Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Blogging Ideas - Where Do They Come From?

Hi guys! Today I thought I’d write something different from the usual stories, poems or oddities! After reading all your encouraging comments on my blog, I noticed that many of you out there are wondering where I get my ideas for posts from. Now, get ready cause I’m going to tell you all about my secret ideas!

Ideas are like your shadows. They follow you everywhere you go! They follow you to the garden, the playground, the school and even the bathroom. You can find ideas all around yourself! But your work is only to observe.

We’ve all made long tales about some lie at school to pour parents or teachers. Don’t you deny that! So, what’s the need for an idea? They’ll just pop up in your mind if you don’t find them.

O.K! Now I’ll tell you about myself. Most of my ideas come from my daily life. While coming back from school one day, I saw a girl on the wheelchair. She had a depressed expression o her face. That was a fabulous idea for me. And that is the day that I posted the story about "Special Child!"

I have twin sisters in my school about whom I always get confused on who’s who, which inspired me to write a story on "The Naughtiest Prankster".

Many a times I see a small beggar girl on my way to the market and I decided to write a story about her which came in the form of “Oh, Lord, Bless Her Poor Soul!“.

The poem “The Fascinating Beauty Of Nature” came into my mind while sitting on a bench in the beautiful park near my house.

To tell you my great trick, I always carry a “Pocket Idea Notebook” and pen to everywhere I travel! So what we’ve got to do is just to observe the surroundings and….abracadabra!..…..You’ve got a fabulous idea coming to your mind! I hope that now all of those inquisitive souls wondering about where I get all my ideas from, you know now!

Now get ready! Observe and write! You don’t know what you’ll come out with!!



Interesting tips to improve my writing skill. Though I'm a designer more than a writer, my ideas and concepts visually come from what I see, read or feel in my everyday life..I'm actually "experiencing" it visually and implement the result to my artwork ;)


That's great. I tend to not note my ideas down and forget about them :(

But the best ideas always, sooner or later, pop back up in my mind and then I try and use them.

Peter Pie

Hi Meghna,
I am really impressed with this post. In fact I have dugg this post and stumbled too.
Expert advice on blogging by a little girl :)
Keep it up...


Dear kukuh,
I agree with you. The ideas should be implemented in the right way by all, irrespective of whether you are a writer, designer, artist or anybody else. Glad to know that you use them to improve your artwork. Thank you.


Hi manictastic,
I think as you are not sure when a good idea strikes you and you may tend to forget it, it is better to keep a notebook with you and note down them. However, as you said, best ideas of creations of your mind and shall come to you sooner or later.


Dear peterpie,
Thank you for the digg and stumble. I really appreciate it.


Very nice tips, meghna. I am sure to try these soon :)


Hi tkg,
I too will be glad to see you try them out! Do tell me how they went!


You're very observant, creative and innovative. There is so much credit to give yourself. I have faved you.


Dear jesieblogjourney,
Thanks for these kind words. i think the credit also goes to everyone of my reader. If it wasn't for their encouragement I wouldn't have been able to do all this!

Thanks for the fave!

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