Friday, November 30, 2007

Errors With A Twist Of Comedy!

A well planned shoot-out had to be executed at New York City. Jonathan Pitcher, a novice in this field is also working under the gang. This was Jonathan’s first experience in such a kind of dangerous plan. Being new to the gang, he had recently learned the rules and regulations!

He was instructed to reach the New York Central Park, sharp at 11:30 p.m. He did as he was told and saw not a single soul except an old man sitting in black overalls. Sure that he was his man; he went and sat down beside him.

In a murmur and without turning his face towards the man, he asked in a hoarse whisper, “Have you got it?” The man did not reply but got up and kept a brown parcel on his vacant seat and stealthily walked away!

Jonathan was rejoicing over completing his first and the most important task of his life! He was surprised a bit that the package with 3 automatic pistols could be so heavy but he walked fast with the intention to open the parcel in the security of his home.

He closed the doors and put blinds on his windows as soon as he reached home. Then with too much excitement in him…he opened the parcel. Out came a pistol…. but it was only one! “Maybe this is a really good one”, he thought and decided to check it. Sure that there wasn’t a bullet, he turned it towards his face and pushed the trigger! And bam…….a fountain of water sprouted on his face making him all wet! At last he came to his wits and understood that this was a …a…a…toy pistol!

As he walked away, Mr. Davidson, the old man, was extremely jubilant. His mind was at peace thinking that his parcel of the Christmas gift must have reached Merlyn, his granddaughter. Merlyn lived in a hostel which was a bit far. Mr. Davidson’s health didn’t allow him to visit her so he decided to send her Christmas gift through somebody who lived near the hostel. He had asked Merlyn to send a messenger so that he could give the toy gun to her. And this is what he thought he had done!

Poor Mr. Davidson! I am not sure if the parcel of pistol reached Merlyn or not…but I wouldn’t like to know! I wouldn’t like to hear that Merlyn was crying and Jonathan was fired from his new job on Christmas day!

Would you?

Related Posts:

  1. I have not written any similar story so far. This is unique in itself!!

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Life Is A Boon!

Life is something great and fun

But we always crave for a better one!

Everyone has his share of difficulties

But we should try to face them courageously

Life is a boon from Lord

So don’t go on the path you shouldn’t trod

Hope you understand how precious it is

Or it could be taken from you in a whiz!

Enjoy every moment of life

Especially times when you had to strife

But don’t you forget your values and manners

Because they are the ones which make you shine on banners!

Hope you learn a lesson from this poem

And enjoy life as a happy person!

Related Post:
  1. Life Is To Enjoy!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

What's In A Name?

Hi Guys! Have you all ever wondered how these names like google, yahoo, apple & microsoft were created? If not, I have these hilarious secrets in store for you today! Hope you enjoy reading them!


Ten years ago, when Larry Page was choosing the name for his search engine, he created a major mistake! Call it a typo or blame spell check, he named his software- Googol by blunder. Page recorded the name within hours….and the result of this world famous error? Google now isn’t just a typing error but a new company worth about $10 million!

Ah! That was a deadly error with a great outcome creating a world famous industry!


The co-founder of the Apple Company, Mr. Steve Jobs, was also an Apple Farm Worker and an apple lover too! He and Steve Woznaic threatened the workers that if they didn’t come up with a better name for the company, they’d name it Apple! And this is exactly what they did!

But Mr. Steve, I’m sure you made the right decision as no one finds the name funny now!


The two creators of yahoo are David Filo and Jerry Yang. This site started out as “Jerry and David’s guide to the world wide web” But seeing the uproar it created they changed the name to Yahoo, consulting a dictionary. The name Yahoo! is an acronym for "Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle", but as Jerry and David insist they selected this name for the sole purpose that it’s general definition was rude, unsophisticated and uncouth!

Yahoo, is now a global brand which initially started as a student hobby. You can now communicate with people, access information and also purchase things.

This is cool! I didn’t know that yahoo was a real word but now it sounds great for the two creators!


The word Microsoft was created by the world famous, Bill Gates. It was initially spelt as Micro-Soft and was created because it was meant to be taken as MICRocomputer SOFTware, the short form of which is Microsoft. But later the ‘–‘ was removed and the word was called Microsoft!

This shows how intelligent Bill Gates is, also being such a great creator and the richest man (or the second richest? I’m not sure!) in the world!

