Hiiiii guys! Welcome to ‘MY WORLD ‘which is like any common life of a student and a dedicated daughter (sure my parents would disagree to my latter point!!) The most boring yet funny, hectic yet enjoyable thing in my normal life is (O.K no million bucks for guessing)- “ SCHOOL”. Hope the elders are not remembering their most enjoyable stage in life – CHILDHOOD (The youngsters would certainly disagree- I too am in the league!!)
My school is fabulous!!! I love it, except my teachers who only believe in burdening the study load of the poor students! It is of-course boring and tiresome at times – especially during the History classes where I literally go to sleep – sorry! Can’t help it! You sure don’t know about the most hilarious incident that happened yesterday during the History class until you were present there! All the back-benchers as usual dozed off during the History lectures. This time our teacher denied to spare these mischievous monkeys ( sure it does not include me !! ) she pointed to a particular girl behind me whom I was tactically trying to hide behind my back ! Our teacher banged on the table and said “you back-bencher wake up! ` Oh God! You should have watched the expression on her face, certainly not commendable! All the back-benchers suddenly stood up in fright. There were around 10 – 15 confused girls staring blank – faced at each other The teacher cried in astonishment too as she only expected 1 girl to stand up !The whole class broke up into peals of laughter and soon after our teacher too joined in ! Luckily the girls were spared from punishment!
The math’s and science class is boring too for us book-worms who only love Literature! Our math’s teacher is short and stout with huge spectacles dangling on her nose ! She is too much like a comic character to describe! Science is fun at times when we do some experiments! Lunch – break is the most exciting thing in my list! Though, it is a lunch break we usually finish our lunch between the classes without arousing any suspicion from teachers as we are not amateurs in this field!! This is our time to enjoy ! the vast playground and the various swings look inviting too much to resist! Nothing much happens after the lunch break except our boring academics!
So buck up ! anyone who hates school! SHOULD LEAVE THAT RIGHT AWAY !!! After all life is not a bed of roses and we should learn to be content with what we get.
Much more next time………. Goodbye & remember to keep reading my journals!!!!
Do you agree with my views? Is this article enjoyable? Do post your comments positively, however busy you are!!!
Oh, it is really funny. Hilarious expressions. TOO GOOD..
wow...too good...really hilarious..
waise..whose your maths teacher??
and i should remind you that History is my fav subject!!!
ya meghu...
my fav. subject is too english literature...
I like only geography in social ,,,I hate civics and U.A.E section
we'll only have history from 6th luckily..
the most boring period of all is Hindi after that on the list is Maths...
Only science practicals are good...
Hi poetess,
hey...Maths isn't bring but hindi is! I think we both have really similar opinions about school!
I like maths class
But the problem is the teacher!!
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