Awaiting The Immortal Death ......

Stephen Anglovitz lay on the hard cold and bare ground on the
As a child too Stephen had loved to gaze at the night sky but this time he longingly watched the stars, which were like crystal balls away from the Earth for him. His name was associated with the Anglovitz, who held a high position in
But as a youth; he changed and not into a responsible young adult but a squanderer. He neglected his studies and opted out of College. He became a spendthrift and got into bad company. He took his father’s hard earned money for granted.
But hell broke loose upon his family after his Dad died in an accident. They spent a lot of money on his cure and hospital bill, but he couldn’t be saved. His mother too, soon died due to grief and sorrow. Now Stephen was all alone in this wide world. Not even having a college degree, he couldn’t obtain a job. He hadn’t been a dunce but a cantankerous adult. His mistake as a youth was mortal so his life went to rags and tatters.
But now he had no choice except lying on the cold ground instead of the comfortable bed and staring at the shimmering stars instead of the ceiling. He had no choice except being frustrated, not with his life but himself. He had no one else to blame than himself. In the end, he had no other choice except………except awaiting the immortal death that could take away all his sorrow and pain!
Hi friends! I created this story using an entirely new method. I randomly chose 10 words from the dictionary (which are colored in red above) and tried to form a meaningful story from these words. I got this idea from the site 'Creative Writing Prompts'

Hi Meghna! Great story! Keep writing...
and congrats!!:D
Thank you, stephie. I'm glad that you liked the story.
Pretty neat! Are you sure you're 12?
Hi Clare,
Thank you for dropping by. That's the common question I'm being asked since I started blogging and now I feel like a grandma :)
She is only 12 on the outside but wise beyond her years. :)
Hi Jordan,
Thank you for the comments. Hope you liked the story. Keep visiting!
meghz, a nice concept, and you hv written a nic story. but, on a personal level, i would like to disagree with teh last part - that is - "no choice, but to..." people always have choices - it is just that they may not recognise it. but I know, this is a stiry, so, it is ok. the thing is, i dont like sad endings :-D
Hi Xh,
I'm glad I have such faithful readers lke you. You always get into the depth of the story and analyze it, I pretty much like that! Thanks.
I know a person always has a choice but a person who had gone into the wrong path in the past has the choice to die or to improve himself! i suppose Stephen didn't have the heart to face more difficulties in life and improve himself so he took the other option!
I'll try not to write tragic stories the next time!
Thanks once again for this wonderful comment!
I've enjoyed reading it very much! keep it up! :D
so for no fault of his own the poor guy gets screwed...sad sad...but let's hope he wins a lottery sometime in the morning and gets his life back on track ;)
Hi morinn,
Glad to know that you enjoyed the story. Thanks for dropping by. Keep reading!
Hi nothingman,
I have to disagree with you. It was his fault that he didn't plan for the future and took everything for granted, went with the bad company, spent entire money and didn't care. That is the fate.
Thank you for dropping by.
Hi meghna,
That was a wonderful idea of creating a story. Didn't I tell you that you have a good creative mind.
Did you have the plot of the story beforehand or it was made after the words are picked up?
Fabulous story. Keep up the great work!
Hi Peter Pie,
I'm glad to read your comment after such a long time! Thanks for all the compliment! I made the story after I selected the words as I had no idea where these words would lead up to!
Oh, wow that's a wonderful idea for a prompt. I'm going to have to try that sometime.
Wondeful story. You did very well with the words you ended up with. I don't think I could have thought that up and it hits home nicely with the morals. Well done.
Hi Spirit1
Thanks for the visit! I'm glad you liked the story and the idea! I'll sure try to insert your idea the next time i write a story1
well done, Meghna! as always!
Very creative. You write well and I think you should never stop. You might want to read the masters of story-telling as well as some books on writing to hone your skills. It is such a pleasure to come across someone who has such a gift and is able to recognise it at so young an age...
Hi nikita,
Thank you for dropping by and the comments.
Hi eroteme,
That was so kind of you to appreciate my work. I am really happy that you liked my blog. I'll surely try to lay my hands on some good books on writing tips etc. to improve upon. Thank you. Keep reading!
Meghna,I have no words to describe how awesome your writing is.This is great stuff and i want you to develop it and take up writing as a career.I am indeed filled with awe that i can't quite tell you how unnatural this is for a child of your age.To think of 12 year olds writing like this,man,you have got the talent.Don't waste it.I know how people in india disdain writers and shatter their dreams of making it big in the writing world.Keep the words flowing and i wish you all success for your future endeavors.
I really look forward to acquainting with ya.
rampantheart aka ranjhani
Dear Ranjhani,
Thanks for this wonderful comment of yours! I'm blushing with pride! :D
I know it's difficult to be a writer in India but I'll certainly keep writing! Thanks once again for the motivation!
Every word of what i had mentioned in my earlier comment is from my heart and i am not the type to flatter people,i am afraid.I just want you to know that you are awesome.Many don't know their strengths and that is one of the reasons for a person's downfall.
I am glad you feel proud.Writers need to be proud but not over prejudiced.A lil pride wouldn't let us down,would it?;)lol
Hi Ranjhani,
I'm glad to have such a sincere reader, a good motivator, a great friend and a fellow Indian blogger like you! Surely a bit pride wouldn't result in my downfall!
I'm grateful to you for liking my post and commenting! By the way you write I'm sure that all of us can understand you meant this from your heart!
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