Saturday, August 18, 2007

An Encounter With A Bee

Once I saw a bee

That couldn’t fly

And then I exclaimed

“Oh my my!”

I asked him about this mystery

He told me that he had no wings

Then I stopped wondering

Why it didn’t hover above the swings

I then asked him how he traveled

He told me an answer without any fuss

He said that he traveled

Comfortably in a bus!!!

This is another attempt on poetry by me. Hope you liked it. Did you? Please let me know.......



Dear Meghna,
If this is your way of writing, you will go miles!!! Good work. And to say, this is your second poem? Great work.


Lovely fun.


A nicely built blog. Good layout. Fabulous articles.You said you're 12 years only. But I can't believe it! Hope to read more of you..


Good work. Especially if you are 12.

E.G. and staff

Hi Meghan,
What attempt? You are so
creative. The photo of the
bee made me laugh holding
the candle. I will check
back soon.
Elizabeth G.


Dear Catherine,Blue Dog, Prabha,Me& Elizabeth G

Thanks for your wonderful and rejuvenating comments.Oh yes !This is my second poem and I am only 12 !!! I will keep writing further poems and stories if you all are so interested ! Keep reading...........

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