A Plea To Lord!

The news was shocking….oh no…tragic but yet very, very dreadful! Who would believe it? Who would say that this innocent eighteen year old had this imprinted in his fate? Who after all?
Refit, the innocent eighteen year old son of Mr. Randall died in a tragic death as his plane from
Mr. Randall couldn’t believe his years. It was only yesterday when he had gone to leave Refit to the airport and had relieved himself of an burdened heart! No! This wasn’t true! He couldn’t trust what his ears heard. His mental machinery stopped working and his face was expressionless!
After a few moments when he came back to his senses he didn’t know what to say. Tears dwelled in his eyes and flowed down continuously. Those jewel like drops were the significance of a devastated life. He didn’t know who to blame….his fate…his destiny or…God? He was heart broken!
After the funeral for a week or so, he didn’t touch a morsel of food nor would he sleep well at night. He would sit in the living room, in the old chair and stare continuously at the ceiling. It looked as if he was day dreaming. He wouldn’t talk nor answer. He was living but still he was no more!
Mr. Randall had gone insane. He couldn’t believe that his son too would have died after his wife’s death. No! Now the old man had gone lunatic after his life gave him this fruit of hard work. He decided to go on a mission to find his son. How would he live without him?
That night, when there was silence in the whole house, he noiselessly left his residence. He tasted the dust of various airport offices and many police stations. He slept on the cold streets and ate nothing except small tit-bits of food. His life was deteriorating day by day! His old kidney disease returned but he wouldn’t abandon his mission.
He finally reached the site of the plane crash. But now, it was too late. Every thing was clear as if nothing had happened. He searched the place for a sign of his son for the whole day and finally went to sleep on the same ground as if never to wake up again!
But God had something else in mind. He was found by a traveler in a crazy position frantically searching the place in his sleep and shouting out the name of his son! The traveler took Mr. Randall to a nearby mental asylum.
He still lives here asking God to take his life when he has no one to live for. “Why does God not listen to people like me and kill those childlike souls?” he wondered. He still lies there, labeled as a lunatic, shouting out the names of his son and wife and cursing God!
Our school recently took us on a social tour to the mental asylum. There I was attracted by Mr. Randall who was really a pitiful sight to see! I learnt his history from him and his room warden and penned it down before you! The day I saw him and heard his story, I really wished God would help him!
I commented on your "Game for Brainees."
Hi Sam,
Thanks for the comment. Hope you liked this post too!
this one is quite touching.. some ppl never really have it going for them.. never!!
i wonder why??
Hi Meghna! Thanks for the comment on my blog. I'm sure you'll like Ice Princess. Spiderman is my favourite movie too!
Great story! Keep writing!
Sad to see people who are 'alive' yet not able to 'live' because of the mental anguish that torments their very souls.
Its sad to see such suffering, but such is the world that we live in when evil men, in the name of their god, will deliberately douse with gasoline and then deliberately set a little child's face on fire, as happened to a five-year-old boy, precious little, Yossiff, that others, including myself, have reported on.
Let's all be thankful that we have been, thus far, spared from such evil, and may we pray that we, and other's, never shall have to experience.
Nice post Meghna, but sad, very sad. I too hope that Mr. Randall will recover.
Hi sam,
Yes, I agree with you that some people never really have it going for them as in this story. Thanks.
Hi stephie,
Yes, I like the Ice Princess very much. Glad that you liked this short story. Thank you!
Hi Deb,
You are very true in saying that some people suffer too much not because of their fault as in the case of 5 year old you mentioned.
I am happy that you liked this story. Thank you!
thatz really a sad story and lot of hgardship to suffer in ones life. hope he gets some solace.
you have been tagged. check my blog :)
this is so heart wrenching!Trust Mr Randall will recover in the near future.
Hi Anoop,
I too agree with you! May God Bless Him!
Thanks for the tag!
Hi Ranjhani,
I hope what you say really comes true and i too hopes he gets over this tragic incident!
This is a tragic story and you have documented it well to share with us.
When I read this post, I remember my visit to a mental hospital. It saddened my heart when I was there. It reminds me that I have so much to thank for and need to pray for others.
Hi jesie,
You are very true about the fact that we have to pray for such people. Thank you!
That is a heart breaking story. It reminds me of a scene from the Novel Brothers Karamazov where a woman who lost a child went grieving to one of the elders. The elder told her that young souls who die young go boldly before God and demand an answer to why they were denied a chance to live a full life. God, in his humble love, hears them and gives them a rank higher than all others in the Kingdom of Heaven
Hi David,
Thank you for mentioning this touching story about making a place in the heaven. Thanks for visiting!
hi Meghna...Fantastic writing...again!! Well done!
Look at my Wordpress blog...there is a post specially for you...and a video...enjoy!!
Hi Nikita,
Thanks for the visit and I'm glad you liked the story!
I've visited your new blog and liked the look of it! the posts are great too!
dear meghna,
thank you very much for your comment in my blog.
I really like your stories.
They are simply superb!
You write most poems with humor which I like very much
Thank you....!
Hi Little Poetess,
Thanks for the visit! You're surely much more talented and younger than me! I too like reading your posts!
Hope you enjoyed my blog too! Glad to find another young friend out there!
Hi meghna,
That's really a pathetic story about Mr. Randall. I too hope that he recovers soon. You have written it beautifully!
Everything happens for a reason.
Hi Peter Pie,
It's always comforting to receive a comment from you! We all are praying for his quick recovery and I'm glad you too joined the group!
Hi Ishaan,
I too have the same opinion but what reason could God have for this, I wonder? Any ideas?
Thanks for the visit!
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