as it was unbelievable, I confirmed it on the net too. If you still have some doubts, you can see the full news here or here!
For further information and to fulfill the hunger if all those curious souls, the Bank in
And then came the lucky hairdresser! He found the detailed information including comprehensive drawings of the safety arrangements at the bank and the location of people detectors, stairwells, grilled gates and measurements of the depth of the vault’s floor!
I must say that the hairdresser was an efficiently honest man to immediately inform the police about his discovery! This shows that good and kind hearted people still reside on this Earth!
Kudos to such kind souls! Hope you agree with me and you’re welcome to give me compliments or constructive criticism by posting a comment!
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Interesting story, but as good as it looks for the hair dresser, someone else is probably going to be looking anything but good?
As soon as the police and bank discover who left the secret plans in the bin, someone will probably be looking for a new job!
Who knows, they may even spend time in jail for negligence?
bizzare things :) recently i read another news in teh same line -a very valuable painting was found by a lady from a Bin. now a days wastebins are finding new uses :)
Hi Don,
You're absolutely right! When one earns something the other surely loses something! It is the same case here too!
Thanks for the comment!
Hi Anoop,
I agree! Nowadays various strange things are happening around the world and I suppose the wastebins are quite in the news!
its good that the hair dresser handed the plans to the police. it could have fallen in the wrong hands
Hi Morrin,
That's true! Shows that there still are honest people living in this world!
Oh, this could be a great start for a story.
Once upon a day, a hobo looks into a trash bin, to his own amazement, he finds detailed plans of a bank vault. The hobo takes the plans with him and starts planning.
Oh, I can see it in my head already. It would be a great story, and an even greater film (a bit like Ocean's Eleven). Thanks for sharing.
PS: The 31th of december is the final entry date, and yes you may participate in the contest. I would even be delighted if you did.
I am not trying to deride your effort here, in fact it is laudable that u get it to us, but everyday in our newspapers there are these tidbits about bizzare or funny or serious incidents as these.
I am sure u r also aware that laws i mostly US and European countries allow people to sue at the drop of a hat(literally speaking at midnight if a drop of a hat created some sound, u never know residents of that area might sue the owner of the hat).
Honesty prevails on earth and that is why the miracle of God we humans exist.
Hi Meghna!
Great post! Just keep writing...
That news is great, meghna. I can't understand what will happen to the security systems of entire countries by this rat? Really shameful!
This news is very strange!It's a good thing that the hairdresser returned the invaluable papers!
Yes, very true & because of some kind of this people that the world is still worthwhile to live. We still hear occasionally of cab drivers returning valuables of passengers who left them while travelling.
Hi Manicastic,
You're much more creative and imaginative than me and thus a better writer. Thanks for the idea but is it your next post or I can use it to my benefits?
Thanks for the information about the contest! I'd love to send an entry!
Hi Nitin,
I agree whole heartedly with you! I will certainly try to write more of my creative articles but sometimes, for a change, I suppose these are good!
Hi Stephie,
Thanks for the comment!
Hi peter Pie,
You're correct! This was really bad for the security system not only at that place but around the world!
You can use it, because I currently lack time to write anything and by the time I have time, I will have forgotten all about it.
News stories are always good inspiration sources for writers. I don't know if you have read my story Theft(, that one was inspired on something I heard about in the news. :)
I'm looking forward to your story.
Hi Kalyan,
This certainly proves that world is still the best place to live in! I hope the cab drivers too continue being as honest as they are!
Thanks for the compliments!
Hi Ranjjhani,
Yes, I agree with you on that. Otherwise, it would have been a great problem!
Hi manictastic,
I will be checking your story soon, for sure: it inspires! I have thought of the story to be sent to you. But it has to be put on paper with words first :D
Hope to finish it soon. Thanks!
God bless you. He has gifted you with the ability of taking criticism on positively and on the chin.
My friends say that you are not a 12 year old and I told them that age is not important.
I remember JRD Tata once quoted(it is not his quote) that He does not mind even if winter is on the head as long as spring is in the heart.
So we may never see the real Meghna but really all we want is the wonderful magic with words.
Take care and Go on till eternity.
Hi nitin,
I am really grateful for your comments and constructive criticism. I learn a lot these days, I suppose :D
Yes, age does not really matter. I have just come across a blog recently started by a 10 year old, who writes really better than me! Don't recall the name now.
As regard to your comment on MY age, tell your friends that it's o.k. I am used to it these days. Almost half of the readers have this common question to ask. And I am tired of replying. I myself doubt whether I am 12? :)
Do you think that it is good for me publish a copy of my birth certificate in my blog as a proof???
Thank you for the support and heads up. Keep commenting which in turn help me to improve my writng. Thanks!
Do nothing for the crowd. The world will seek you out. Enjoy what u do best.
When the time is right and you will know it then the world will flash the bulbs.
Till then Cheers! :-)
Hi Nitin,
Thanks for all these advices. I'm glad I have a friend and a supportive reader in you!
Thanks once again!
Hi again Meghnak!
So sorry that I haven't commented for a while.
Please forgive me! It's just that it wouldn't work!!
My advice to you is try your best no matter what anyone thinks and keep your mind wide open.
For all the poems, they are written by an artistic person. You!
You have so much talent and I hope you become a writer as well as a poet.
I enjoy every bit of your posts, to tell you the truth.
You rock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
P.S I will now on keep commenting! I am back to commenting on your blog now!
Yay! Hip Hip..... Hooray!
Plus I will now be addressed by the name 'NANA' because it's the only way i can comment and because it's my nickname!!
Nadine, an Australian friend of yours
Hi nadine,
I'm glad you are back! Thanks for all the compliments you have given me! I'm honored to receive them by a talented kid like you! I'm glad you liked my work and be sure to read my comments on your blog too! Thanks a lot, once again! :D
Good Job! :)
@ carlos- :P
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