A Mere 17 Inch Horse!

So here's this really interesting news that I stumbled upon…a mere 17 inch horse! See for yourself in the picture! The world's smallest horse. A miniature dwarf!
The authorities have christened her Thumbeline (really cute….you know why!) and she has been reported as the world's official most shortest horse. The real Thumelina was born on an American farm to a couple who specialize in breeding miniature horses.
Now she is so small and so cute you could hold her in your hands and breed her like little puppies (Pet lovers and puppy crazy…I see you heart go BOOM! he…he..).
Horses usually weight about 250lb and rise to a height of 34 inches when they are fully grown. But for Thumbelina, it's a different story. Ever since she was born, she the day she was born it was clear that tiny Thumbelina would never grow to that size. She weighed in at only 8lb - the size of a new-born baby - when she was born. Eventually she grew to just 60 lb.
People are enthralled by her and she is a show stopper in her hometown, America. She has been affected by a horse disease called Dwarfism. Her owners, the Goessling family in Goose Creek farm in St. Louis, are in awe of her. They say she likes to hang out with the cocker spaniels rather than the other horses on their 150-acre farm. ( Now that gets me thinking…)
Quoting the family's words, "Because her legs are proportionally smaller than her body and her head, she has to wear orthopaedic fittings to straighten them out a lot of the time."
"But we love her and wouldn't want her any other way," said Michael Goessling, whose parents Kay and Paul bred the miniature horses.
As seen in the picture, the cute little miniature measures or reaches only uptil the shin of horses! You just need to feed her a cup of grain and a handful of hay, served twice a day. Unfortunately, she is expected to live to the age of 17 years only because of her size - normal horses live for about 35 years.
I've done horse-riding once or twice but now I'm going really crazy….I wonder if there is a real human baby too who could ride her…. and you bet you'll catch me there watching that captivating pair…Sigh!…I am always in my dream world :P
weird weird world ;-)
anything can happen now a days.... :)
How cute!! I wonder how the other horses react to her.
sho cute..it reminded me of the song..lakdi ki kathi kathi pe ghoda ghode ki dum pe mara hathoda...dauda dauda duada dum utha k dauda :P
yippiee mere ko wo ghoda la do :P
Have seen this pic sometime back in some email but had totally skipped outta my mind
Its reallly really cute...especially standin nxt to a normal horse...
Thumbeline haan...din know this..lol...and yea the hrt does go boom...i loooooove puppies...planin to get a golden retriver soon
@ Sachin- yea....I agree :9
@ Solitaire- I believe they would behave normally coz they aren't humans to discriminate!!!
@ Sourish bhaiya- It reminds me of the song too....cute song....cute horsie......I wish it were a lakdi ka ghoda or they had a lakdi ki kaathi.....Hey......you should get that for me, elder bro, eh??
@ Divi di- Ohhhhh please forward that mail to me :) It really is cute...ooo....I don't really like pups....I'm kinda scared of dogs :(
this horse should appear in the world guiness records book!
Great find Kiddo :-)
Keep up the good work!
I have read about her in a mail I got.
She's so cute! :)
:D :D so cute ;)
I admit she is cute ! But why are the couple miniatuing the innocent neings...?!!!!
I think they are beautiful just the way they are !!!!
She chooses her pal to her similar size :) I too had her on my blog back then.
I've heard about this too.. but I thought it was some kinda Email hoax... weird.. poor thing, there aren't more horses like her to give her company :(
@ Zawan- I suppose she's there :)
@ Cris- Thanks you...:bow: WIll keep entertaining you people LOL!
@ Sam- Hey....everyone except seems to have got that mail!! I agree....reallly cute :cheek pull:
@ Vishesh- :D
@ CIndy di- I don't think it's their fault.....she's got some disease di! But, anyways, she's really cute so how does it matter?? A difference is good at times, maybe!!
@ Jeevan- LOL! ROFL!!! I need to check that out bro...where's the link??
@ Arun- Thanks for your visit....Now you've got it....it's real you know :)I hope there is no discrimination against her :)
I had seen her in one of the pgms, some channel.....really looked difrnt
She is so cute, but its really sad about her life expectancy..thks for sharing the article
No doubt, she's the little horse with the big heart! At the very least, she's made a big impression on all of us who have had the previledge of seeing her.
She inspires us to think... to realize just how strange, yet how beautiful is the world around us and the mystery's it presents.
I, for one, hope that Thumbalina will continue to inspire all who have the opportunity to enjoy her time here on planet earth.
Whatever..He's SO cute! :)
Oh ! If its coz of a disease then thats an altogeher different perpective...I thought they were breeding them or smth !!
Difference is good...definitely. I hope the poor thing doesnt get lonely...she looks so fragile...
its wonderful
So cute!
@ Viajero- Hey.....looks like I was the only li'l one left uninformed for so long :)
@ Anu- That's really what I think....god does become unfair at times, :(
@ Don- I'm so glad to read the comment.....I hope it inspires all readers and people who meet her...Thanks for your wonderful perspective:)
@ Aayu- Hey....isn't your avatar the picasa edited one that I saw?? Looks good :)
Yea....really cute and more because she isn't a dog :)
@ Cindy di- Glad you got it......I'm sure she'll bear with it since God sent her down so she'll be happy :)
@ Tomz- I agree :)
@ Vanessa- she really is :P
wow.. interesting :-)
Its very cute...:)
@ raaji- Interesting, certainly! But what about her cuteness quotient?
@ jaggu- Sure :)
interesting trivia :)
meghz, do send me a mail - the mail id is @ my profile.. ur BB needs a small help from u...
@ Anoop- Yeah, sure....Thanks :P
@ BB- Off now....your li'l sissy at your service LOL!
Hi Meghna...what a beautiful horse! Little and sweet!
What a weird thing!
@ Stephi- Certainly :)
@ Nikita- LOL! same :pinch:
My goodness! Poor little horsey, so tiny but so innocent, and doesn't deserve such. I wish I was a healer to go to America and heal her. Oh, yes, you ARE always in your little dreams aren't you Meghna? Your imagination is growing and growing...
I agree with Sachin that anything now can happen at all... and when I looked at the picture I felt such sorrow for her... Such an adorable mini thing!! :)
Meghna, you know there are some animals who will reject their babies because they are abnormal. Monkeys do that. So do dogs.
it's amazing! you remember adi. he is my bro. wanna be friends? come to my blog.
@ Nadine- Really....it doesn't deserve this fate, cutie pie! I wish I could accompany you...LOL! I love my dream world then!
@ Solitaire- Really? I never knew that.....I thought animals were better than humans and had no discrimination amidst them....but this brought home the reality to me! I hope the cutie pie is not treated in such a way :(
@ Niranjan- Wow! Two equally talented brothers at the blogosphere....I'm lucky dude :)
strange but soo cute :)
@ Vandita- Snatched the words outta my mouth LOL!
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Hi passionate4044,
Thank you for the kind words and glad to know that you liked the blog. But regarding setting up a blog, I am afraid, you may please contact other experienced bloggers and I may not be able to explain it to you. But don't worry; there are many people eager to help you. So, wish you best of luck. Thanks again.
Actually I live close to city where they have dwarf horses. They are smallish but cute. check this link,
This is at hour drive from my place.
@ Mumbai Guy- Thanks for the link....owwww....lucky :)
Good Job! :)
@Tom - Thank you!
I don’t know what to say. Dwarfism within performance horses is quite sadly but having this cute “horsey” is just cool! I can’t even imagine a real baby could ride on this horsey. Totally cute.
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