Those Days Are Gone ....
Hello friends! Yes, you have guessed it right….My exams are over!
I’ve also come up with a short poem to express my joy. Here it goes:
Those Days Are Gone!!!
Those days are gone
When I awoke all night
Studying and studying
With all my might!
Those days are gone
When I was full of fear
And long sheets of paper
With ink I’d smear
Those days are gone
When I had no time
Because blogging during exams
Would have surely been a crime
Those days are gone
And I am free again
My exams are over
And I am back on my train!
Those days are gone………….
Gone have those sleepless nights when I kept drumming my brain over those boring textbooks, days when I wrote on long sheets of paper for only two hours which seemed like days…..all is over now!
I’m sure my brimming happiness is conveyed to you all thorough this post! I’m glad to be back to blogging, reading your comments and reading other great blogs! Life seems like real fun now……
I’ve also come up with a short poem to express my joy. Here it goes:
Those Days Are Gone!!!
Those days are gone
When I awoke all night
Studying and studying
With all my might!
Those days are gone
When I was full of fear
And long sheets of paper
With ink I’d smear
Those days are gone
When I had no time
Because blogging during exams
Would have surely been a crime
Those days are gone
And I am free again
My exams are over
And I am back on my train!
Those days are gone………….
I hope you enjoyed reading this poem. And of course, with renewed zeal and vigor I will soon be back to writing stories and posts! I am really thankful for all those good wishes I got for my exams. They were a real motivation!
Now that my exams are over, my head is brimming with new ideas and stories for my blog. I am longing to pen them down and present them before you! I am surely glad to be back!

HI meghna
saw ur comment on my poem and came over.. tried to get to ur other blog, but it says only invited people.... could u invite me? would love to read what u write... is my mail id...
Yayy,exams party time??? :)
cool. Waiting for your summer stories.
Hi aarti,
I'm glad you liked it! I've decided to open another blgog which will be beginning in a few days....I've kept it private until then but soon you all will be able too access it!
Sure is party time dudette! :D
hi Thejesh,
you'll be able to read them soon! I promise :D
Hurrey.. let the days be gone and let the fun begin.. come and start posting like earlier.. missed ur posts whn u r noit around, sweet little wizard :-D
Hey Anoop,
Thanks a lot for this 'sweet little wizard' honor! it's delighting to hear this so I'll be back soon and with a sweep! :D
Welcome back my blogger and SU friend. We missed you and I can't wait to see more drawings and poems from you. Take care.
Hey Cindy,
I'm glad to be back and bring joy to you all too! I'll be posting good ones soon :D
good going meg
i can totally relate to that post exam feeling when you think that life can't get better. Glad to know that you're back to concentrated blogging; i've been going through your posts and I must say, the writing is simply delicious...
ps: thanks for taking the time to visit my blog and comment
Great! Exams are over! Now you can devote yourself more to blogging! yayy! :P welcome back Meghna. Hope the exams went fine.
Hi Meghna, I'm so glad that your back!. Funny, just today, someone left a comment on the story I did for you; here it is:
"Hi Don,
You have great a gift and a wonderful way to bring out the best in people.
Keep Up The Good Work
Meghan you have an amazing and creative mind, I wish you all the best in the future.
angelbear 2457"
So, there you go - you now have a new fan for your blog, and I'm sure that you will have many, many more new fans in the future.
Hope all went well with you studies? I'm sure they did, being as intelligent as you are.
hi meghna...
thanks for visiting my blog...i must say,u have a lovely blog i mean literally and otherwise :o) and u write very simply,very well...i look forward to reading ur posts!
p.s:i hated exams too!ugh!
Hi Meghna! Glad to know that your exams are over!
I've written a new post at my blog. Hope you'll enjoy reading it.
Great poem! Congratulations!
Hi Aditya,
Thanks :D
Hi Snakebite,
I'm glad you liked my blog and the content. That's why I said...I'm really glad to be back..
Hi Morinn,
The exams went fabulous and I'm back to devote myself to blogging! i hope you all enjoy it too!
Thanks :D
Hi Don,
I don't know who this person is but he is certainly a well wisher and I'm so thankful for your story!
My exams went well but I believe if it were you instead of me, it would have gone even better! This proves you are more intelligent :D
Hi Sweta,
I'm glad you liked my blog and writing. Hope to see you here much often....Looks like it a global hatred for everyone in this world against exams :D
Hi Stephi,
I'll be visiting your blog soon and seeing your post! I'm really partying because my exams are over. I'm glad to be reading your comments....
loved the poem, girl.
happy for you that you are done with exams, how did they go?
Looking forward to new stories and poems :)
Hi Lena,
Glad to know that you liked the poem. Oh, exams went exceptionally well. Now I'm in a partying mood. Thanks.
I am jealous...ask me why...
coz mine are just starting...:( still i'll be lurkin around...Promise...
Hi Neha,
You've got the right to be jealous now! He.he...Good wishes from my side!
I'm glad you'll be around! :D
Glad that your exam is over and you are back to share more stories.
I don't like exams either and I was always stressed out with allergy and studying during finals.
Hi Jesie,
i too am glad to be back! Looks like this is a "united we stand, divided we fall" situation, eh?
:D man, i am just waiting for the last exam of my life. this april. i will done with it, once and for all!
so how many more exams do you still have to write? :P
Hi Vinni,
I know you must be nail biting for that exam to end soon and those few days must be seeming like long years now! Wish you luck! :P
hey....They are all over now ...Yippppeeee!
Hey meghu,
This one's funny n cool.;)
C'mon yaar.Post in my blog.!!
All people out there..please do visit my blog [emphasis on "do" :D]
Hi Aayu,
I'm glad you liked it! Thanks :D
I'll surely be reading your blog and hope that all others out here will do so too :)
All people out there..please do visit my website
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