Blogoshphere Is Bustling With Life!
New Year Resolutions
The first one on my list is a….oh O.K! million bucks for guessing…a meme!
I’ve been tagged to do a meme on New Year Resolutions by Anoop at 'Tales of A lone wolf!' I couldn’t say no of course, as it sounds so much fun! So here I go……….
I haven’t ever made a New Year Resolution before as I thought it was only for adults and not for children. But now, I’ve understood that anyone who has a strong will power and mental strength to carry on a promise with her/him the whole year is free to make one!
After stirring my mental machinery to work for a little time, I’ve at last come up with the following New Year Resolutions:
2. To become the President of the Literary Club at my school this year and for that I’ve to be an active member submitting original stories and poems to the school magazine! I know this is a bit tough, but I’ll try my best to fulfill my New Year Resolutions.
3. My final resolution is that I’ll make a New Year Resolution each year and fulfill it every time!
I thank Anoop for giving me such a wonderful meme to do, but I won’t pass it on to anyone as I’m not sure who all would like to do it! So anyone who likes it is free to do the meme!
Another Award – The Friendship Badge
The next thing on my list is to thank Leena of Conceptis Addict for the award she had given me! It is such a pleasure to receive such awards and have the feeling that I’ve so many well wishers and friends on the web! This is a friendship badge and I want to thank Leena for being such a good friend and mentor! I’ll always remember these golden moments of life!
A Poem About Me
A poem has been written about me. I could not believe it!!
Guardian Angel at 'Where Bloggers and Humans Meet' has wrote a lovely and encouraging post about me. He has also written a benevolent and wonderful poem for me! Thank you so much Angel! You’re really my Blogging Guardian (Angel).
It is a lovely poem for me titled 'Delve into the mind of a budding blogger'.
The poem goes so…
In this wonderful world of blogging
Where all kinds of humans have bonding
No race, no status, no age, no religion
All humans are invited to join the session.....
To read the complete poem, follow the link:Delve into the mind of a human blogger
A Story for Me!
Once again, my friend, mentor and a great writer, Don, has written a story for me in his blog 'My 2 Cents 4 The Day'. It features me as a girl named Meghna and is all about me. I’m surprised about how much hard work Don has put in to make this story. Being a foreigner, he has given an Indian background to the story which is based in Mumbai and he has also given all the characters an Indian name! In the particular story he has given me the character of a successful writer, my only dream!
The story is titled 'A Story 4 Meghna - The Coughing Coffin'
I’m grateful to Don for his hard work, sincerity and the effort he has put in this venture! More of that, I’m glad to have such sincere and loyal friends, readers and motivators!
Thank you once again all my friends!

Hi Meg! I am really happy to hear you appreciated my poem I made just for you. However please let me correct you, the title of the poem is your blog title, which means the right word is budding, and not human. You must have been confused with my post title.
Another thing, I can now see ads in your blog which is just fine. But just to remind you that you should value your hard earned money.
Hi Angel,
I'm glad you read the post and left a comment! I think I was mistaken by your blog title and so I'll correct my post soon!
listening to your advice, I've put some ads on my blog. i haven't yet earned a penny though! But if I do, i'll certainly hand it over to my parents and just ask them to increase a bit of my pocket money! :D
Thanks for the wonderful poem once gain!
i am really happy to see the post meghz - the poem and story. and i sincerly wish you will get to fulfill your new year resolutions :)
Hi Meghna! Good luck for next year!
I'm sure you'll continue posting very beaautiful posts like all the post you've written before. Good luck and congratulations! This blog is really good!
Hi Anoop,
I'm thankful to you for giving me this meme to do!Thanks for your continuous encouragement!
Hi Stephi,
Thanks for all these compliments! Hope all this continues with your blog too1 Hope you continue blogging and reading my blog!
Whoa!this is swell!i am very happy for you,meghna!you deserve all this!Excellent!Keep blogging!:)
Keep it up. I liked this a lot.
Hi Ranjhani,
I'm glad too! And I think this is all because of people like you who motivate me to do even better!
Hi Nitin,
I'm glad you're happy! Do keep supporting me as it motivates me to do better!
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