50 Things To Do Before I Die!
Hi Guys, I’m back to do a meme again and this time I’ve been tagged by a really good friend and talented writer, Ranjani at The Pensieve. I’ve got to do a meme on 50 Things To Do Before I Die! Now.now here’s another tough one.
Oh My God! I’ve to write fifty things!
O.K, I’m getting straight to the job. It took some time to complete this list but I’m finally done with it. So here you go!
02. Write a novel and publish it.
03. Make my parents proud by writing a book that is as famous as Harry Potter.
04. Meet every great person in this world, especially J.K Rowling.
05. Watch all Bollywood (Indian) and
06. Try and read all the kids blog on the blogosphere.
07. Go on a world tour.
08. Have my own personal Library which has a collection of all fine books.
09. Spend one whole day at a Library in serenity.
10. Help the underprivileged children of our society.
11. Donate a generous amount of money to every social working association.
12. Make the world a better place to live in.
13. Plant a hundred trees and produce a greener environment.
14. Stay in touch with my friends for eternity.
15. Watch every Harry Potter move at least 10 times.
16. Learn to sing and dance better.
17. Paint a portrait like Mona Lisa which is sold for million dollars.
18. Have a celebrity status.
19. Have a successful career.
20. Go on a cruise.
21. Learn to speak almost all the major languages of the world.
22. To gorge on all the mouth watering delicacies of the world.
23. To meet Daniel Radcliff, Rupert Grint and Emma Watson.
24. Write a blog on all the great writers
25. To go on an adventurous trip to the forests of
26. Visit the
27. Watch a live concert by Shakira.
28. Climb the
29. Visit space with Sunita Williams.
30. Construct the best old age home in the world.
31. Learn horse riding.
32. Go trekking.
33. Live a very luxurious life.
34. Publish a book of poems for kids.
35. Improve the politics of
36. Make my country proud of myself.
37. Meet all the people who comment on my blog and motivate me.
38. Do a research on Indian cultures.
39. Visit
40. Get a free train ticket by a stranger.
41. Learn all styles of painting.
42. Demolish terrorism from this world
43. Write a fifty line poem.
44. Celebrate Indian festivals in a foreign country.
45. Learn about all the religions and festivals of the world.
46. Find out if a U.F.O really exists.
47. Meet an alien like in e.t if they actually live on another planet.
48. Find out a star pattern in the night sky.
49. To see all the animals I’ve only heard about and seen on T.V.
50. Not die before the age of 100, so that I can do all the things I’ve mentioned.
Wow! I’ve completed this tough job at last. Now comes the tagging business!
Here are the people to whom I pass this meme and I hope they all do it soon!
Ess47 : Positive High Energy
Jesie : Jesie Blog Journey
Majik : Majik's Thoughts
Amber : Amber's Blog
Hope you do well and have a great time!
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Some of them may not be that easy, but I hope you wll enjoy every minute of the journey trying to achieve them!
Great List, Meghna!! I know you will definitely achieve them all! Tell me when you do Everest, will do it with you! LOL!!
Thanks Meghna, I've posted my meme! Hope you enjoy it
Hi Chris,
I know that life is not a bed of roses, but I'll try to enjoy every moment and wish that these things do come true!
Thanks for this comment!
Hi Nikita,
Thanks for this optimistic encouragement. I'd certainly love to climb the Mount Everest with you! :D
Hi majik,
I'm glad you did the meme and pretty soon too!
nice list :) i can help you regarding UFO - there is a private bus service group @ kerala whoz buses r named UFO. so yeah - UFO does exist ;-)
will try to do the meme soon - most probably today itself. thnx for tagging me :)wish you all teh best for achiving teh rest 49 of teh list :)
Hi xh,
Thanks for this humorous information! I'll certainly try out that bus service and hope to see a real U.F.O soon!
Eagerly waiting to see the meme on your blog soon!
okies, done with the meme. Stop over to see it :) That bus service have got a good reputation for their speed, and sometimes i used to take that bus to come hoem from my college. And can you guess what time the bus used to come near my college? early morning - 2.30 am. so, itz a kind of real UFO :)
Hi Meg! I think I am very familiar with #12 coz that is what I wrote in my ABOUT ME in my blogs, well I am glad someone as young as you has the same dream as mine. another thing, may be you could add as your # 51 to be a responsible parent someday, but pls. make that promise when you are already full grown up, k?
Btw, I mailed you about the PC protection software, hope you have that already, even before I discovered it...
Hi xh,
Thanks for doing the meme. i really enjoyed reading it! He...he.....2:30 am! That's funny! Maybe then it is a real U.F.O After all!
Hi Guardian,
I certainly promise that! Nice for a 51st one! Thanks for the mail!
You certainly are my guardian angel!
Hi Meghna! Wow! Do you really want to do all those things?
About writing a book, be sure because you are an excellent writer. And about meeting Harry Potter, well, that's a little complicated, but perhaps someday...
Good Luck and Congrats!
Hi Stephi,
Thanks for these compliments! I'd sure love tow write a book. It sounds interesting! I hope it's in my destiny too, to meet Harry Potter some day!
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