Keep Your Grey Brain Cells Working...

1. If it takes three and half minutes to boil one egg, how much time will it take to boil four eggs?
2. What is black & white & re(a)d all over?
Post your answers and comments below. The answers will be given after 3 days.
Dear Meghna,
I am sure I know the answer for the first riddle. But I won't tell you. You ponder over 3 days for the answer and then let us know. I will then tell whether it's right or not!
But I have no clue abt the second. Waiting.............
These questions make you think.
O.K. guessing now.
Question #1) 15 minutes maybe....
What size or the eggs and how big is the pan? Just wondering.
Question #2) Still thinking.
Black, White, and Red?
Elizabeth G.
Dear Peter Pie,
He….he you are really intelligent and have the right mind for these brain teasers !! I already know the answers to the above questions so do not hesitate to tell me the answer to the first question if you are sure about it !! It’s not that easy !!!
Dear Elizabeth,
I am sorry to tell you that your first guess is wrong so keep thinking .......... Hope you find the correct answer to both the questions !!!!!
A clue for the 2nd one is that it is not red but re(a)d. Remember re(a)d !!!
Dear Mini,
Can I answer ?? I didnt find any age restrictions for answering this. So let me try.
1. Three and half minutes only
2. If i can change the question slightly.. Whoz black & white & re(a)d all over - All of them are cricketers he he.. (black, white & read) !!
If i dont have the option 2 change it .. plz let me know I'll try once again :)
Binu Aphan.
1.) well, its going to take 3 and a half minutes, if they are in the same pot.
2.) a newspaper.
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