Do you people know about the horrifying comedy of my life ?? If you don’t, read on to find out about it ………..
It was a stormy day and the black sky blazed when the thunderstorm struck ! The rain was pouring down at the window of my room where I lay thoughtfully yet scared on my bed. I was not terrified due to the gloomy weather outside but the news I saw on the idiot box an hour ago made me jump out of my skin. Oh no ! I am not a person who is easily scared of anything which includes reptiles, ghosts, parents or teachers but excludes my fear for burglars.
Sure you would be surprised, but that night I tossed and turned in my bed because I had heard that the most dangerous gang of burglars ‘the Masked Men’ had entered our city. Unable to get a sound sleep, I decided to indulge myself in a book but I was disturbed by the abrupt sound that my sharp senses picked up in the house. Ah ! here it goes again arrrrhh….tttt…. aah ! someone certainly was there. I brought courage into myself and decided to sneak out and check who these late night visitors or in my worst nightmares Robbers were ! I peeked from my bedroom window and my worst suspicions were conformed ! There was a light in my parents room, where I was sure the burglar had gone. Surely, my parents would not switch on the light at such a late hour in the night !
I tip-toed along the corridor to my parents’ room. Then suddenly a brilliant idea struck my mind. I decided to latch the room from outside without arousing any suspicion from the burglar. Then the next morning I decide to catch my booby trap. I worked accordingly and when my work was done, I was quite elated with my victory and slept soundly that night.
The next morning I woke up early only to hear the frantic banging from inside my parents’ room. I was surprised when I heard my parents and little brother yelling at the top of their voice for someone to open the door. Confused and bewildered I did so. Instead of an expected praise for catching the burglar, I had to bear the grudge of hearing a volley of scolding and comments on my gallant stupidity! Yes, I use the word stupidity because later I learnt that it was my younger brother who had switched on the light of my parents’ room because he had seen a nightmare and had gone there for comfort and support. After hearing my version,the entire family roared with laughter!!!
I guess this is the end of it. I bet that not many of us are blessed with the chance to face the valor for tackling the burglar all alone.
Have you ever experienced such a pathetic comedy in your life? Please let me know.
Funny Story. You should
keep writing. Also, liked
the flower photo.
Keep in touch,
Elizabeth G.
You have a good sense of humor. Interesting story! Where do you get the pictures from?
You have a way of writing unlike other kids of your age.
Dear Peter Pie & Elizabeth,
Thanx for your comments. Regarding the pictures, didn't you know that I'm a great photographer? (just kidding..) I got it from the net.
heyy mini..yeah..i remember now that you had once told me this story...good good...
but i never knew you were THAT good at writing...have you told ANY of our teachers about this???
you stupid girl..
Ma'am Hussain would've been proud of you!!
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