Reply From Mr. Alien!

Vghbj MeghnaK,
Dcfvg ftgyh fghjkogttyyhyu gth ghh y yyhj………….
The rest of the letter has been converted into English for your convenience while reading.
Dear Meghna,
I was glad to receive your letter. Your letter is the best one I’ve ever read (Maybe because it’s the only letter I’ve received). I’ve written this letter in Alien-O-Lang, as I’m not well versed in English. But this letter has a red button by pressing which it can be converted into English! Hope you enjoy reading it.
The time I met you in your backyard, I was on a one-day trip to your planet! I will plan a longer trip sometime soon! I visited your planet in my S.T.O.P (Space Travel Operating Program). It’s a unique device made by our species. I was actually scared to visit your planet because my friends had told me that on Earth, if they find an alien, the humans keep it in prison for further experiments. Is that true?
By the way, your species has a strange name, Hu-Maa-Nns. As I was only on a one day trip, I could not find out as much about your planet as I intended to. I am thankful for your letter which told me what I needed to know and fulfilled my inquisitiveness.
I am sure that you too must be curious to know about my planet Mars. Mars has the right atmosphere for our species to survive! We live a simple life but we don’t go to school as your children on Earth do. Our children don’t study but information is transferred to their brains from an electronic device when they are the age of 1003. The average age of an Alien here is 2000 years.
We eat Sunlight and Moonlight which is extracted and stored from various places. The sun-moon combo is my personal favorite. Um…yummy! We travel by air at all times. Everyone here has got powers which allow us to walk in the atmosphere. But we have got no trees or flowers or natural beauty here. Everything is alien-made. We live in unity and in huge groups.
In simple words, we all live a happy life! Convey my love to your parents and brother. Love from Bujbuj and Hujhuj, my two sons and Mrs. Crujcruj, my wife and myself, Mr. Wroojwrooj!
Mr. Alien
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nicely done especially with the names..:D
Hi Meghna,
Your imagination and wonderful creative writing soar to new heights here. I do not know how did you think of such a life in Mars, but it was really interesting. I happen to read your original letter to Mr. Alien too, which was also well written. Thanks for sharing!
Hi Filarial,
Thanks :D
Hi Catherine,
You are certainly a source of inspiration saying such sweet words. Thank you so much for the compliments and I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Thank you for sharing your creative output with others! Please keep writing on a regular basis. I remember writing a lot when I was your age, but the ensuing years have not been as productive. I hope you hang on to this habit and have a steady output over the years to come. Keep up the good work!
hahha... talk about imagination... cool one!
How strange? Believe it or not, but I think I might have met your space friend a little while back?
I'm not sure, but they sound very similar! He stopped off in Canada to borrow some moose fur, because, as you know, Martians often use moose fur for fuel for their space ships. They get 100,000 miles per gram, I believe?
Anyway, after borrowing some moose fur, he told me of a great, but very young, writer that he had just met in the fabled land of India - could it be you?
The Martian I met had one green, and one yellow eye; blue belly-button on green skin, and had the cutest little antenna on his head that pulsated wonderful colors as he smiled! Red flashing when mad, blue when sad, yellow when happy and a beautiful full rainbow spectrum when excited. Could he be the one you met too?
He helped me write a story about space called: "Strange Space Creatures," that maybe some day I will publish on my blog, as it was just an assignment in writing class. Maybe you would like it, since he helped me write it?
Anyway, I'm off to fetch some more moose fur just in case he returns. So, if returns to you first, tell him many thanks for the Boopsy-Doo-doo, thingy-a-ma-jiggy device that he gave me...... it works fine and is almost as wonderful as your delightful stories!
Hi Arvindh,
I'm glad you liked my work! I'll certainly keep writing and improving with your support!
Hey Raaji,
thanks :D
Hi Don,
I don't know what to say! You're fabulous...far..far...better than me!
I suppose the Martian you met must've been the bro. of the one I met bacause mine had one green, and one yellow eye (like yours); green belly-button on blue skin, and had the cutest little antenna on his head that pulsated wonderful colors as he smiled! Blue flashing when mad, red when sad, yellow when happy and a beautiful full rainbow spectrum when excited. So he must've been his brother.
The next time I meet him, I'll say thanks on your behalf and also ask him to thank the one who created you and made me your friend! Thanks a million times!
Hi Meghna! This post was really interesting. Congrats.
Hey Stephi,
Thanks :D
That is really well done. I love it. I think that it would be nice to keep that pen-pal!
Hi Terry,
Oh yes, he's a great pen-pal/alien!
Hi Meghna!
I wish i had an imaginary friend! And alien is a good one too!
And that alien of your s is a really cute and funny one.
It is surprising to hear that the alien eats sunlight and moonlight!
How do they taste like?
I've always wanted to meet aliens! And don't worry, humans are not harmful at all, especially kids! They can really love you!
Any way, stay in touch, bye! :)
Hi nadine,
Yup! I've got a great friend as an alien. I'll tell him humans (especially kids are not harmful but friendly!) I've no idea how moonlight or sunlight tastes. Got to ask him about that!
I'll keep in touch!
Lucky you, aliens write back to you :D
Just ask Mr. Wroojwrooj to drop a line to me too ;)
Very cute!
Hi Arti,
I sure am lucky! Thanks :D
I'll ask Mr.Wroojwrooj to write a letter to you and all my other blogging friends too!
Hi Nikita,
Thanks :D
Very original post and so nicely written! I actually had a laugh while going through it! Your alien friend has a wonderful sense of humor! :D
Hi Morrin,
I'm glad you liked it and found it humorous. Mr. Wroojwrooj is sure funny! :D
yes... cognitively text..
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