I thought that the wonderful creations of these names were very funny and interesting so I brought them up before you! If you have any thoughts, you are free to express them in the form of comments!


  1. Google's Secret Formula
  2. The History of Yahoo!
  3. Yahoo Answers

Monday, November 26, 2007

Awaiting The Immortal Death ......

Stephen Anglovitz lay on the hard cold and bare ground on the New York Highway. He was a man of poverty and now even worse, he was homeless and stranded on the street, where he took refuge from the biting cold. He lay on his back staring at the velvety night sky, littered with bright shimmering stars. They formed some vivid shapes in the ebony dark sky. As Stephen studied them he was taken back into his salad days of the past.

As a child too Stephen had loved to gaze at the night sky but this time he longingly watched the stars, which were like crystal balls away from the Earth for him. His name was associated with the Anglovitz, who held a high position in Norway. Stephen had played in the lap of luxury and happiness. His father was a wealthy and respected businessman. So Stephen had the most wonderful childhood one could have ever dreamt of. Riding on the sledge, enjoying his games and studying occasionally, was only what he had to do.

But as a youth; he changed and not into a responsible young adult but a squanderer. He neglected his studies and opted out of College. He became a spendthrift and got into bad company. He took his father’s hard earned money for granted.

But hell broke loose upon his family after his Dad died in an accident. They spent a lot of money on his cure and hospital bill, but he couldn’t be saved. His mother too, soon died due to grief and sorrow. Now Stephen was all alone in this wide world. Not even having a college degree, he couldn’t obtain a job. He hadn’t been a dunce but a cantankerous adult. His mistake as a youth was mortal so his life went to rags and tatters.

But now he had no choice except lying on the cold ground instead of the comfortable bed and staring at the shimmering stars instead of the ceiling. He had no choice except being frustrated, not with his life but himself. He had no one else to blame than himself. In the end, he had no other choice except………except awaiting the immortal death that could take away all his sorrow and pain!

Hi friends! I created this story using an entirely new method. I randomly chose 10 words from the dictionary (which are colored in red above) and tried to form a meaningful story from these words. I got this idea from the site
'Creative Writing Prompts'

Related Posts:

  1. Oh Lord, Bless Her Poor Soul !
  2. Hidden Tears!

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Smile Is A Curve that Sets Everything Straight!

I’ve been getting on the serious side of life since a few days. So I thought I’d remind you all that I can be on the lighter side too! So I’m back again with some humorous and rib-tickling jokes! Enjoy!

I Can't See!

The teenager seemed placid as the doctor approached his hospital bed to give him medications. Her mother was seated nearby immersed in her knitting. The doctor walked over and introduced himself to the others. The teenager looked right through him and started screaming, “I can’t see! I can’t see!” The doctor hadn’t ever seen such a dramatic experience of hysterical blindness. Worried, he asked, “How long has this been going on?” Without even looking up, the mother snapped “Ever since you’ve been standing in front of his television!”

The Boring Class!

After giving a long lecture on drawing, the art teacher asked her class to complete a self-portrait. A young boy in the first row asked, “Of anyone?”

I Love You, Granny!

Monica was watching her Grandmother cleaning her house. After some time Monica told her how much she liked the Victorian couch. “Well,” her Grandma said, “You can have it after I die” “But I don’t want you to die!” Monica said. Then, after a few moments of silence, she said, “Can I pick it up on the way back from funeral?”

Related Posts:

  1. Funny One-Liners
  2. Laugh It Out!
  3. Really Funny!

I'm Honoured Again!

No, I'm not joking, guys! Within this short span of blogging, I've received another award!!

I am proud once again to proclaim that Manicastic, a dear friend and a talented story writer of It's All About The Stories has increased my tally of awards by giving me another one! This award is called the Be-The-Blog Award.

I'm thankful for him and all my readers & supporters to consider me being a good writer and giving me this award. I hope I can keep up your expectations in the future and write even better articles!

I would now like to pass on this award to some more talented writers on this blogosphere! I can't write down all the names I wish to, but I've got to list some of them so here it is:
  1. Ann at A Nice Place In The Sun
  2. Leena at Conceptis addict
  3. Ess47 at The Self-Development Blog
  4. Anoop at Tales Of A Lone Wolf
  5. Megha Mathur at Life In Black & White
  6. Stephi at Taking It Further
  7. Nadine at Nadine's blog

Thanks once again for this award and for your support and motivation!

