Hello to all. Hope you all remember about the survey on IM Language that I had told you about. I know that I’m a bit late in posting this; but as you know it’s better late then never!
What Is IM Language?
Now, what do you mean by IM Language, some of you might ask! According to me, IM language is Instant Messaging or texting language used primarily by kids using internet/mobile phones for IMing, sending e-mails and SMS etc.
I am of the view that excessive usage of texting/instant messaging by children influences their grammar, spelling, etc., but I’m not opposed to it when I'm on the net. I don't always write everything out completely and use phrases like "brb", LOL etc.
The Findings
I had earlier published a post 'IM Language Improves Grammar & Vocabulary!' and put a survey to know the view of my readers on this subject. According to the result of this poll, majority of the people said that NO, IM language doesn’t affect the grammar of the students. I can not agree with this completely, but part of the reason that the survey resulted into such an outcome may be because of the fact that many of my readers are teenage boys & girls who use IM exhaustively!! I cannot help on this front, LOL!
But to make it doubly sure and to substantiate my results, I’ve done some detailed study and I can point to you the research conducted by some Canadian Researchers. You can read the article “IM language is not spoiling English, say Canadian researchers” It disputes a popular belief many of us have about the effect of IM on grammar.
Today’s world is a technology oriented world. With all those computers or the cell phones that have made into the modern world, it is understood that there will be a change in language too. The modern society is driven by fast cars, fed on fast-food and educated by news briefings rather than entire, informative reports. This is reflected in the IM language.
Oh yes! Students are very much bored in class and so they need a medium to have fun. This is provided to them by IM language. In classrooms it does help in better communications between the teacher and students. Thus, it enhances the teacher and student bonding. This is the kind of language that kids enjoy as IM language was mostly invented by teens and is their own creation. As a fact, it is much easier and a million times faster to write.
Now that you know that these are the various advantages of the dot.com language I’m sure all those who disagree would want to know their drawbacks too!
I don’t disagree with the fact that IM language is a major disadvantage too (especially in the classrooms). It has been observed that students who use the net tend to use IM language in their assignments too. They use short terms like “brb” (be right back) and “lol” (laugh out loud) during verbal speaking and in written assignments also. Most teachers believe that IM language is the major cause of the alarming rate of increase in improper usage of the language. IM can be a distraction in the classrooms, especially when it's not supposed to be used. The use of such a language can cause students to focus more on their conversations than the task at hand in class.
I wonder if kids would write much at all if they weren't presented with the "fun" forums of im and text messaging? So, it might be like that writing something is better than writing nothing, isn’t it?
To sum it up, language requires a certain place and time, and as long as kids understand that IM language stays in e-mails and chatting and academic language belongs in school, then hopefully all kids like me won’t be affected in their grammar by IM language. And as long as educators accept it for what it is and teach standard written English well, I don't think that IM’ing will change all writing. It will most likely remain a type of shorthand.
All this is the result of the little research I did, so many of you must be having different schools of thought. And also if you want to add something to what I have written you are most welcome to do so.
You all can express your views by posting your comment below. For now, I gotta go frnds but hope 2 brb :D!

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