The Battle .....
It was a habitual war. A callous battlefield acclimatized with a multitude of completely fortified warriors all ready to shield. With much zest and fortitude I geared up to take my position. The only thought that occurred in my vigorous mind was that I had to win, and win at all costs!
Effusively equipped, I went to the battlefield, persuading my timorous self and filling it with the essential resilience and valor required. Reconstructing the winning techniques in my mind once again, I was determined and looked forward to my triumph.
As soon as I arrived at the gory battleground, I saw that there was a profuse hoard

The scene The Battle changed as soon as the fight began in the swirl of a moment. I was taken aback with the swiftness and alacrity of all the warriors. Like me, they were all experienced too, I realized. It was going to be a remarkable struggle today then…..
All vigilant

I knew I had won, and then I felt it in my senses too, just like any other experienced professional….and I also understood that I was on war with an immature. I locked eyes with her and finally saw her strength wavering. Then….she let go…the victim was for me to keep! I victoriously waved it in the air and gave the poor loser a mocking smile, while the warrior looked down embarrassed.
I carefully handed over my victory trophy at the billing corner. “Your bill ma’am!”, a voice announced. I smiled and handed down the note. I knew the battle at the lates

Would love to know what you think about this latest battlefield story. This, if you realize (I am certain girls will!) is an unwavering fight you need to go through during every shopping spree you have a good shopping mall offering the Summer Discount!.....a gory ordeal or battle, for the first one to lay your hand upon the best clothes being sold at a low rate, eh?
haha...first half reminded me of wimbleon finals!!..
2nd half was pretty unexpected!!!:)
I'm Speechless! you writing is brilliant!and those images are just great to support the writing! and..i have a new post...think you will be interested...have a look :) in English... :)) and you missed my doggie one just before that Afrikaans English... :))
Hi Pratap,
Wimbledon finals? LOL! I ain
t a really big fan.....that's just what I thought :P
Hi Nikita,
English?? I'll be'll read that too!
Thanks :)
Hey Megh, thats a nice description! And why only girls? even guys understand it perfectly well :)
I completely agree with priyank.Beautiful flow that you have in language .Keep up the good work,now....whatever *sigh
lol.. that was a good take, sis.. i am still laughing :)
Hahahahha...I so so so loved this girl.
Initially I kinda felt you've tried to describe a srious battle here, then my eyes went down and I saw you omment about girls and all, and went back to read it come out of it laughing...!!!!
I totaly agree to each and every senecce placed !!
Kudos kudos kudos babeh !!
amazing and a complete surprising climax...
:P uff ladkiyon ne toh shopping ko war bana deiya:P
Hi Priyank, it happens in your section too?? LOL!
Hi Mishra,
Thanks a lot....all due to the esteemed support of the reader :)
@ Vishesh- ummm....kk....LOL!
@ Anoop- Thanks a lot BB.....a true one :)
@ Cindy di- I knoiw all girls will LOL! Hey...that's should've read from the beginning na...anyways...glad you liked it...thanks a lot di :)
@ Sourish Bhaiya- Hey.....I think it happens with you people too...who can resist the temptation?? Tahnks :P
@ Sourish :
Tujhe kya pata shopping kis bala ka naam hai....I went to the mall yesterday to get a black shirt, aur poore mall mein ek dhang ka blck shirt nahi mile...can you imagine ?!!!!
It is like a war yaar, aur koi sale ya discount offer chal raha hai, tab toh gayi...
@ Cindy di and Sourish- I agree with di...I went to buy a good white tee and didn't get any proper plain one...imagine!!! Ab sale nahi to where else??
@ Di- Pit black top???....Bad...bad...shoppe!
The seriously went battle, hits with a laugh a loud! How excite, you simply amaze me in relating it with reverie, dear. Keep them flowing :)
At first I thought maybe it was exams you were talking about.Then as I read some more I thought it might be about some gaming arcade where you get those points to redeem gifts.
But this was totally unexpected!
Well written dear :)
Awesome...stop givin me a
Just kiddin...but great pc of writin girl!!!
Reminds me of this episode from frinds where monica had to get her wedding gown from a sale ;P
@ Jeevan- yea....A real loud LOL! Thanks a lot for the kind words! I will certainly let it flow....
@ Sam- I know....that's exactly what one of my friends.....I had thought of making it a game initially but ended up this way LOL!
Thanks a lot :)
@ Divi di- No complex problems here with me....rate me as lower LOL! Thanks a missed out on that one...which season?
Ha! Good One!
As Priyank said, guys understand such things well also!!!! :P
(yeah, and why dont u try to remove this word verification thingy. it's kinda irritating.)
You have an amazing vocabulary! Are you doing English majors by any chance???? I'm super impressed!
*takes a bow*
Hey Meghna
Thanks for the comment, I replied back on my blog if you want to see??
That post was magical and marvelous how you made it like a war in shopping, fighting over a dress and who gets it first.
Nice. Sweet, and cool pictures!!
Wonderful imagination you have... ;)
Hugs, Nadine
