The Friendship.......

Soon the bus arrived and the two girls chatted as if they were the best of friends. Before getting into their buses, they decided to meet again the next day at a nearby coffee shop. Amanda, Rebecca soon learnt, was working for a private company. She lived in a rented house nearby. The girls, now became good friends sharing their worries and problems with each other. They began to meet daily.
One day, as Rebecca waited in her car for Amanda outside her house, she saw a worried Amanda. Rebecca soon learnt that her house owner had gone for a vacation for two days and had also locked his house. As Amanda didn’t have the key, she had nowhere to spend two days. Rebecca, being a good friend invited her to her house and Amanda readily accepted her invitation.
As Amanda entered Rebecca’s house she noticed what a bad condition it was in. She decided to renovate her house with her own touch of style. Being a weekend, both the girls went shopping. Amanda chose expensive and beautiful artifacts to decorate Rebecca’s house. Her exited friend readily paid for whatever her friend wanted. When Rebecca entered her own house the next day, she couldn’t believe it was her house. It looked as beautiful as a magnificent palace! Amanda was happy to be appreciated. She decided to cook tonight’s meal for more praises but this isn’t exactly what was in her mind.
But when Rebecca woke up next morning she only remembered eating a delicious meal last night. She had no idea why she was lying on the bare floor of her house. As she woke up, her eyes blinked in horror! Her house was bare. All her expensive artifacts, furnishings and even her costly wardrobe had vanished. She couldn’t believe what she saw. Her good friend Amanda was actually a crook.
She soon went to Amanda’s house and learnt that the owner had not given his house for rent at all. When she inquired about a girl named Amanda who had a respectable job, a nearby stall owner said, “Madam, the only Amanda here is the watchman’s daughter who left for some other place last night. But she didn’t work in any company but that lazy child only fooled people to earn a living. Oh miss, were you too taken for a ride by the girl?” the shopkeeper asked with a sarcastic smile. But Rebecca only bent her head in shame on having so much belief in a stranger!
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lovely story! :D I've really enjoyed this one.
:) beautiful!
I can look at the story at a metamorphic level as to the same feeling felt in the end of the story-- equated to betrayal of any kind by a friend...nice story..:)..
Hi Morinn,
Thank you. Glad to know that you enjoyed this story!
Hi Neha,
I'm happy that you liked this. Keep visiting :D
Hi filarial,
Yes, I agree with you. Thanks for the mention!
Nice story. Just hope that most can remember to still trust folks.
Betrayal part is poignant.
There is a little bit of naivety in the Girl believing the other one completely. - But Good try
poor rebeca... nice story, with a good moral. way to go, meghz :)
Like ammchooo said, I too found it naive, but then thats how it works (and I've been betrayed once too!)
Hi uxking,
I'm glad you liked it. Ah! I had no intention to show that you can't trust people but that you should choose wisely!
Hi ammchooo,
I understan your point! Thanks for telling me and I'll certainly try to write better next time! :D
Hi Priyank,
I can understand that you can relate with the story! I'll try to write better next time! :D
Hi Xh,
Glad you liked it. Thanks :D
Wow! Meghna... you have written a perfect short story... starts off with a puff ends with a twist... For me, I kept guessing till the last where the story is heading... but believe me it took me by surprise...
Wanna experiment, some more?
The Boxer
What can I say? As such a young child, with such great potential, one thing is for sure - your writing abilities make me jealous!
When I was your age I could barely write my name, and her you are - writing wonderful stories - stories that are better than a lot of the adult bloggers out there are putting out!
I don't really hand out awards, but if I did, I would certainly give you my outstanding, "You Make Me Jealous Award," for being so incredibly charming, original, and brilliant!
Keep making me jealous, ok? Because, at the rate your going, you going to be the next great writer and maybe, the most famous creative writer India or most other countries ever see!
I hope so!
Wonderful story! Well done!! sad to know that someone you trusted so much come with an evil mind! Like some people in the real world too... :)
Hi meghna,
I loved this story and have to inform you that your writing is improving with every post. Keep it up!
nice story
Hi Soulitness,
I'm glad to know you liked it and enjoyed reading the story! Thanks for the compliments and I'd love to keep experimenting :D
Hi Don,
Thank you so much for all those compliments you've put together in that comment! You really have me blushing:D
I'll try to improve with every post I write. I wouldn't like to have a "You Make Me Jealous Award" but "A Budding Writer" award! Ah! I'll keep making you happy by my stories instead of jealous! :D
Hi Nikita,
You're absolutely true. This is what keeps happening in the real world too. Glad you liked it :D
Hi Catherine,
I'm glad to hear this. Hope I continue writing better...actually..why hope?...ummm...I'll try to keep writing better!
Hi Frederick,
Thanks :D
You definitely deserve a "budding writer" award!
Keep writing
hi Aarti,
I'm glad you liked it. Thanks for the honor! :D
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