Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The Prince!

He cried when he saw them

The children at the park

Playing and playing and having fun

Where he could not make his mark

He looked at them with eyes

That were glistening with envy

Oh how he wished to be there too

With remorse he said, Oh Lord! Why me?

He kept looking from day to dawn

Until the game was over

And until a harsh sound he heard

Calling him down for dinner

How could he forget?

That a royal prince he was

Who could not even have the pleasure

Of even walking on the wet moss

How could he forget?

That the Palace was his only home

And the world outside the window

Was but a covered dome

He never could play in the sun

Nor even in the sparkling rain

Not when the trees shed their leaves

Or the Earth became a white plane

He was always provided with luxury

The best a man could get

His parents thought the Prince was happy

Not knowing happiness he had never met

Money could not buy everything

But who would make them understand?

The desire of this little child; who was tagged a Prince

But in his heart and soul he remained a young hand!

People must have always thought how much fun the life of a Prince or Princess would be. But have you ever looked at the other side of the coin?

Related posts:

  1. Can I change the world?
  2. Children by The street.... Help
  3. But....We Are Just kids!
  4. Kids Can Surely make A difference!



Hi Meghna,

Yes I feel sorry for that Prince and for anyone else who is shut away in a mansion or a palace or an ivory tower.

Keep blogging!



hi meghana,
nice poem. I've written a stoey on same theme http://anand.ws/2008/03/02/trapped/


poor price - it reminds me of a saying in malayalam - jail is a jail even if it is made of gold...

nice one, meghz...


Hi ess,
I too pity such people and I am glad you are with me!


Hi Anand,
i will certainly read your post too! thanks :D


Hi Big Bro,
I agree...Nice saying though I haven't heard it yet!

I am a lover of children's literature

Very nice poem, but so sad at the same time.


Hi Don,
I'm glad you understand the situation! Thanks :P


Hey meghna!
Don't you worry, Otter Sandaig is GREAT!
I was really happy to hear that you liked my poem. Thanks Meghna! Proud to have such a great friend like you!
I know how it feels. You are right money doesn't buy everything.
I didn't used to think of it until 4 years ago my parents told me so.
So i hope the prince lives his happily ever after.
I enjoyed reading the poem. Couldn't take my eyes off it.
My eyes followed every word with grace and felt each emotion stab me sharply.
Keep writing!!! ;)


Hi nadine,
I too am glad to have you as a friend and to know that Sandiag is fine! I'm glad that you understand money plays an important role but money cannot surely buy everything! Thanks a lot for being such a good reader and a good friend too!


Hi Meg,

Actually, I am not really doing good as you may think. I can say that I am just surviving.

In terms of Entrecard, it is really good for bloggers but I do not think it is for young bloggers as you.

This is because you may browse a blog that is really not suited for your eyes and mind.

So for now, I am not advising you to join. But if you want to see how it looks like and how it works, you can view their site but I advise you ask permission from your parents before joining.

Anyway, just to inform you that I will closing my Marriage Tips blog, but will transfer most of the contents on my Parenting tip blog, w/c is now Happy Family Matters.

Besides parenting and marriage, I will include other family issues.

PS. Good luck on your new blog and
Happy Birthday!

Farha Salim

Hi Meghna ,
I know in what luxury they live!
But I thought they wouldn't care for normal people like us!

I cannot see your blogroll . pls. tell me where it is!



Awww...a cute, but sad poem. Very nice! Did you write this?


Hi Angel,
Aw....Hope you are keeping in the best of your health. I am glad you informed me about entrecard. if I do consider joining in (I am not as of now) I will certainly ask for permission from my parents. Thanks a lot for the advice!
I hope you do well with the blog and i will read it too! Thanks for the good wishes :P


Hi farha,
I also thought so until I changed my mind a little time back! We have a mindset of that kind but should we not think the other way around too?
Ah...yes, I guessed I should have told you before. You can find my blogroll in my favorite tab in below the title of my blog!


Hi Dukepro,
I'm glad you liekd it! I wrote it, of course :P


Hi Meghna,
I just wanted to say congratulations to you. Nice poem.
I've written a story at my blog. Hope you'll like it. If you can, see it.
Great post!


Hi ... Perhaps this should inspire us all to look at other peoples lives and life situations with different perspectives. We may often be to ready to judge others without understanding their way of life or their circumstances. Nice blog.


Hi Pollydot,
I am glad you liked my blog and derived a lesson from this poem. At times, when we see people doing better than us we envy them without knowing how happy they are!
Keep reading........


Hi Stephie,
Thanks for the good wishes. I love your story too :D


Hi Meghna,

Welcome to the blogosphere. It is a real pleasure to read the writings of someone so young and intelligent. I got to your blog from a fellow Twitterer's recommendation and will be following your posts.

Have you read 'The Little Prince' by Antonie St.Exupery? Or 'The Happy Prince' by Oscar Wilde? If not,do try and find them in your library. Both of them are stories of princes...very different and yet similar in some manner. Perhaps you'll like them.

Take care and keep writing!


Hi Smith,
I am encouraged to do better after reading your comment! I have read both the books in the library and I do like them very much! I am glad you liked my work and blog!

Thanks a lot for the compliments :D


Feel sorry for him..I wish he could his real way of happiness


Hi Dreams,
I too have a soft corner for such people, thus I wrote this poem! I too hope he leads a happy life!

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