Related Post:

  1. Colors Of Friendsip Award

Saturday, November 24, 2007

I'm On A Meme Once Again!

Hi guys! There’s another meme on my list now. My tally of memes is certainly increasing and so are my blogger friends! This time I’ve been tagged by the talented blogger Leena at Conceptis Addict to do a meme on Revealing My Dream -- A Personal Development Challenge.

Here are the rules I’ve got to follow:

1.Reveal your dream for the world to see, either on your blog (if you’re a blogger) or in the comments of a blog (like this one).

2. Remember, it’s a dream - so aim high! If your inner critic tells you that your dream isn't “realistic”, tell your inner critic to take a hike. State one of your wildest dreams AS IS.

3. Tag some other bloggers, or friends. Don’t forget this step!

4. Links back to this post are appreciated, but not essential. You could just mention that you’re responding to the Reveal Your Dream challenge on

5. That’s it - start manifesting

6. One last thing

You’re allowed to have many dreams, but you don’t have to reveal EVERYTHING for the world to see - just pick one of them for this challenge. Also, the beauty of being human and having the freedom of choice is that you can always change your mind - and by setting the wheels in motion for the dream you mention you’ll be able to make an informed choice. Reveal your dream for the world to see. It’s risky, but I promise you’ll thank me down the road. Oh, and please keep in touch - I want to hear how it all goes!

O.K so now I got it! And here is what I think my wildest dream is!

See a book written and published by me selling like hot cakes in all the famous bookstores all over the world! Oh yeah! Won’t it be lovely to be as famous and well known like all the authors I’ve dreamt of? I saw this dream only after I made this blog and read the motivating comments of all my readers. If ever, I’m able to make this dream come true I’d love to thank each of my blog readers and motivators personally!. That’ll be even more fabulous!

This is the best dream I’ve ever seen and the only one that I hope will come true some day. All the others I see are fantasy dreams!

Tagging others to do this meme is difficult as I’ve already tagged many of my friends to do the previous memes. However, here’s the list:

  1. Guardian Angel at What Parents Should Realize
  2. Jeevy at Infinite Dreams
  3. Neha Chandok at Our Coffee House
  4. Shimmer at Chronicles Of The Runaway Poet
  5. Gary at The Title is Irrelevant.... Or Is It?

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50 Things To Do Before I Die!

Three things To Die For My Top Musical Picks!

Seven things About Me That You Might Not Know!

Friday, November 23, 2007

Hidden Tears!

In the night sky where the moon hung
I wept out my heart with hidden tears
Months & months & now years, I had been stung
I hid them as a burden in my soul, hoping life clears.

Working day and night long
I thought life hardly crept
Wishing life was an easy song
Thus those hidden tears I wept.

Fear, tragedy and sorrow hung on an invisible thread
The tears glistened like dew drops, as I wept
And I toiled day and night to earn my living bread
Oh, those hidden tears at last I accept!

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  1. Her Destiny
  2. Life Is To Enjoy!
  3. Can I Change The World?

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Does I.M Language Affect Grammar Of Students?

Hello to all. Hope you all remember about the survey on IM Language that I had told you about. I know that I’m a bit late in posting this; but as you know it’s better late then never!

What Is IM Language?

Now, what do you mean by IM Language, some of you might ask! According to me, IM language is Instant Messaging or texting language used primarily by kids using internet/mobile phones for IMing, sending e-mails and SMS etc.

I am of the view that excessive usage of texting/instant messaging by children influences their grammar, spelling, etc., but I’m not opposed to it when I'm on the net. I don't always write everything out completely and use phrases like "brb", LOL etc.

The Findings

I had earlier published a post 'IM Language Improves Grammar & Vocabulary!' and put a survey to know the view of my readers on this subject. According to the result of this poll, majority of the people said that NO, IM language doesn’t affect the grammar of the students. I can not agree with this completely, but part of the reason that the survey resulted into such an outcome may be because of the fact that many of my readers are teenage boys & girls who use IM exhaustively!! I cannot help on this front, LOL!

But to make it doubly sure and to substantiate my results, I’ve done some detailed study and I can point to you the research conducted by some Canadian Researchers. You can read the article “IM language is not spoiling English, say Canadian researchers” It disputes a popular belief many of us have about the effect of IM on grammar.


