A Memorable Maddening Journey !

When my summer vacations started on May 19, my family had planned a trip to our native place. We were supposed to travel this long journey by train. I grumbled and groaned at the thought of this. Nooo ! I never wanted to travel in those trains once again, but who cared???
I reluctantly climbed aboard the train. When I struggled in the vast crowd and reached my seat, I learnt that with a lady would be sitting next to me. How really irritating ! this lady had sharp features and a loud mouth. She wore luxurious clothes and looked wealthy. I despised looking at her and settled down comfortably on my seat with a book. Unluckily this lady had decided to make life a hell for me and she literally succeeded. Oh yes guys ! believe me she did ! She was as I said a proud and wealthy lady but that was not the trouble. The problem was that she boasted too much !
This lady started the conversation in her loud and high pitched voice. She asked me my name, class, school, where I was traveling to and other formal questions. I answered back in just the opposite manner- slowly and softly, with my face hidden behind the book. She then started talking about herself when I was least interested in her nostalgic memories. I tried to show how boring her talks were, but she ignored them. She boasted about how this was her first journey in this third grade train. How she always traveled in an airplane, with thousands servants surrounding her. This time her plane was from some other place which was just a two hour journey from here. Thus she was traveling there by train. She talked about her wealth, her husband’s flourished business and her luxurious house. Oh my ! You should have seen me fervently praying to God to shut this woman’s mouth but she continued speaking unconcerned about my discomforts.
I now thought about how really fabulous it would be to travel all alone just reading my book, listening to melodious music on my i-pod and having grand replenishing meals but no this woman was the root of all this nuisance. Not only me but other passengers too were disturbed by my loud boasting. I took a sigh of relief as the train reached her destination and the woman got down. She bid me good-bye and sincerely thanked me for being such a great audience.
Oooh! At last my wish was fulfilled and that woman got down. I sat there in silence enjoying this surprising serenity. I read my book, listened to music, admired the beauty that Mother Nature confers on us which I could see outside the window and last but not the least I wouldn’t deny saying that the rest of my journey was quite enjoyable !!!
Oh, I forgot to tell you all about the answers to the puzzles I posted 3 days back. Now, let me give them:
1. If it takes three and half minutes to boil one egg, how much time will it take to boil four eggs?
The answer is three and a half minutes itself. (The pot of water should be big enough to boil 4 eggs at the same time, so it takes three and a half minutes to boil all the 4 eggs - same as with just one.)
2. What is black & white & re(a)d all over?
The answer is Newspaper. (It is black & white and a newspaper is read all over the globe)
I really liked your stories. They are very impressive & communicative. Keep blogging!
I like to travel with a companion because travelling alone is boring. If course, if you have a good company and not like yours! Good point.
Dear Catherine: Thank you for your comment. I'll certainly keep blogging if people like you are really enjoying.
Dear Peter Pie: Thanks for taking out your time and satisfying me on my query.
hmm..lemme see...
i would love to travel alone...really..because what i njoy the most is the company of my books...as you already know..and music...not the company of family members...(sometimes)
but yeah..if its travelling with friends..then definitely..i would love to travel with them...
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