Oh! You Can’t See Me…..

One bright morning I lazily woke up late and had to hear a sound scolding from my mother. I hastily got ready. It was then that I noticed a brown package lying on my table. It was addressed to me! There was no sender’s name on it.
Full of curiosity, I opened the package and watched in astonishment a rather dark & worn out cloak coming out of it. Oh! I said in dismay as I had expected a whole treasure of candies and chocolates or anything more interesting than this dull cloak.
I could not restrain my feelings to wear the cloak once before I threw it away (as I had thought of eventually doing). I then wore it and decided to admire myself in the mirror. I stood in front of the mirror, but couldn’t see any reflection in it. Really bewildered, I made myself believe that I had some problem in my eyesight and I would have to wear those nasty spectacles.
I dashed down the stairs to show this strange gift to my mother. I stood in the kitchen and asked my mom how I looked, but got no reply.
A bit hurt, I went down to the garden. I sat on the bench and wondered about the incidents that happened today when it suddenly struck me that I must have been invisible. I chided myself at those childish thoughts and looked down at myself. My eyes nearly popped out (so much that I thought they would really fall down!) when I could not see myself my body, my legs or even my hands! This is when I realized that it was indeed an invisible cloak! Scenes of Harry Potter, Hermoine & Ron hiding beneath their invisible cloak flooded into my memories. I was overjoyed and felt really marvelous at the thought of it! I removed the cloak, ran to the kitchen and told my mom that I would not be home today and would be staying at my cousin’s house. She agreed readily to get rid of me and work in peace.
I first decided to scare my younger brother who always boasts about his courageousness! I ran into his room, switched off the lights, quickly put a white bed sheet over me and glided over to my brother. He was so horror struck that no words came out of his parched throat. Then he suddenly screamed wildly, ran down the stairs to my mother and told her there is a ghost in his room. My mother calmed him down, told him to stop day-dreaming & watching those late night horror shows. I chuckled in delight and amusement to see him so scared when he was boasting so much about his gallant bravery just yesterday. Funny, isn’t it?
Next I decided to play a prank on my dad. I went to his study and displaced many papers on the table. When he returned back, I pulled at his short moustaches and tickled him. Oh! It was so very amusing to see him laughing and annoyed at the same time. So sad, you missed the scene!
Next on my agenda was my mother. I went into the kitchen and pulled at her long hair. She yelled in pain and was very much surprised to see no one behind her. She then ran out of the kitchen, yelling wildly!
Oh! I was ecstatic and entertained by all these hilarious pranks I played. I haven’t laughed so much throughout my life! I menacingly decided now to make the best use of this cloak and show no more dishonesty with it!
Shh! You are the only person I trusted with this secret, so please truthfully keep my secret and anyone who knows me PLEASE do not forward this journal to my parents.
Dear Peter Pie,
I am sure you will comment on this so I posted some questions that I had to ask you! Do you also have a blog? Where do you live ? Thanks for always being a great support to me !
Dear Meghna,
Again a wonderful article. Keep it up! Can you give me your parents' mail address? I want to inform them about your invisible cloak!
Thanx for the concern and the questions. I live in a small city in UK. No, I don't have a blog so far; but really enjoy reading your blog.
Dear Meghna,
Another interesting article. Good work and I really appreciate. Again, you put nice pictures to go with the story. By the way, can you write some short stories too?
Dear Catherine,
Oh ! yes I know that I write really long posts but I often try writing short ones and end up writing one that is too long ! So sorry but I will certainly try to improve !
Great about the invisible cloak.
I love that part in Harry Potter.
Your photo reminds me of the Casper Movie. Did you ever see that one? If not maybe check it out. Not a cartoon.
Elizabeth G.
Dear Meghna,
Very nice blog!! You are very creative and I am so thrilled to have discovered your blog - I am sharing it with my kids as I know they will also really enjoy it - can't wait to see what you come up with next!
heyy meghna..
hmm...now i guess you are really creative..
and..as i know you quiet well...i'll let your parents know that you have Mr.Potter's property...
by the way...i thought you had an older bro...i mean..you are twins...so i thought he was elder....
are you really the older one???????
keep up the good work!
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