A Lesson Learnt!

YES! Rajat was like this! He had led a poverty stricken childhood and now he wished to spend a luxurious young life after working hard and getting a degree! He wanted to make his mother proud who had done all she could for him after his father’s death. But more than this, he thought of money and money and only money which could improve his lifestyle!
RAJAT opened a small business which flourished due to his hard work, sincerity and honesty! But then, he had only worked to live comfortably and now that life had changed he didn’t want comfort but luxury. He was hungry for money.
HE had got an offer form from a wealthy man to work as the head of his company which had foul means of business but the man had promised to pay him a big sum of money. Initially, Rajat had not agreed to the idea but now he reconsidered it. Not knowing what to do, he had taken advice from his mom!
BUT before that his covetousness for money had already taken root in him. He paid no heed to his mother’s advice and agreed to the offer. It was an aircraft company but due to the new emerging air services their business was going down! Mr. Armani, the wealthy owner of this company had chosen Rajat, a witty boy to take charge. He trusted that he could turn any man into a puppet in his hands with his money! And Rajat was one of his victims.
RAJAT'S mother, a devout religious lady decided to go on a pilgrimage to Haridwar. She decided to travel by a plane but did not inform her son as he had been busy stressing himself on his workload and she didn’t want to trouble him anymore!
SHE bought the plane tickets and climbed into the plane. The plane suddenly made an unexpected landing at the outskirts of a deserted city, due to technical problems. Out of the blue, many armed terrorists entered the plane and ordered everyone to settle down without a word. It didn’t take time for the passengers to understand that their plane had been hijacked!
THE first to recover from this shock was Mrs. Ranjani. Being an old, experienced and witty lady she took it upon herself to save the passengers without arousing suspicion. She asked the robber if she could take her daily medicine, to which he readily agreed. She asked them to take it out for her from the bag and when he came….. she threw a large quantity of red chilly powder at him!
WITH his eyes blazing, the robber was stranded! The other passengers took advantage of the situation and captured the other bandits too! Soon the police were informed and sirens were blazing in the area. The lady was praised for her presence of mind!
THE popularization of the other air services had resulted in the downfall of their company’s profit. In order to touch the zenith of success, Mr. Armani had decided to hijack the plane from Mumbai to Haridwar. He appointed an experienced gang for this job and Rajat was the head of this mission! They decided to raise an issue in the media about the poor air services of the other companies and popularize themselves!
RAJAT couldn’t believe his ears and eyes when he saw that his great idea had been foiled that too by his own mother. Suddenly he came back to his senses and his love for his mother aroused once again! He immediately resigned from the job and apologized to his mother! He understood how voracity and hunger for wealth and luxury could spoil a man!
I suppose, others like Rajat too have learnt a lesson! About Mr. Armani, I’m sure he must be fuming with anger and hatching another plan but this time to spoil Rajat’s new money-making, honest business!
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There are some nice twists and turns in this story. I enjoyed reading it very much.
Hi Meghna,
Nice articles..
Keep posting regularly..
I am very much surprised to know that you are just 12 yrs old.
All the best
Online Inspirations
Filmy but I am amused. The hijacking part being staged by the owner i did not guess but the rest was known.
You seem to itching to write a great story. May be I am wrong but take it easy do not push too hard.
Take care. Keep it going.
Hi Meghna, this was a very nice story. Imagine next year, and the next after that, your stories will get better and better, and who knows, you will be famous and I will say, "I knew her before she was famous."
One good thing about the story was that I was going to take that same plane, but I was late arriving at the airport!
Mrs. Ranjani is a nice lady, smart too. I was scheduled to sit just behind her and the commotion would have been bad for my heart, but then again, I think Mrs. Ranjani's knows CPR, so I woud have been in good hands!
Keep writing and I will keep reading!
PS. I was just kidding about sitting behind Mrs. Ranjani. I was actually scheduled to sit in front of her.
Nice story! again...that old lady was really clever...fast thinking...and that hijacker deserved it! What about chapter 2 now? :))
Hi Manicastic,
Glad you liked the story!
Thanks for the comment!
Hi Shyam,
This is the reaction of every new reader about my age! But I'm used to it now!
Thanks for the comment and hope you enjoy reading all the posts!
Hi Nitin,
I'm sorry to disappoint you a bit with this story! I'll take your advice and try to improve my writing skills once again!
Hi Don,
hope what you say comes really true! I'm eagerly waiting for that time when I can thank each one of you for your support and encouragement!
That was really fantastic. Imagining yourself in the same plane as the lady and describing the event from your own point of view! Ah! I wish I'd thought of that!
Thanks for all the comments and compliments!
Hi Nikita,
Glad you liked it. Chapter 2, eh? I didn't think of it but now......I'm doing so.........But ain't sure when I'll be posting it!
Hi Meghana
You are a smart girl. Not many of your age would have read between the lines.
You are doing well. I think chapter 2 should be interesting.
Take care
Meghna,as Nitin said, don't be under pressure.Take your time to write a story.Patience is golden.Your fans will be disappointed yes,but try to take more time to write.Only then can you bring outthe best in you.This soesnt of course mean you have not done well.You are your usual self.Anyways,i liked the story.Yes,very much indeed!:)
Hi Nitin,
Thanks for the compliments. Wish my teacher had the same thoughts! :D
I too will try to write a continuation soon!
hi Ranjhani,
Thanks for the advice. Next time, I'll certainly take a bit longer time and produce a better story!
Thanks for the complements!
Meghna!well said!i like the way you accept constructive criticisms.
Hi Ranjhani,
i accept criticism as I suppose the one who's giving it is saying it for my benefit. Thus, I try to improve myself!
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