Something Different!

My Hidden Hobby
I am sure that I have not told you anything about my interest in drawings & paintings. Recently, one of the readers appreciated me about my art thinking that it was done by a professional, I was very much delighted. No....nothing big, I am just an amateur artist, along with being a budding blogger!
So when my dad presented me with a digital camera on my last birthday, I could not resist the temptation of digitizing some of my drawings (and I have also include them in some of my posts).So today, I thought I would put them before you for you all to judge. Actually, I hope you all can bear with it...LOL! I have put some of my paintings throughout this post!

Online Chess

I had earlier mentioned that I have avid interest in chess. For those who do not know, I would like to mention that I am a National Chess Player (recently played the under-12 age group and earlier under-7 age group etc.) and had faired well in all these tournaments. My role models were the International Women Grandmasters like Koneru Humpy and Susa

But of late due to my writing commitments, lethargy, laziness, distraction, studies, blogging or whatever reason you may suggest, I have reduced practicing chess these days. But last month, when my good friend, excellent blogger and a real chess enthusiast, Nikita encouraged me to play chess. She asked me to register with the online chess platform and I could neither resist the temptation nor refuse her request. So I have registered with and here is my profile in that. Nikita, in her beautiful blog Chessalee shows many interesting games from, which is delightful to follow!
Though I have finished about 15-20 games only (with around 10 in progress), I am glad that I could win more than 80% of the games I played (of which most of them are experienced grown-up players :D). is a wonderful platform to lay your hands on, of course, if any of you are interested in chess. Any other chess enthusiast reading my blog is free to invite me for a game!
Hi Meghu!! thanks for your nice visit and Happy new year too...sorry not blogging nowadays...hope will start after sometime. So how you doing and how is everyone at home? Take care c u soon. bye
Wow! You are multi-talented, writes well and draws well. I love your drawings. Stumbled.
Sure, you can have all the "curry" that you want. Take care.
hey, Meghna, you got great blog here. Loved your drawings!
And congrats on the award, you absolutely deserve it!!! :)
Hi Meghna,
This was a surprising news to me. You are a multi-talented young lady, really! Whereas I thought of you only as an excellent writer.
Playing chess and beating many grown-ups in the game at such a young age is amazing. Sorry, as i don't play chess much, I won't be able to join you bcz you would beat me out in 5 minutes :D Best of luck for your games. You should continue to play this wonderful game, girl!
As for your drawings and paintings, they are really wonderful. I think you should keep posting them as they are very interesting.
And for the award, you really deserve it!
Hi Meghna! Wonderful drawings!! Great!! Well done!! Didn't know you're a National Champ!! You little "bogger" ! LOL!
ps...most of my own games i'm blogging is from Chessworld...i haven't blogged any from and the past few days are from the African Junior Chess Championship in ends tomorrow....good games played yesterday and perhaps today too...we have players from South Africa doing excellent...Egyptian player was in the lead yesterday with a SA player 1/2 point behind, so i'm very anxious to know what happpened today and what will happen my blog for that! :))
I love your drawings! They are so colorful and lovely. Thanks for sharing this wonderful talent of yours with us.
Hi Champ,
i'm glad you're back in good spirits. Hope you'll be back to blogging soon. Everything is fine here and my blog is doing great! Miss you so be back soon!
Keep in touch! Thanks :D
Hi Jesie,
Thanks for your compliments. I'm glad you liked my pictures! Thanks for the stumble too...
Ummmm....My mouth waters at the thought of it. Don't finish it yet as I'll be coming to your place soon to eat that! :D
Hi Lena,
Thanks for the visit. I'm glad you liked my blog, drawings and the award I received. Hope you liked the stories too! Thanks :D
Hi peter Pie,
I'm sure you'd have been surprised. Writing is my passion and drawing and clicking photos is an interest and playing chess is a hobby! :D
I'm glad I could make you happy and in awe of my art! I'll keep posting my drawings if you like them so much!
Oh dear, i won't beat you...I'll let you win in at least 3 games out of 5. After all, you're one of my friends.
I'll sure continue playing....
Thanks :D
Hi Niks,
I'm glad you liked it all. Sorry for the mistake. I didn't know that you blogged those games from chessworld so I'd thought it was Thanks for telling me.
This sounds interesting! Hope the South Africans do well! The 1/2 lead can be covered soon, i beleive! :D
Hi cindy,
I'm glad you liked it all. I'll keep sharing more of my art with you all, now onwards.
Thanks :D
Hi Meghna! So you like drawing! Me too. I am not as good as you at playing chess, I think I've played one or two times.
Great post! Congrats!
so i guess you really like chess and drawing
Hi Stephie,
I'm g;ad you liked it! Thanks :D
meghz, itz my pleasure to give the award to you.. and man, you do sketch well. i used to sketch some time back, but now for the last 3-4 years, havnt done anything... and a national level chess player.. wow.. congratz.. i would love to invite you but thne, iam sure my project manager will kick me out of my seat :)
all i can say is..
Hi arichthe kid,
You're absolutely correct, is all that I can say!
Thanks :D
Hi Anoop,
It was a pleasure for me too, to receive such an award from a good friend! Thanks for all the compliments. I too would've loved to accept your invitation (only if you gave one) but then I'm sure my teachers will kick me out of the school! :D
Hi Johny,
Ah! A new reader so these thoughts! Hope you liked my posts! :D
You are sooooo creative and gifted, Meghna, I m just so amazed at your talent!
Hi Deb,
I'm glad you liked it all! Thanks :D
Whoa, Meghna this is great news!So you are a multi-faceted personality!I don't know anything about art and so i cant tell you how you sketch or anything but from what people say, you must be terrific!Well, playing chess is not an easy thing and i know how exhausting it can be. I am just a novice when it comes to the game but my dad is an ace. Every time i play with him, i lose:(
Anyways, it was great to know things about you you have never mentioned. Keep the words flowing!Ciao!
Hi Ranjhani,
It's always nice to hear from you! I'm glad you liked my other hobbies too. I'm glad that there is always someone like u to encourage me! If you keep practicing someday you too could win from your dad! :D
i never knew tht u wer a great artist too
Hi Little Poetess,
Thanks. Hope you liked it too!
You should have posted something related to common life which will be searched by people everyday & try to make a lot of visitors on your blog
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