The Stones I Threw!

My neighbor’s window was my aim
But if it fell on my Aunt’s head
Surely only I was to blame
So I decided to take my brother’s aid
Armed to head and toe with stones
I threw them at my neighbor’s window
And I was tickled to my bones
When my neighbor did withdraw
After playing this naughty prank
I ran as fast as I can
And the next day I really shrank
As the stones came back to me from that man!
Hi Meghna! Really nice poem! Keep writing...
Thank you, stephie. You are always a source of encouragement.
Dear meghna,
Didn't you get injured? :)
Cute poem.
Hi tkg,
Oh yeah! i did get a small bruise but can't stop writing just because of that. Thanks for the concern and compliment!
Hi meghna, and many thanks for your comment in my blog. I guess I wrote it a little bit too early. I would definitely have included you, but I had just found your blog and paid one visit at the time. I guess I have to write a sequel :)
Nice poem!
Meghna, I believe I found a new pop stand! :) I love your blog. I'm so glad you stopped by A Nice Place In The Sun. I will carry your compliment in my heart for a long time. It was the kind of compliment one doesn't forget. :) Thank you, Meghna.
I think your an excellent writer.
Hi leena,
thanks for visiting my blog and dropping this comment! I'll be glad to see my name if you're planning to write a sequel.
Dear ann,
i think your blog is great and I'll keep reading! Glad you liked mine and thanks for the complements!
Keep visiting!
Hi megna...what a lovely poem!! You have some GREAT talent!!! I need more time to spend here to read your lovely stuff...I play chess online on two sites, the one site is for free, the link is on my site...on the right...the other site is: and my nickname there is, I'm not's just a name I chose from Elton John's song..."Nikita" blog was first a start from the chess site as you can do stuff on your chess I linked it to my blog for my chess player friends, that's why I kept the name "Nikita" there too...:)) at the site just mentioned, you can play free too....but you can't access all features on the site...but as a guest member, you can access quite a lot...if you pay, it is £12 per year and you can do a lot more as you are then a full member. Register as a guest on letsplaychess and let me know what your nickname is. You won't be able to invite me, but I will be able to invite you for many, why not start playing? :) where do you play chess?
Thank you for leaving a comment on my Shiva's Arms blog, Meghna, and kudos to you for everything you put into this one!
Wow, such a nice poem from such a young girl is quite amazing... and a blogger to boot!
You know, if you keep this up you might just end up being the next J.K. Rowlings; you never know, ya know?
Hi Cheryl,
Thanks for dropping by my blog and leaving this wonderful comment. I'll try to write much better next time too!
Hi children's literature lover,
This is too nice of you!I'm glad that you are highly impressed by my writing skills. I'll strive hard to keep up your expectations!
Hi nikita,
Thanks for these kind words and telling me on which sites you play. I'll register soon and then we'll play together! I usually play on plasticbishop and chessbase.
Hope to hear from you soon!
For a 12 year old, you are really great! Way to go, Meghna! Keep up your good work and Happy Diwali!
Hi footiam,
Thank you for the encouragement. Happy Diwali to you too!
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