The children by the street…. Help!

Have you ever considered
The lives of those in pain?
Have you ever thought of
The people lying on the lane?
The children by the street
Are an awful sight to see
My heart is full of sorrow
Thinking it could have been me!
So help those who you think
Are in need of charity
And you yourself
Should impede spending lavishly
Stop being so wicked
And fill your heart with compassion
For those who can’t have anything
Except heart-rendering pain!
Do you agree? Please let me know by commenting below.
This shows the sympathy shown by you towards the underprivileged and those suffering. Very very nicely written.Are you a poet in the making?
I agree with Catherine totally. Here comes a great poet.
Wow! Meghna great way to get
people to think of others and
appreciate what they may have.
The picture and your story
really shows it all.
Elizabeth G.
P.S. Thanks for adding me to
your blog roll and also for
your email too.
You have a great blog so far, and thanks for the comment you left me.I agree that such poverty for the ctreet children is terrible, we have the same disadvantaged children in south africa...I guess it a problem worldwide.
Nice post, but I don't think that folks that don't give money are wicked. People have to be smart about how they help. My dad went to Haiti, and was surrounded by many very poor children living in huts. He tried to give some of them money and gifts, but the big kids beat up the little ones and took everything. That's why I think it's a good idea to give money to help build schools in poor countries. Maybe some day those kids can go to college and then help people them selves.
Kid Reviewer
Lovely Poetry Meghna:)
Though I found your poetry very moving but at the same time I agree to Nick's point of view.
Keep up the great work:)
Thank you all for the encouraging comments. Thanks meghamathur & nick for pointing out a valid observation. I totally agree with you. Helping poor children in ANY MANNER is a welcome step.
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