Library ..... Is It The Crazy Place?

“What do you think is the best place in the world?”, asked my friend as we walked home together down the lane. “hmmm….For me it is the Library, I suppose”, I answered back. “The Library”, said my friend in complete disbelief, “you must be crazy”. Then she hurried to her house leaving me far behind pondering over my thoughts. What wrong had I said after all? Why did she think I was crazy? If you all too have the same thoughts I am back once again to convince you that the library, is after all, the best place in this whole wide world!
I am a person who believes that there is bliss in solitude. Oh no! I am not really shy or timid but yes, I would much prefer the sole company of books than any other acquaintance. And according to me there is no other better place for me to enjoy life for eternity in the companionship of my dear books.
In my opinion the library is a temple of knowledge. It is an abode of enlightening books. The books in the library enhance our vocabulary and also confer general knowledge to us. Some students in this modern and high-tech world beget studious habits. So the library creates a fondness for books even after school.
The wonderful reference books in the library also help me to complete my home-work assignments and make my projects. The serene atmosphere of the Library is what I love. The calm and quite surroundings help all of us to maintain our peace of mind and concentrate in our work.
Visiting the Library is a fine way to spend your leisure time constructively in the company of books. A book is the life blood of an author and a treasure of wisdom. Thus, the abundant books at the Library also teaches a person moral values which are an important asset foe a good life.
So guys, have you all changed your opinion after reading this post? Now do you all think that the Library is a great place? Your answers and opinions are open heartedly welcome and remember that your comments are very precious as I’m still having conflicting thoughts if I should show this post to that friend of mine. Would she change her opinion? So, please do leave a comment!
Libraries are wonderful, but I think that discussing what you read is just as rewarding and enjoyable as the reading itself. Haven't you ever read a book, and not liked it very much, or liked it just fine, but then talked about it with someone and gained a new appreciation for it? This is kind of on my mind, because I'm starting a Shakespeare discussion club at school...reading Shakespeare is fun, but it is hard to pick up on everything without other people to help. So yeah, I would say that the solitude of a library is nice, but that the companionship found in a classroom or group of friends is better.
As to whether a library is the best place in the world...I can definitely appreciate where you're coming from, but I would probably pick somewhere else. Where? That merits some reflection before I commit ;)
libraries are magical places...i have heard voices behind the book racks and sometimes shadows move in places where there should be none...but yeah i love libraries, these are the places where true peace is...
good observations in the post :)
Dear Ranjani,
I surely agree with you. I didn't think about that aspect of a library. So foolish of me!
I'm sure exited to know what's your choice about the best place!
Dear Nothingman,
You're absolutely correct in my opinion! They are absolutely magical and fascinating!
Thanks for the complement!
As a student, I love to go to the library to study and borrow books.
I like the libray because it is a warehouse of information out there and you don't have to purchase it.
Although you are a teenager, you write like an experienced adult. It must be from all the reading. Good job. Keep it up.
It all depends on one's interest, some may appreciate the libray, some don't.
Going to the library is a wonderful thing. I go to the library to look at newspapers from out of town, that I wouldn't normally see. I checkout books for free and save money because I don't have to buy them myself. I use a computer to check my email and read on-line articles. Overall the library is a truly fantastic place!
I love the library too! People think I'm crazy, but it's a great place
I agree with you, natural. People sometimes think I am mad too!
Dear meghna,
I loved your craziness about books & library which are reflected in your stories and articles!
Dear recyclecindy and peterpie,
Thank you. I am happy that you all love books and libraries very much like me.
Thank you, jesieblogjourney, for the encouraging words. Yes, library is one of the most beautiful places in the world. Glad that you liked the post. Keep reading! Thanks.
Dear meghna,
This was a wonderful writing, my dear girl. Keep it up.
What a wonderful post! I, too, love books and libraries. They were a haven of safety and wonder for me when I was a child...and still are.
I think one of my favorite jobs was when I worked at the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C. back in the 70's. I was just a messenger, but that meant I had to go through the library, taking elevators and walking up staircases through parts of the library that were closed off to the public to deliver requests to various research divisions.
My favorite trail was when I had to go to the history department, and I had to go through some old archives. One aisle I always went down contained books from the 17th and 18th century. There was a large section of books that related to women and women's issues!
I *loved* opening up a new book each time I walked by, and find writings in the margins and handwritten dedications. It made me wonder what child, what woman had received this book as a gift.
Keep writing. I can feel your passion for writing and learning. It is an inspiration and you brought a smile to my face today.
I fully agree! The library is a place of peace. You can go there any time you want to. If you're sad, lonely, bored or just sick of all the noise outside, you can sit down comfortably and read.
I also agree with NothingMan and jesieblogjourney.
Bye! ;)
Dear Prabha,
Thanks for the kind words. Hope this compels you to come back once again!
Dear Demian,
I'm glad you came here and wrote about your personal experiences. thanks for sharing these kind words!
Glad you liked my writings!
Dear Nadine,
I'm glad we have the similar opinions about the Library. It certainly is a great place!
Bye and take care!
Hey Meghna,
Even i think that libraries are the best place and books are ones best friend! I agree with you! Sometimes people think i am mad and insane bcoz of this but its my love!
@ princess- We are both are pretty much alike :)
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