I Have Become Blind!!

In order to understand the difficulties such type of people face in their daily life, I decided to put myself in their shoes. So here I am acting as a blind person and describing how difficult it was to pass this ordeal. It is a difficult task, but this is what I did to realize their troubles.
I got up from my afternoon nap after hearing some loud voices. Some guests came to our house and there was happiness and chatter all around. The happy voices of blabber, small children playing around and sounds of peace and prosperity rang around my ears. But believe my eyes …… there was nothing but unending darkness.
Suddenly I heard a strange voice, maybe it was one of the many guests who were on a visit. I sat there with attentive ears and gleaming eyes that showed complete darkness.
I heard it again this time! A new voice. Now, I decided to play a game myself. I tried to describe the people from their voices.
The first voice was loud and boastful. It looked as if the person was trying to attract more attention towards himself. Maybe, he was a tall and stout man dressed in luxurious clothes and also with lots of money.
The next one was the voice of a woman – gentle and kind, but yet I felt a tinge of greed and jealousy in it. She was surely a beautiful lady, but not really as good as she sounded, I suppose.
Suddenly, a feeble voice was heard amidst the joyful chattering. It only said a sentence, but that conveyed a lot to my sensitive ears. It was benevolent and quiet with a thoughtful edge to it. It surely looked like someone good.
After this, I went to the garden and stood there. The soft sun rays were soothing to my cheeks. The delightful fragrance of flowers and the melodious chirping of birds made me stand in awe even though I could not see them.
Not able to resist myself, I finally opened my eyes. I realized the difficulties of such blind people. They can’t view the beauties of this wonderful world. But all they can see is disappointing and disheartening ever-long darkness!!
What do you think? Have you ever tried to put yourself in this position? Don’t you think disabled people need some help? I would love to hear your opinions. So, please leave a comment!!
yeah grlie...
they do need help...but not pity...
ppl usually confuse pity with help...pity hurts them big!!!!
keep doin the gud wrk!!!
Hi d Sinner,
Thank you for dropping by and mentioning about disabled people. Glad to know that there are many like me who think they should be helped. You rightly said that they don't need pity, but help.
meghz, i have to appulude your social sense. you have got your heart at right place - when you grow up, dont lose this. :-) one suggetion - insted of disabled, use differently abled - they are not disabled, but just differently abled. The life of differently abled people are not a bed of roses, but a word of encouragement and a helping hand can boost their morale long way.
Hi Anoop,
Thanks for your compliments.I'm certainly trying to put my heart in the right place.
Thanks for the suggestion. Differently abled certainly sounds motivating!
Frankly speaking,the physically challenged are a lot more better and efficient than we people are.To hide their inferiority complex,they tend to be perfect and hate to be pitied as a fellow blogger said.They expect anything but pity.I have not spoken to such people for the fear that my voice would betray me.I wouldnt want them to feel bad too.
I will help them indirectly,but meeting them face to face and offering solace is not my cuppa tea.
I would like to write an article on the same.But i dont find an option to link to your post.Anyways,i am just letting ya know that i will be posting about the same in my blog.
Hi rampantheart a.k.a Ranjhani,
I agree with you on the point that they are specially talented people. No, you should meet them and talk to them, really. Then you feel different.
You also try to write an article about them and I would love to read it.
You know something, this article was linked to somewhere on a blog which is specially about the differently abled people. (Oops! I forgot where it was and forgot the link. I'll try to locate that and inform you later). Today is the international disabled people's day, I suppose.
Thank you!
hiya...m back to tell u that i have dne with ur meme tag ...keep scribblin, cheers!!!
##d sinner aka neha##
Hi Meghna! Wow, really great story!
I also think that disambled people need some help, but our society, sometimes, don´t give them help.
I think that your opinions about disambled people are great!
You're very special because you can apreciate people with these problems.
in question games, i always picked sight as the last sense i'd lose. interesting post, it's amazing that the blind have to judge people only based on sound alone.
Hi ranjhani,
Yes, I got the link in which this story of mine is shown. It is:
It is a site showing all posts related to differently abled people.
Hi d Sinner!
Thank you for doing the meme. I am surely going to read it soon and am excited to what you've written.
Hi stephie,
I agree with you that the efforts of differently abled people should be appreciated. Thank you for the comments.
Hi gale,
Yes, I agree with you on that point. Also without sight, you've to judge people by sound and touch.
Thank you for dropping by. Keep visiting!
Oh,great,Meghna!I have at last written the article.Chk it out!
Hi ranjhani,
Glad that you mentioned and also that you actually wrote about it. I am going to check it out now.
A very touching, insightful post. I am a support worker for some disabled people, your words show a caring nature, and it also helps to focus on what people CAN do, rather than not.
For example, I am not disabled, but I cannot climb Everest, or swim the English channel, but I don't see myself as being deprived of anything because of my limitations. so, if a blind person can do some things better than I can, fo example, he/she needs encouragement to carry on and do what they are able to.
Best wishes, Mark.
Meghna, what u tried is akin to Issac Newton sitting under a tree, the apple falling on his head(dont know whether that really happened but it did a world of good to him, i am digressing) and he coming up with the law of gravity.
U might think what am i getting onto. Simple. Trying what u did is something we know probably think but never do as an action. Which is what it must be for all those people who must have seen leaves, fruits, flowers falling from trees during Newton's time but only he thought about the reason.
So he was differently abled u r differently abled than the normal world and I think u r much closer to all those people for whom you did that and God will always bless you for this action all your life.
Take care. Keep it up.
As for me well u inspire us to do something different for society everytime we read your blog.
Hi Nitin,
I'm really inspired and glad to read your comment! Thanks for all the compliments you have given me and for the great example! I don't have words to describe how elated I am! Thanks a lot! :D
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