Wednesday, January 16, 2008

The Chilled Hen!

I have not heard of anything like this before. This is baffling, if I may say! You say humans are far better than animals eh? It’s time to change your mind then cause guys, I believe no human could have done what this naive little hen did!

A Chinese man was in for a surprise! Gan Shugen of Chengdu City got a hen as a gift from one of his relatives (a strange gift eh?) Gan says that when he received the gift, it was wrapped in thick plastic with the legs of the hen bound together!

Thus assuming that the hen was dead, Gan dropped it into the freezer without a second thought. Two days later, when he opened the freezer he was amazed at what he saw!

Weak sounds could be heard from within and when he opened the plastic bag…Behold!.....a small red head popped out! It was still warm so Gan opened the tape and unbelievingly the hen could still stand!

So, what do you think? I suppose this small little hen is giving a tough fight to the human species because I believe no human could have ever done this!

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I am a lover of children's literature

Oh that poor little chicken! It breaks my heart to think of it being thrown into a cold freezer (we Canadians know what its like to be cold!) and left for dead.

Thankfully, the chicken was still alive and I hope that Gan will kept as a pet as it suffered enough already!


I certainly wouldn't want to do it. You should read about 'waterbears' some time. They are a type of extremophile, and they can withstand boiling heat, freezing cold, acid, radiation. They are incredible little buggers. They can shut down their bodies for a year, and then come 'back to life'. I can't wait to use them for a science report.


yeah, read that news.. poor chicken little.. :)


Hi Don,
I too feel pity for it! Thankfully, I haven't ever experienced extreme cold conditions. Gan certainly won't eat it now.
Thanks :D


Hi Nick,
I have never heard about these "waterbears" but they sound interesting, i must say! Hope you make a good project
Thanks for the information :D


Hi Anoop,
Glad you read the newspaper and even more happy that you read this! Yeah! Poor chicken little (nice name for it..he...he..) Thanks :D


Hey Meghna..Thanks for dropping by @ my utopia..and you dont seem to be a new comer..your blogs are really short, sweet and interesting..I will keep coming too...:)


Poor chicken! I hope he didn't eat it in the end! Imagine what a scare that would be...I would feel so horrible if I'd done that to the poor bird... :(

Also, I'm writing again! In case you'd given up on me ;)


Hi Aarthi,
Thanks for the visit! I'm glad you liked my blog. Waiting to seeing more of you...


Hey Ranjani,
i'm glad you're back. I'll keep visiting your blog. I too hope it's not eaten! It would really be a fright :D



actually weird...but then its a strange world dear!


:)) Are you sure it was a HEN...wasn't it an ice bear! lol!


Hi Neha,
i agree. This is really a wierd world1 :D


Hi nikita,
That's a good question eh? But I think I'm sure it's a hen because ice bears can't fit in the freezer, can they? :D

vagabond dreamer

poor animal .. but may be it wasnt that bad after all. may be the guys guilt feeling will prevent him from looking at his chicken as his dinner and he got to survive again


Hi Dreamer,
I hope you're actually correct and I think you have got to be. That man couldn't possibly eat that now! :D

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