A Depressed Soul!

An ebony dark mist surrounds me
I’m all alone, nowhere to stand
Nowhere to roam
I’m stranded in an abandoned home
The beauty of this world
I’m blind to or it can’t be found
Only darkness everywhere
Ah! In my tears I’m drowned
My wound is enormous
And inevitable it bleeds
I can’t live in tranquility
Oh Lord! Give her peace!”
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Hi Meghna,
I am impressed that you pen down humorous as well as tragic poems and stories beautifully. This was a wonderful piece of poetry. Congrats!
Hi Peter Pie,
I believe I should try my hands at various different things...and that's just what I"m doing! Thanks :D
Dear meghna,
this is a beautiful poem. You seem to understand and have analyzed both the happiness and sorrows!
That was beautiful though sad.
Nice blog you have here!Keep it up :)
Another beautifully sad poem. Did you draw that sketch in the post?
Hi Meghnak!
I love the title and I think that you have written the poem in a very good expressive way and that you have a good description.
I agree with Catherine about that it is a beautiful poem.
You do have that talent! That talent of writing poems.
My advice is to keep working on that talent and no matter what, never stop working on it!
Sorry about that!
That comment was by me, nadine!
a sad topic but it doesn't sound sad to me. don't be offended or anything, maybe it's just the way i read...
nevertheless very well written. keep writing.
Hi Meghna! Great poem!! Great illustration too! Keep up the good work!!
Hello Catherine,
Thanks for the kind words. Yes, I like to write down both sorrowful & tragic stories and poems.
Hi Sameera,
Thanks. I'm glad that you liked my blog. Keep visiting!!
Hi Cindy,
Yes, that sketch was drawn by myself. Hope you liked it!!
Hi Nadine,
Thank you for the kind words. It feels good when readers like the posts. Keep reading :D
Hi dragonraid,
Thanks for mentioning. I will try to improve next time.
Hi nikita,
Glad that you liked the poem as well as the illustration. The sketch was drawn by me and I thought it to be appropriate for the post. Thank you.
good one dear.. but words can be a lil more twisted to bring out the feeling inside..(may be that is why dragonoid doesn't feel sad.)
Hi Vishnu,
Thanks! This was a naive try at such poems. I'll do even better next time! I promise I'll try. Thanks once again :D
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