“Oh no mom, I can’t go there all alone! It’s so dark in the attic.” said the feeble voice of Williams. William is a 12 year old boy who is scared of almost everything around him. He is terrified of his teachers, parents, ghosts, reptiles but all this is a trifle compared to his fear for darkness. Oh yes! He is too scared of the dark. He has a weird feeling of unknown things brushing past him in the unpleasant darkness. He usually ends up hurting himself by tripping over a table or chair. This small brown haired, dark-eyed child is too different from his classmates because he has such a strange nature. Thus he has no friends and is scared or lonely most of the time.
One fine day, Mrs. Jones, William’s mother decided to take him to the bank so that he does not sit idle the whole day. William reluctantly followed his mother as he had no other alternative. They had a brisk walk to the small bank nearby. They entered the bank and sat down on the long rows of chairs to wait for their turn.
Suddenly a jeep halted outside the bank. Five masked men alighted from it and a loud scream rent the air as the robbers aimed a revolver at the people. The sudden change of events sent a shiver down William’s spine. The shortest man of the gang, who was apparently the leader, aimed the gun at the manager. The poor manager who was wiping his intense sweating from the brow was ordered in a menacing, hoarse voice by the leader to bring the keys for the safe. Hearing this announcement Mrs. Jones started fumbling in her purse for the mobile phone but the eagle sharp eyes of one of the gang-men caught this hasty movement. The robber immediately pointed the gun towards Mrs.Jones who was restrained to do any further actions.
This is what brought out the lion in William. His feelings took a drastic change seeing his beloved mother as a captive of the robbers. The fear in him converted into gallant valor. He was determined to take any step to save his mother. Now his sharp eyes searched around for something that could help him. His gaze struck the switch board to his immediate left side. The idea of turning the fuse came into his mind as a lightning. He remembered the words of his teacher that a brave person is not one who is never scared but a person who overcomes his fear by developing courage.
With these words ringing in his ears he turned off the lights. A wild cry was heard from the burglars as they were overpowered by the people in the darkness. The thieves were stranded without a revolver. The people instantly summoned for the police. They now praised William for his bravery. His mother’s chest swelled up in pride. William’s smiling photo was all over the newspaper the next day and he was immensely admired for his heroism.
This important incident changed the life of William. He was never again known as the scared boy but as the savior. The lesson he learnt from the event is something that he will cherish life-long.
Hope you think that this is better than my previous attemp! Do tell me what you think.
Cool blog ya got here.
I'll be back often
That was a wonderful story you have written. I liked the situation when the boy forgot his fear and acted on impulse tactfully.
Dear meghna,
There you are again with a fabulous fantasy. I will be coming back again and again.
Dear Peter Pie, Catherine & dd2,
Thanx for your wonderful comments. I will sure be waiting to read your suggestions so keep reading..........
Nice story, Meghna! I've thought about posting my stories on my blog, but I'm still not sure if I'm ready. I love writing them, but I always think they need more work before they are ready.
You might want to check out the Blog Writers and Artists Network.
Definitely keep up the good work. We kid bloggers need to keep in touch.
Kid Reviewer
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