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Why Should You Subscribe?
A simple question... Why do anybody subscribe to my blog?
A simple answer..... So that you don't miss the opportunity of wonderful time pass by knowing about the updated articles of my blog immediately :)
Or ask any of my regular readers. Hundreds of them are very much used to avail this fantastic facility immediately engrossing themselves in my new posts for hours and hours and are enjoying it, I'm told!
My readers say that they don't have to browse the internet for hours on useless articles all over, when they have the facility of having it right here, under their nose!!
He...he.....Miss Bloated Mouth, and that I am guys! OK, jokes apart- Seriously....Whenever I come across with a new story, mystery, fantasy, poetry or any bizarre thing, you can have immediate access to it.
Or do you think that you can afford to miss posts such as The Battle, A Mere 17 Inch Horse, A Cow Sent to Jail, To My Mother, Blood Dripping Face, The Naughtiest Prankster? I don't think so. If you've any doubts, why don't you check some of these and let me know?
What is Subscribing? And RSS?
If you don't know how to subscribe to a blog, don't worry. I can understand. I was like you about a year back.
RSS stands for "Really Simple Syndication". It is a way to easily distribute a list of headlines, update notices, and sometimes content to a wide number of people.
RSS is a technology that is being used by millions of web users around the world to keep track of their favorite websites. You can read more about RSS at the ProBlogger site.
How Do You Subscribe?
For subscribing to my blog, there are two options:
1) Subscribing via an RSS Feed Reader
By subscribing via feed reader, you can get any updates directly to your feed reader immediately.
Now, it's very simple to subscribe. Please click on the icon below. Woila!! It's done...

I am unable to understand now! What is the delay? Be quick. Click and subscribe.
2) Subscribing via e-mail
By subscribing via e-mail, you'll come to know about all of the updates through your inbox. I can assure you that it will be spam-free (by the way, how do you make spam? :) Moreover, your email address will not be misused.
Now, subscribing via email is as simple as 1-2-3. Simply give your e-mail address in the box provided below:
How Much Will It Cost?
No.... Nothing.... Nada. I mean it's completely free. So why don't you try now?
But, you're free to pay me any amount by paypal, if you feel that it's worth it and I'll be glad to use it as pocket money.
No probs :))) LOL!
A simple question... Why do anybody subscribe to my blog?
A simple answer..... So that you don't miss the opportunity of wonderful time pass by knowing about the updated articles of my blog immediately :)
Or ask any of my regular readers. Hundreds of them are very much used to avail this fantastic facility immediately engrossing themselves in my new posts for hours and hours and are enjoying it, I'm told!
My readers say that they don't have to browse the internet for hours on useless articles all over, when they have the facility of having it right here, under their nose!!
He...he.....Miss Bloated Mouth, and that I am guys! OK, jokes apart- Seriously....Whenever I come across with a new story, mystery, fantasy, poetry or any bizarre thing, you can have immediate access to it.
Or do you think that you can afford to miss posts such as The Battle, A Mere 17 Inch Horse, A Cow Sent to Jail, To My Mother, Blood Dripping Face, The Naughtiest Prankster? I don't think so. If you've any doubts, why don't you check some of these and let me know?
What is Subscribing? And RSS?
If you don't know how to subscribe to a blog, don't worry. I can understand. I was like you about a year back.
RSS stands for "Really Simple Syndication". It is a way to easily distribute a list of headlines, update notices, and sometimes content to a wide number of people.
RSS is a technology that is being used by millions of web users around the world to keep track of their favorite websites. You can read more about RSS at the ProBlogger site.
How Do You Subscribe?
For subscribing to my blog, there are two options:
1) Subscribing via an RSS Feed Reader
By subscribing via feed reader, you can get any updates directly to your feed reader immediately.
Now, it's very simple to subscribe. Please click on the icon below. Woila!! It's done...

I am unable to understand now! What is the delay? Be quick. Click and subscribe.
2) Subscribing via e-mail
By subscribing via e-mail, you'll come to know about all of the updates through your inbox. I can assure you that it will be spam-free (by the way, how do you make spam? :) Moreover, your email address will not be misused.
Now, subscribing via email is as simple as 1-2-3. Simply give your e-mail address in the box provided below:
How Much Will It Cost?
No.... Nothing.... Nada. I mean it's completely free. So why don't you try now?
But, you're free to pay me any amount by paypal, if you feel that it's worth it and I'll be glad to use it as pocket money.
No probs :))) LOL!
Your wish was my command - your wish has been done! There, now that wasn't hard at all was it? So, now I have subscribe to Delve Into the Mind of a Budding Blogger, and I only hope that my small part will help you to win!
You can keep any prize money, but remember: if you win chocolates - I want some!
Thank you very much. Chocolates and candies - ummm.. OK. I've to spare them.. thanks again!
Hi there, I found your blog via Google while searching for first aid for a heart attack and your post looks very interesting for me.
Your wish is your command! You persuaded me to subscribe to your blogs. I really like you style and I feel that anything you write will be very well written! Keep it up I look forward to your future writings.
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