Oh Lord, Why Me?

While asleep, the daily happening of the day passed through his mind. He had awakened before the sun was in the sky and had set out for 10 kilometer by foot. Due to lack of money, he could not afford conveyance charges or even the public bus.
Terror had stricken the family after his father’s death. The small farm they had was also taken away by the impious wealthy merchants. He and his family along with his two sisters were stranded on the road. At that time, Rajesh had only been 5 years old. The burden of the family now fell upon his own shoulders, thus he was compelled to earn a living.
He found a job as a waiter at a trivial tea-stall. His master was a cruel man like all others. He did not pay the daily promised money and cheated him. He made him slog from morn to dust without a moment of rest. They only had a 15min break where a plate of stale bread was thrown before them.
Today had been worse than usual. Due to the increasing amount of tourists in the city, he was made to strive harder. Then all day long, he trudged hard listening to the ill words of his master and bearing a grudge against him in his heart. Finally at dawn he was given leave and the promised amount of money.
While returning home, he passed by a school. With glistening eyes he saw young children skipping around the playground, enjoying themselves to the core of their heart. He turned his face away to hide the tears that dwelled in his eyes and envy those lucky kids. He had desired to go to a school and study but now the wish had been buried away in his heart…..his dream never to be realized!
While sleeping at home, he saw blurred visions of himself in an ironed school dress waving to his parents from the school premises. But these visions were suddenly transformed to reality…a petty boy dressed in rags with a cloth in his hand wiping at tables in a small tea shop, to support his family. All he could say with a heavy heart, with tears flowing from his eyes and a large wound embedded in his heart was, “Oh Lord, why me?”
Such voices can be heard all around you. But do you ever care to listen?Related Posts:
You've got an amazing gift of story-telling. The fact that you live in India and that you see how India is, makes this blog really interesting for outsiders like me. Keep on blogging!
Hi meghna,
As usual, this story too is no doubt, wonderful! As Manictastic rightly said here, you are a great story teller with ability to transform any scene into a wonderful story.
I'm sure that such pathetic scenes are common in your country and you are right in raising the voice. I also remember one of your poems about street children, which was also very touching.
Kudos to this beautiful thought provoking writing and thanks for sharing!
Hi Manic,
I'm glad you liked it. Thanks for the compliments. India is a country different from the countries in the North. I love observing and then making a a story out of things! :D
Hi Peter Pie,
Thank you very much! You are certainly correct. These scenes are common in my country and I find it proper to raise my voice against them! Thanks for your support, dear friend. I'll keep improving now and then!
India, of course, not only has hordes of poor, like little Rajesh, but many wealthy people too. I hate it when people, from the west, look at India as if it was all poor and backwards!
In Bombay, one of the world's richest men is building himself a one-billion dollar, 60 story home! Bombay, or should I say, Mumbai, has many successful people, but still, there certainly is a lot of poverty in India, but then again, so is there elsewhere too!
Even though the poorest of the poor, here in Canada and the West in general, are better off than most of the poor in India, injustice such as in Rajesh's case, is everywhere, here included.
Let's all hope and pray for a better day when all children, Rajesh included, can live in a better world. And let us all do what ever we can in helping others like Rajesh, in anyway that we can in the meantime.
Of course, writing about such things is one way that you can help. Of all the children in India, you are my favorite and you don't know how much I love seeing you turn into a great writer before all of our very eyes. It is a rarity and a priveledge to do so.
Another great story, from a young, but great storyteller.
Hi Meghna,
Once again a wonderful story, that too rising a concern against many social issues. Very well written and narrated wonderfully.
As I was seriously ill these days, I could not follow your blog of late. But now I'm fine and count me as a regular reader. By the way, your blog with the new changes rocks. Congrats!
Hi Don,
Your words are always encouraging and absolutely correct to read! There are many rich people in India but of course, the majority of poor is much more. They are looked upon with an evil eye and deprived of what they deserve due to their social status. This is what I abhor and wanted to show in this story!
I agree, we all should try our bit to help these people!
Hi Prabha,
I'm glad you're back fit and fine! DO eat well and keep in good health. Thanks for the compliments and keep reading!
brillient one, meghz.. it did moisten my eyes... u r amazing :-)
Wow Meghna!
What an incredible story!
You are right!
I know how India is!
I'm an Indian..... Though I'm in Dubai, U.A.E. right now.
I'm from the state of Kerala.
And I know,
Whenever I go to India in my vacations, everyday there will be a knock or 2 on the door of my house by people in need of money.
Well , I see how you observe your surroundings to write stories....
Whereas, I observe my surroundings and imagination to write poems ... and mainly imagination to write stories....
Hi Anoop,
I'm glad I was successful in making someone understand! I hope we all will help such people someday! Thanks :D
I've never been tagged before by anyone to write a meme.
I request you to tag me....
with a topic
Hi Meghna!
Wow, you're so creative and imaginative! Great story! Your stories are always great, your poems too!
I am really amazed by your writing skills!
Your writing brings out the child inside you in one post and matured lady in another :)
You will grow up to be a wonderful and passionate woman, I am sure.
Hi poetess,
I'm glad to know you are an Indian too. I hope you can visualize my story.
Every one has different ways of writing so I'm glad you liked mine, though I believe yours is better :D
Hi Arti,
I'm glad you're impressed. I hope what you say comes true. I do want to be a wonderful and successful woman in life! Thanks :D
Hi once again Poetess,
The next time I get a meme, I'll remember to tag you. Hope this is soon though I have some viral linking memes but they aren't with topics! I'll remember....
Hi Stephi,
Thanks :D
Thanks for sharing this beautiful story, Meghna!! You're just great!
Hi Nikita,
I'm glad you liked it! Thanks for reading it and for the compliment you gave me! :D
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