Lots Of Work!
This academic session at my school has come to an end (unfortunately!). Yes, you have guessed it right! This means that my final term examinations are starting in a few days and so I got to study hard….I am digging into my school books these days (something that I should have done throughout the year) and wiping dust from them!
As my exams are nearing, I need a short break from blogging. But instead of keeping complete silence, I will continue posting some short poems or stories, so you all keep visiting! But before that, I should complete some memes that have been pending since a long time! Must say, these guys have such brilliant brains to tag….ME!!!!
The First
The first one is from Anoop at Tales Of A Lone Wolf and a bit tough! As Anoop says, “This is a meme, but a little bit serious and different. There are 10 points, and you are supposed to elaborate on each point.”
I have tried to do my best and here is what I came up with:
(1) It is important to be liked by others:
I can not say a ‘NO’ straight away to this. But I believe it is important that you like yourself and what you are. Until and unless you yourself are not satisfied with the way you are, no one will like you! But I believe it is important to be liked by our teachers and to have a lasting impression on them…especially when they check our answer sheets!
(2) Obedience is a virtue:
I don’t think so….but unfortunately at our school it is. Until and unless obedience dwells from the core of our own hearts, I cannot call it a virtue….but I may be wrong!
(3) People are not malicious but they become so because of bad experiences or circumstances:
Not everyone but yes, some people are a bit malicious. I do not know if it is due to bad experiences or circumstances but yes, such people are not bad in any way but a little less good than the other angels!
(4) Education broadens our view and makes people more humane:
Education of course broadens our view and teaches us the worldly vice but at the end it all depends upon us and upon what we want to derive from our education!
(5) People who have no money troubles are happier:
Money is not the only trouble in life and there are many other problems that a man can face. Look at me….I don’t have any money troubles (Thanks to my parents) but I can not say I am completely happy. I have lots of troubles like school, studies etc….I won’t say they are major problems but you can count them in my ‘troubles’!
(6) As people get older they get wiser:
I can not say so as I haven’t grown much old yet but I do believe that as we get older, we get much more experienced and experience makes a man wiser, they say. (Old is Gold!)
(7) You can live on love and fresh air:
I have no idea about you all, but I can not. What about my chocolates, ice-creams, books, school……. I sure can’t live without these things alone!
(8) There is a celestial guardian angel looking after each one of us:
I believe in this. There is some great power up there to look after each one of us….and He is especially relevant during my examinations!
(9) All living beings reincarnate:
I can only tell you this if I do…….but I do not believe in this!
(10) Heaven and Hell are places you go to after death.
Hey…this is getting stranger…. why think about death when you are still alive? I am happy with my life so I have never thought about this! Sorry….
The Second
The second one is from the chess lover Nikita at Chessalee and a bit unusual tag too. According to the tag, all I have got to do is to pick a book lying nearest to me and open to page 123 of the book and copy down lines 6, 7 and 8.
I have recently finished reading the book ‘Deception Point’ by Dan Brown. It is a fabulous book and fun to read. I’m in awe of Dan Brown about how much courage he has to write and publish this novel! Anyways….. Page 123, lines 6, 7 and 8:
Sexton felt an anger simmering. Now Tench was putting words in his mouth. He tried to counter but Tench was already talking.
“So you’re saying, Senator, for the record, that you would do away with the agency that put men on the moon?”
“I’m saying that the space race is over! Times have changed. NASA no longer plays a critical role in the lives of everyday Americans and yet we continue to fund them as though they do.”
The Third
The next tag is from Vagabond Dreamer at Ravings of a Nomadic Mind. This is a hilarious one. I’m sure you all will enjoy this…I have to answer the questions and create my names with the options given in the brackets!