Today’s world is a technology oriented world. With all those computers or the cell phones that have made into the modern world, it is understood that there will be a change in language too. The modern society is driven by fast cars, fed on fast-food and educated by news briefings rather than entire, informative reports. This is reflected in the IM language.

Oh yes! Students are very much bored in class and so they need a medium to have fun. This is provided to them by IM language. In classrooms it does help in better communications between the teacher and students. Thus, it enhances the teacher and student bonding. This is the kind of language that kids enjoy as IM language was mostly invented by teens and is their own creation. As a fact, it is much easier and a million times faster to write.

Now that you know that these are the various advantages of the language I’m sure all those who disagree would want to know their drawbacks too!

I don’t disagree with the fact that IM language is a major disadvantage too (especially in the classrooms). It has been observed that students who use the net tend to use IM language in their assignments too. They use short terms like “brb” (be right back) and “lol” (laugh out loud) during verbal speaking and in written assignments also. Most teachers believe that IM language is the major cause of the alarming rate of increase in improper usage of the language. IM can be a distraction in the classrooms, especially when it's not supposed to be used. The use of such a language can cause students to focus more on their conversations than the task at hand in class.

I wonder if kids would write much at all if they weren't presented with the "fun" forums of im and text messaging? So, it might be like that writing something is better than writing nothing, isn’t it?

To sum it up, language requires a certain place and time, and as long as kids understand that IM language stays in e-mails and chatting and academic language belongs in school, then hopefully all kids like me won’t be affected in their grammar by IM language. And as long as educators accept it for what it is and teach standard written English well, I don't think that IM’ing will change all writing. It will most likely remain a type of shorthand.

All this is the result of the little research I did, so many of you must be having different schools of thought. And also if you want to add something to what I have written you are most welcome to do so.

You all can express your views by posting your comment below. For now, I gotta go frnds but hope 2 brb :D!

Related Posts:

IM Language Improves Grammar & Vocabulary!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Letter To Mr. Alien!

Hi friends! In one of my meme’s I told you that I’d love to meet an alien if they really exist. So what if I haven’t met one yet? Wouldn’t it be interesting to write a letter to an alien whom I’ve met in my inner eye? This is what I did and posted today.

This is the letter I wrote to an imaginative alien friend telling him about life on Earth!

Hi Mr. Alien,

I hope this letter finds you in the best of your health and spirit! I’ve not been able to forget the meeting with you in my backyard. It just pops into my mind irrespective of what I’m doing! Whether I’m sleeping, studying or playing…I always have a blurred image of the time I shook my hands with you! So you can understand that after this strange turn of events, it’s hard to forget you. It’s not necessary that I’ll meet you once again, I thought I’d write a letter to you!

As we didn’t have a proper conversation the night we met, I’d love to tell you about my planet-Earth! The Earth is a beautiful planet! It has the proper atmospheric conditions for humans to live on! Three-fourth of the Earth is made of water (an essential drink for humans). So, it is also called the blue planet!

The Earth is a fascinating place to live on! Some places on the Earth are a truly amazing sight and a treat to the eyes! Such places have in abundance, the beauty that nature confers upon us! The huge yet gentle looking trees with the mild rays of the sun penetrating through their leaves, the everlasting fragrance of flowers and their tenderness and the other gifts of Mother Nature are things that words can’t describe! People live a life of pleasure at such places!

But unfortunately, humans are now destroying these wonderful sights to live in a sophisticated, modern and well-developed society. We live a life that now consists of modern gizmos and gadgets. Technology rules over humans! Is it like this on your planet too?

The hunger for money and thirst for luxury is leading to constant wars between the countries on this planet! It isn’t like we live a peaceful life! The wars are a real hindrance in the tranquility that could prevail in our lives. I hope all this stops soon and humans bond together and live life as a family!

Our common lives are something like this- small children go to school, parents go to their respective jobs and the youth ride vehicles on the road whizzing past us as if there is no tomorrow. Other young adults who are interested in a good future and career live a life consisting of only books! So, how is life on your planet? Are there any similarities?

Despite all the wars and deforestation, life on Earth is a real roller coaster ride with the computer and internet and of course! Books! There are still great people who live on this Earth! People here are mostly complaining and grumbling about life not aware that they are still enjoying it and the sadness it could case them if they lost it!!!