its season 7 i think!!!
loved it :-)
Read it a second time, to really picture the war at the shop floor :-)
Imagination unlimited! It was a nice read, Meghna :-)
One suggestion though, if I may - simpler words would give a smoother and lighter impression to the average reader's mind. Our intend is to imprint in the reader's mind, what we have in our mind, right? What if most of our readers have to refer to a dictionary to get the meanings? :-) Simple words and a beautiful narration are the key to the average reader's mind :-)
Keep writing, you have been gifted with a wonderful imagination :-)
You have blog rolled me and i don't know about it...thnx sis:D:D:D
Hi Meghna, first of all, great post! Your writing is just beautiful.
Thanks for the comment! Glad you liked the chapter.
@ Adi- Have to believe it now that you say but don
t know what we all go through! LOL!
Sorry about that, I've already been s[rammed once and cannot afford that again...bear with it until I find a substitute!!
@ Anindita- Poor me....wished my English teacher thought so!! She thinks I'm a dud like any other you know LOL!....Have to make her read this...English majors...a tribute to me or what?? LOL!
@ nadine- I'll check it out soon...Am glad you liked it...and yea...what's with the pictures?? Everyone is impressed LOL!
I guess you's have gone through this :)
@ Divi di- Check it out in the reruns....I'm waiting for the movie to release but I guess it got canceled :(
@ Tedy- LOL! Glad you liked it that much :)
@ Reia- Thanks a lot.....I got your suggestion. If you read my other stories, you will see that I usually use simple and common words and try to stress on the narratives. But this time, I thought I need to refe to the thesaurus to bring that mystic appeal which this story needs.....I guess I got to improve on that again...Thanks a lot :)
@ Sahefa- I do it to all deserving ones...there are many others on my list that I need to add...Thanks for the reminder :)
@ Stephi- Thanks a lot :)
hi, im zawan again
wow meghna, where do you get this vocab and advanced english
you should send one of your stories for publishing... really.
@ Zawan- Glad you liked it and thanks for visiting :)
Fiction taken to a new height or something?!?
Loved it! :P
Bio padha? :D
@ Aayu- Whatever you wanna call it LOL!
Abhi kahan....tension building done??
@ Adi- Removed the verification thingy....Hope it's not a problem now so don't hesitate to post a comment :)
@Meghna: The verification thingy was your shield against spammer robots.
Now with you shield down, in a few days, the spammer bots would rampage your posts with all sort of comments, believe me, which you wouldn't really want to be seen here!
@ Tedy- I understand bro.....I'm all armed for the attack....many people said so and I too find it a I'll be without a shield until I find something better....Kudos! to Meghna the warrior and a thumbs down to the spammer bots LOL!
no movie announced as yet darling... i wud know lol...i am crazy fans friend u see :)
@ Divi di- No....reallly....or maybe it was a rumour!! But they were going to make one but it got canceled then!
Hows the lil angel doing today ?
Anymore shopping battles as yet...?
Oh haan I linked you girlie...
@ Cindy di- Your Lil angel does really well except for a chemistry test :( but elated about the Bio. Test :)
@ Cindy di again!!! Thanks a lot, check it out soon :P
LOL, I was trying to figure out where you would have gotten such an experience. Then it became clear at the end. Who would have thought, the shopping mall a battle ground. Great job relating it.
awwww cute baby!
Meghna ur wise beyond ur years!
@ Eric- he...he....Glad you couldn't guess keeps the suspense alive you know :)
Thanks a lot!
@ Keshi di- oooo.....that was cute too....thanks di :)
Very well written post . New dresses hmmm .
@ Tyro-'s party time you know :p
Thanks :)
What do you mean?
@ Music- whatever you grasped and if you didn't....please read the story over again and read the last para 3 or 4 times....and if you still don't understand....what's the writer for :D
i absolutely adore your style of writing, your details are so precise. As i read your story aloud i pictures in my mind a battle field very similar to one like the civil war. Finally, when i read the words embellishing dress I instantly connected to the moment. you're story is like no other and it was inspired me to pick up my writing once again. thank you.
Good on you for sticking to your guns.
I say, it's war out there at those discount bonanzas! It's not charity and in no way need you show any form of kindness or sympathy to weaker opponents - if they can't stand the heat, they should stay out of the kitchen.
More seriously though, whilst some degree of competition in the stores can be a little bit of fun, it can run out of control, and a good example of this was the recent incident in a Wal-Mart store on the day after Thanksgiving - where a shop assistant was killed in a stampede.
It's fair enough for shoppers to be competitive at times. Nevertheless, all shoppers have an obligation to ensure that their behavior does put the safety either of others in any form of jeopardy whatsoever.
hehe... When the post commenced I really thought it was a battle of the King Arthur's Knights of the round table, but it turned out, something pretty unexpected. Job well done :)
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