(1). Your Rock Star Name: (first pet & current car)
Parrot Alto
(2).Your Gangsta Name: (fave ice cream flavor, favorite cookie)
Butterscotch Dark Choclate Chip
(3). Your “Fly Guy” Name: (first initial of first name, first three letters of your last name)
(4). Your Detective Name: (favorite color, favorite animal)
Blue bird
(5). Your Soap Opera Name: (middle name, city where you were born)
Meghna India
(6). Your Star Wars Name: (the first 3 letters of your last name, first 2 letters of your first)
(7). Superhero Name: (”The” + 2nd favorite color, favorite drink)
The green butterscotch shake
(8). Nascar Name: (the first names of your grandfathers)
……..I’m giving this one my own name! MEGHNA
(10).Witness Protection Name: (mother’s & father’s middle names )
Na Na
(11). TV Weather Anchor Name: (Your 5th grade teacher’s last name, a major city that starts with the same letter)
Jasmine Jaipur
(12). SPY Name: (your favorite season/holiday, flower)
Winter daffodils
(13). Cartoon Name: (favorite fruit, article of clothing you’re wearing right now + “ie” or “y”)
Orange Shirtie
(14). Hippy Name: (What you ate for breakfast, your favorite tree)
Cornflakes Mango
(15). Your Rockstar Tour Name: (”The” + Your fave hobby/craft, fave weather element + “Tour”)
The Reading Cold Tour!
Hey…this was so much fun! Ahhh…Now I am grumbling about why I did not do this earlier!
The Fourth
The next in line is from Aarthi at Lost In Utopia. Instructions: Remove 1 question from below, and add in your personal question.
(1) Who are the most & most important persons you like to meet in your life?
Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Teresa, J.K Rowling and Lord (if He is a person)
(2) Name Three Most Valuable Assets?
Me, my family and my friends.
(3) If you were to be stranded on a deserted island, who are the 3 blog buddies you would take with you?
Um…that’s tough! I could take a whole lot of them so I can’t point out three in particular
(4) Where is the place that you want to go the most?
White House or Parliament House
(5) If you can have 1 dream to come true, what would it be?
Living for eternity……..
(6) Till now, what is the moment that you regret the most?
Times when I think "after" I’ve done something wrong..
(7) What are you afraid to lose the most?
My life and friends and family
(8) What would you do if you found a briefcase full of money?
Would give it into the hands of the Police without any hesitation!
(10) List out 3 good points of the person who tagged you.
Aarthi is a great lady: She writes wonderfully; She is very encouraging and She does lots
of tags and memes!
(11) Which type of person do you hate the most?
I do not hate anyone in particular but I do not like someone who says a lot of lies
(12) What is your ambition?
I want to become a renown doctor and for that, I have to study hard! I also dream of becoming a writer someday……
(14) What is the thing that will make you think someone is a bad person?
Nothing as such…
(15) If you could do one thing different in life, what would it be?
Help to save the environment
(16) Something which made u laugh today?
The hilarious jokes of my friends…
(17) How do you deal with a friend who has wronged you?
Not met anyone like that yet!
(18) Name one favorite song of yours.
I like songs by Shakira and Bryan Adams in English and in Hindi I like the songs from Taare Zammen Par! So I can’t name just one.
(19) If you are given a wish, what would you wish for? (MY QUESTION)
Thousand more wishes!
I’m glad I’m finally done with all these tags. As usual, anyone interested in doing any of these tags is free to do so! Hope you all enjoyed this
Got to go now and study hard! Bye…

As my exams are nearing, I need a short break from blogging. But instead of keeping complete silence, I will continue posting some short poems or stories, so you all keep visiting! But before that, I should complete some memes that have been pending since a long time! Must say, these guys have such brilliant brains to tag….ME!!!!
The First
The first one is from Anoop at Tales Of A Lone Wolf and a bit tough! As Anoop says, “This is a meme, but a little bit serious and different. There are 10 points, and you are supposed to elaborate on each point.”
I have tried to do my best and here is what I came up with:
(1) It is important to be liked by others:
I can not say a ‘NO’ straight away to this. But I believe it is important that you like yourself and what you are. Until and unless you yourself are not satisfied with the way you are, no one will like you! But I believe it is important to be liked by our teachers and to have a lasting impression on them…especially when they check our answer sheets!
(2) Obedience is a virtue:
I don’t think so….but unfortunately at our school it is. Until and unless obedience dwells from the core of our own hearts, I cannot call it a virtue….but I may be wrong!
(3) People are not malicious but they become so because of bad experiences or circumstances:
Not everyone but yes, some people are a bit malicious. I do not know if it is due to bad experiences or circumstances but yes, such people are not bad in any way but a little less good than the other angels!
(4) Education broadens our view and makes people more humane:
Education of course broadens our view and teaches us the worldly vice but at the end it all depends upon us and upon what we want to derive from our education!