Hope you enjoyed reading this letter and will write back soon. Convey my sincere regards to Mrs. Alien and the two baby aliens! Hope you pay another visit to our planet soon! Goodbye and take care!

Your sincere friend,



The reply I received from Mr. Alien can be read here.

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Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Weird Jobs!

The world in this generation is truly competitive. Every child has to study hard and excel in his/her field to earn a proper living. But everyone isn’t capable of doing this. Or are you a workaholic stressed out and bored with your job? If so, today I'm going to inform you about some alternative jobs to consider!!

Here is a selection of strange jobs you can opt for in the future to stand out in the crowd with your unique taste of job!

Fish-liver sorter

Fish-liver sorters sort fish livers, obviously, and they do so according to species of fish and size, shape, color, and texture of liver. First, they'll cut the liver from the viscera, "using a knife," and place the liver in a "specified tub." Any diseased, spoiled and "poor-quality livers" they'll discard, luckily for us.

Caution: This isn’t the right job for you if you are a vegetarian!

Hair-boiler operator

Hair-boiler operators tend vats (A type of container such as a barrel, storage tank, or tub, often constructed of welded sheet stainless steel, and used for holding, storing, and processing liquids such as milk, wine, and beer) in which animal hair is boiled in order to curl it. Specifically, according to the occupational dictionary, they "turn valves to admit water and steam into vats and to drain water from vats after hair is boiled".

Warning: Opt out of this job if you have a sensitive nose and are allergic to boiling hair soup!

Chocolate Engineer

If you want to become an engineer, it's fine, and is a common practice around the globe. Here is something different. Like an engineer designs and makes things, a chocolate engineer designs and makes chocolates. The job of a chocolate engineer is to create various types of lip smacking chocolate recipes!

Advice: Surely, I should give preference to such a job in future but I’m afraid that instead of making them, I’ll be the first one to eat up all of them!


It is the search for animals believed to exist, but for which conclusive evidence is missing. The field also includes the search for known animals believed to be extinct. People who study or search for such animals are called cryptozoologists, while the hypothetical creatures involved are called "cryptids”.

Note: An interesting job, huh? Fascinated by Unicorns or Big Foot? Then this is certainly the right job for you!

Rodeo clown

A rodeo clown is a rodeo performer who works on bull riding contests. Rodeo clowns have one of the more dangerous jobs in show business, because their job's stuntman requirements — improvisational comedy with half-wild bulls — expose them to a range of potential injuries from the bulls. As a result, injuries to rodeo clowns are common.

Beware: So, do you have the guts for this one? But this is certainly an adventurous one, guys!

I hope you all liked my new job as a career counselor and also hope that you might decide to change your profession after reading about these interesting and out of the common jobs! Or do you have different opinions? I’d surely love to hear about them and can only do so, if you post a comment!

Acknowledgement: Wikipedia

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  2. Weird World!!
  3. Tips For saving Tips!!!

Monday, November 19, 2007

50 Things To Do Before I Die!

Hi Guys, I’m back to do a meme again and this time I’ve been tagged by a really good friend and talented writer, Ranjani at The Pensieve. I’ve got to do a meme on 50 Things To Do Before I Die! here’s another tough one.

Oh My God! I’ve to write fifty things!

O.K, I’m getting straight to the job. It took some time to complete this list but I’m finally done with it. So here you go!

