My Magical Bed!

Hey guys! Did I ever tell you this secret of mine? I suppose not as it must have slipped out of my mind to write a post about it! This big hype is…is…that…it is that I’ve got a magical bed!
Oh Yes! I am not kidding but this is the real plain truth. How then, can you explain that as soon as I’m tucked into my bed, I’m drifted off to a faraway magic land? As soon as I get into the comfortable cushion and fall asleep I have a wonderful time! So I say I’ve got a magical bed!
Every day, I visit a different place. Sometimes it’s Fairyland, sometimes Goblin Sea; even Flowery Butterfly Palace or Dwarf Castle! I have great many adventures and loads of fun visiting these exciting places. But the only problem is that I become invisible to everyone around that place when I visit it!
But today, things went different…really strange or evil, I should say! Yes you’re right, last night my magical bed became naughty and took me on a tour to the “DARK CASTLE”! I thank my lucky stars that I was invisible or I’d never have been here today, writing this post!
As soon as I stepped into ”DARK LAND”, lightning struck the sky and it’s evil light cast gloomy shadows all around the place. I dearly wished to go back but I knew it wasn’t possible after I had stepped in! Ah!
I rejuvenated myself by being more confident and courageous. Thus, I stepped into that horrid castle. All around me were horrible dark creatures. They were neither humans nor animals but a mixture of both which created a strange specie!
I soon learnt that these species inhabited this dreadful place and were called “ANHUMS”. Suddenly, I heard a pitiful cry from inside one of the locked rooms in the castle. This evoked my curiosity and I decided to find out what was going on!
I quietly entered the room and a horrible sight awaited my eyes! A beautiful lovely and charming fairy, Cassandra; a sweet dwarf, Little, and an angry goblin, Elle, were hanging upside down on a thin rope. But the rope was certainly strong and emitted a bright light as it glowed because it had been put under a spell! Below them was a cauldron boiling with water which had turned red!
Besides them stood a wicked witch, who was called Witch Ardansac. I soon understood that she was killing those innocent little souls to obtain a death potion from their blood and soul! This was really very cruel and I felt pity for those guiltless creatures. With strong grit and determination, I decided to help them out!
Soon I got the opportunity to do so. With Ardansac peeped into her huge cauldron while stirring it hard. I stepped up behind her and pushed her with all my strength. In she went and started boiling with that nasty mixture. A loud scream rent the air and the evil Witch Ardansac disappeared.
All the Anhums in this dark land turned into dwarfs, fairies, pixies, goblins, butterflies and other amiable creatures! The rope which held Cassandra, Little and Elle also magically undid itself. Then the sun rose behind the castle and flooded it’s warmth all around the place!
But there was confusion all around as everyone was surprised about who had destroyed Witch Ardansac and I was giggling away with glory to myself! I was enjoying myself looking at the puzzled expression on their faces. But I had to wake up by hearing the loud “Tring-Tring” of my alarm! Now I’m looking forward to get into my Magical Bed again and go on a wonderful tour to some magic land!
Oh yes! I know that you all must be thinking that I'm too inspired by the great J.K Rowling to write a post like this! Actually, this is true and I don't deny it. By the way, it feels great to be compared with such great writers as I too dream of touching that height some day!! :D

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Hi meghna,
That is a fantastic fantasy. I am sure you will reach such heights of great writers sooner or later by this rate, as your writing is improving day by day. I really loved the way you saved the lives of those three 'anhums' in your imagination. Tell me, is 'anhums' your creation from 'humans' or is there any such word already? :D
Thanks for sharing this. Great work and keep going!
Meghna, I am again here to tell you that I will be stumbling or digging this post so that more and more people can benefit by reading your stories. Keep up the good work!
Hey M,
i read your blog through google reader, pretty clever of you to make the half feed.
you girl are blogging like a pro! :)
don't go too much in dark lands, sometimes there are no alarm clocks to bring you back ;)
meghz, a really nice take on fantasy :) one of the best stories of you. get inspired - and then start creating, one day, you will be famous :)
Hi Meghna! Wow, this was a very fantastic post! You must edit a book with your writings and poems!
Great post! Congrats!
You're 12 and you actually "write" on a blog. Wow. thats like freakingly amazing. And that too such stories. A BIG BIG applause for you. :) :) :)
Hi peter Pie,
Thanks for all these compliments. i too dream pf touching those heights some day as you all dream me of reaching! I'm only improving due to all of your encouragements! Thanks!
the word "anhums" is my creation and as the creatures were a mixed species of 'animals' and 'humans', I created this word!
Dear Peter Pie,
This is really sweet of you! i hope others enjoy this as much as you did! Thanks for the digg and stumble!
Hi Nothingman,
I have put half feed but don't you think I should be full? Must that not be better?
All learnt from you N! By the way, I think I'm inspired by you to get into these dark lands too sometime! (oops...not by you but your dark eye avatar!0 And my mom is always there if the alarm goes off! :D
Hi ANoop,
Thanks for all these compliments. I'll surely try to write more of such stories and even better ones!
hi Stephi,
it's really sweet of you to say this. But I suppose no publisher would accept it! Don't you think?
Thank for the comment!
Hi Rohit,
One more of an amazed new reader! I'm really twelve and write and edit and post it on this blog! I'm glad you liked it and appreciated my efforts!
Thanks for this great applause!
Hey Meghna, this is one of your better stories and shows that you are developing very nicely.
Witch Ardansac is very evil and I'm glad you did her in! Once while visiting my beloved Canada, she asked me if I could change a five dollar bill for her and she ran off and stole my money! When the cops arrived, the old hag, just disappeared into thin air! I never got my five dollars back, but, at least, thanks to you, you she got what she deserved.
Next time you go back to the Dark Castle via your Magical Bed, try and see if you can find my gold plated Mac Pro computer.... I was so scared of the place I ran off and left it there!
On second thought, don't go back there... we can replace my gold plated Mac, but we can't replace you, our dear Meghna, our extraordinary story teller!
Oh Dear Don,
You're are really unbelievable! You are far far better than me. Your imagination knows no bounds! I don't know what to say. I'm proud to have a mentor like you!
I'd love to visit Dark land once again. After all, it's for a good cause of finding your comp.!
I wouldn't go missing anywhere dear Don!
Thanks a million times for this wonderful comment!
There you go again!Awesome stuff,meghna!Your anagrams and your vocabulary stupefy me!
Hi Meghna...beautiful story! Listen to Cassandra....Abba...enjoy!
Hi Ranjhani,
Glad you liked it! Thanks for the compliments! Developing my vocabulary by reading great blogs like yours!
Hi Nikita,
Thanks :d
Nice songs and thanks for the link! i sure love to listen to such beautiful songs!
hi Meghnak!
I wish I had a magical bed! It is sooo beautiful!!!
If I was at that world, I would be scared to death! Especially if It was dark!
You have a great mind full of imagination and I hope one day, we can both become even better than the best authors! ( I have also got the writing talent in me!)
Write Write Meghnak!
By the way, it is my school holidays and I will not write any posts, but i have many new posts you haven't yet looked at if you want to see them.
But i am open to comments and will comment back!
By the way, NothingMan's picture freaked me out. It seems like a Halloween to you!
Hi Nana,
Thanks for the compliments. But I don't get you! Actually I can't understand who you are because you have used your nickname instead of your username! From next time please remember to switch to your original username!
I'll surely read your other posts too! I'm happy you liked my post and imagination! I hope you too become a great writer someday! Enjoy your school vacations!
I was initially freaked out by Nothingman's avatar but now I'm fine with it! Actually I think it's different from others and good too1
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