Katie's Fate!

Poor Katie had a headache
So she decided to bake a cake
The cake was a fabulous cupcake
And after eating it, Katie had a toothache
So she decided to take a break
But couldn’t help remaining wide awake
Then suddenly she saw a snake
And got a really frightening shake
She put her dear life on stake
And jumped into the nearby lake
Thus, her day was spoilt and for goodness’ sake
I hope you don’t have a day like Katie and her cake!
(Picture courtesy: http://www.kiddymania.co.uk/index.php)
Hi Meghna!Great poem and photo!
Keep writing...
Thank you, stephie. I am glad that you liked this little poem.
Dear meghna,
You cooked the story of baking the cake beautifully. Loved reading it!
Hi peter pie. I have the pleasure of your continued encouragement. Thank you!
Dear meghna,
I always love your cute poems which are really humorous. Keep entertaining all of us.
Hi Meghna,
I could hardly believe that this blog is written by a 12 year old and you put me to shame! Keep it up and great poems. Take care.
Hi Meghna!
Have you ever thought of becoming a writer? I love the poem becuase it's so humourous!!! oh I hope that that doesn't happen to me when I eat a cake!
By the way, I wish that I could post my story, but it's not possible. So maybe when I grow up, you can read my stories adressed by my name.
Bye!!! :lol:
Dear Prabha,
Thank you. I love to write little poems and try to make them little funny. Happy that you like them.
My dear My den,
Thank you for the great complements. But I am never under any wrong impression. Your posts and blog are far far ever fascinating than the gibberish I write!! I love the style of your writing and am learning a lot from all experienced bloggers like you. Thanks once again for visiting. Keep reading!
Oh nadine,
You can try your hands on writing some stories or poems at your blog. I am sure that you can write many interesting stuff and I would love to read them!!
Yes, I may plan to do little bit of writing myself when I grow up if people like you like to read them. Thanks for the kind words!
lovely words...you have crafted them beautifully...very nice!
Thank you, kalyan, for the kind words. I am pleased that people like you like my blog. Thanks!
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