01. Study hard and become a doctor.
02. Write a novel and publish it.
03. Make my parents proud by writing a book that is as famous as Harry Potter.
04. Meet every great person in this world, especially J.K Rowling.
05. Watch all Bollywood (Indian) and Hollywood movies.
06. Try and read all the kids blog on the blogosphere.
07. Go on a world tour.
08. Have my own personal Library which has a collection of all fine books.
09. Spend one whole day at a Library in serenity.
10. Help the underprivileged children of our society.
11. Donate a generous amount of money to every social working association.
12. Make the world a better place to live in.
13. Plant a hundred trees and produce a greener environment.
14. Stay in touch with my friends for eternity.
15. Watch every Harry Potter move at least 10 times.
16. Learn to sing and dance better.
17. Paint a portrait like Mona Lisa which is sold for million dollars.
18. Have a celebrity status.
19. Have a successful career.
20. Go on a cruise.
21. Learn to speak almost all the major languages of the world.
22. To gorge on all the mouth watering delicacies of the world.
23. To meet Daniel Radcliff, Rupert Grint and Emma Watson.
24. Write a blog on all the great writers
25. To go on an adventurous trip to the forests of Africa.
26. Visit the Disneyland.
27. Watch a live concert by Shakira.
28. Climb the Mount Everest and watch the world from top of it.
29. Visit space with Sunita Williams.
30. Construct the best old age home in the world.
31. Learn horse riding.
32. Go trekking.
33. Live a very luxurious life.
34. Publish a book of poems for kids.
35. Improve the politics of India.
36. Make my country proud of myself.
37. Meet all the people who comment on my blog and motivate me.
38. Do a research on Indian cultures.
39. Visit Florida and Switzerland.
40. Get a free train ticket by a stranger.
41. Learn all styles of painting.
42. Demolish terrorism from this world
43. Write a fifty line poem.
44. Celebrate Indian festivals in a foreign country.
45. Learn about all the religions and festivals of the world.
46. Find out if a U.F.O really exists.
47. Meet an alien like in e.t if they actually live on another planet.
48. Find out a star pattern in the night sky.
49. To see all the animals I’ve only heard about and seen on T.V.
50. Not die before the age of 100, so that I can do all the things I’ve mentioned.

Wow! I’ve completed this tough job at last. Now comes the tagging business!

Here are the people to whom I pass this meme and I hope they all do it soon!

Ess47 : Positive High Energy

Xh : Tales Of A Lone Wolf

Jesie : Jesie Blog Journey

Majik : Majik's Thoughts

Amber : Amber's Blog

Hope you do well and have a great time!

Related Posts:

  1. Seven Things About Me That You Might Not Know
  2. Three Things To Die For & My Top Musical Picks

Sunday, November 18, 2007

From The Dustbin .....

Unluckily I was a part of my friend's prank,
As I was pushed into the dustbin; into which I sank

A funky smell and garbage in hell,

A wrapper somewhere or an eggshell

I felt like no Cinderella,

Sitting under a beautiful umbrella

A horrible smell,

That made me want to yell

As I came out of the dustbin all yellow,

And sticking on my head was a half-eaten marshmallow!

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  1. Why The Bee Doesn't Take A Bath?
  2. Ants In The Pants!!!
  3. I'm No Coward!
  4. Absent Minded Professor

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Mysterious Money! ..... Part - II

Story continued from Part-I

If you haven't read it, here is the link: Mysterious Money! ..... Part - I

Albertan was certain that someone had tried to frame Janet as the thief. Now, Albertan had to undertake another mission of finding who the real thief was. He decided to lay a trap. The next day, he told the whole class that he had a lot of money in his bag. He waited behind the class door as soon as everyone went out for recess that day. After fifteen minutes, his patience proved to be fruitful as he heard footsteps in the school corridor!

As soon as the boy entered, Albertan couldn’t believe his eyes. He rubbed them heard but saw the same vision. A boy was fumbling inside his bag……………………..and he was…………………………………………. No one else than his best friend Randal himself!

Now, Albertan never conversed with Randal, not even after his thousand apologies. Albertan had told the whole true story to Randal’s parents who had punished him severely. Albertan learnt that James had dearly wanted a new mp3 player for which he did not have money and his parents were reluctant to buy it for him.

So when he saw Albertan’s money, his greed took the better hand of him. He stole the money when no one was in class and hid it in his own bag. Albertan, not having the slightest suspicion about his best friend, never checked his bag.

But when Randal learnt that Albertan was deciding to tell the police, he got really scared and in order to remove the suspicion from himself he hid his own money near the dustbin, acting as if it was stolen! It was only he who did the poor act of putting the money in Janet’s desk and found it there himself!

But at last the thief was caught due to Albertan’s wit and intelligence.

Randal was fooled by his trap and walked straight into the lion’s den himself! Albertan learnt that attaining true friendship wasn’t really easy and also saw what greed could do to a small boy like James!

So guys, I would like to mention that after reading many mystery novels written by Nancy Drew, Alfred Hitchcock, Hardy Boys, Sherlock Holmes, Robin Cook & Jeffrey Archer, I had thought of writing one like these great authors and put it before you!! (Oh! what a comparison???)

Accordingly, before you click on the comment’s button, I’d like to remind you that this is my first try at writing a mystery story. Hope you keep this in consideration!

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