(5) People who have no money troubles are happier:
Money is not the only trouble in life and there are many other problems that a man can face. Look at me….I don’t have any money troubles (Thanks to my parents) but I can not say I am completely happy. I have lots of troubles like school, studies etc….I won’t say they are major problems but you can count them in my ‘troubles’!
(6) As people get older they get wiser:
I can not say so as I haven’t grown much old yet but I do believe that as we get older, we get much more experienced and experience makes a man wiser, they say. (Old is Gold!)
(7) You can live on love and fresh air:
I have no idea about you all, but I can not. What about my chocolates, ice-creams, books, school……. I sure can’t live without these things alone!
(8) There is a celestial guardian angel looking after each one of us:
I believe in this. There is some great power up there to look after each one of us….and He is especially relevant during my examinations!
(9) All living beings reincarnate:
I can only tell you this if I do…….but I do not believe in this!
(10) Heaven and Hell are places you go to after death.
Hey…this is getting stranger…. why think about death when you are still alive? I am happy with my life so I have never thought about this! Sorry….
The Second
The second one is from the chess lover Nikita at Chessalee and a bit unusual tag too. According to the tag, all I have got to do is to pick a book lying nearest to me and open to page 123 of the book and copy down lines 6, 7 and 8.
I have recently finished reading the book ‘Deception Point’ by Dan Brown. It is a fabulous book and fun to read. I’m in awe of Dan Brown about how much courage he has to write and publish this novel! Anyways….. Page 123, lines 6, 7 and 8:
Sexton felt an anger simmering. Now Tench was putting words in his mouth. He tried to counter but Tench was already talking.
“So you’re saying, Senator, for the record, that you would do away with the agency that put men on the moon?”
“I’m saying that the space race is over! Times have changed. NASA no longer plays a critical role in the lives of everyday Americans and yet we continue to fund them as though they do.”
The Third
The next tag is from Vagabond Dreamer at Ravings of a Nomadic Mind. This is a hilarious one. I’m sure you all will enjoy this…I have to answer the questions and create my names with the options given in the brackets!
(1). Your Rock Star Name: (first pet & current car)
Parrot Alto
(2).Your Gangsta Name: (fave ice cream flavor, favorite cookie)
Butterscotch Dark Choclate Chip
(3). Your “Fly Guy” Name: (first initial of first name, first three letters of your last name)
(4). Your Detective Name: (favorite color, favorite animal)
Blue bird
(5). Your Soap Opera Name: (middle name, city where you were born)
Meghna India
(6). Your Star Wars Name: (the first 3 letters of your last name, first 2 letters of your first)
(7). Superhero Name: (”The” + 2nd favorite color, favorite drink)
The green butterscotch shake
(8). Nascar Name: (the first names of your grandfathers)
……..I’m giving this one my own name! MEGHNA
(10).Witness Protection Name: (mother’s & father’s middle names )
Na Na
(11). TV Weather Anchor Name: (Your 5th grade teacher’s last name, a major city that starts with the same letter)
Jasmine Jaipur
(12). SPY Name: (your favorite season/holiday, flower)
Winter daffodils
(13). Cartoon Name: (favorite fruit, article of clothing you’re wearing right now + “ie” or “y”)
Orange Shirtie
(14). Hippy Name: (What you ate for breakfast, your favorite tree)
Cornflakes Mango
(15). Your Rockstar Tour Name: (”The” + Your fave hobby/craft, fave weather element + “Tour”)
The Reading Cold Tour!
Hey…this was so much fun! Ahhh…Now I am grumbling about why I did not do this earlier!
The Fourth
The next in line is from Aarthi at Lost In Utopia. Instructions: Remove 1 question from below, and add in your personal question.
(1) Who are the most & most important persons you like to meet in your life?
Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Teresa, J.K Rowling and Lord (if He is a person)
(2) Name Three Most Valuable Assets?
Me, my family and my friends.
(3) If you were to be stranded on a deserted island, who are the 3 blog buddies you would take with you?
Um…that’s tough! I could take a whole lot of them so I can’t point out three in particular
(4) Where is the place that you want to go the most?
White House or Parliament House
(5) If you can have 1 dream to come true, what would it be?
Living for eternity……..
(6) Till now, what is the moment that you regret the most?
Times when I think "after" I’ve done something wrong..
(7) What are you afraid to lose the most?
My life and friends and family
(8) What would you do if you found a briefcase full of money?
Would give it into the hands of the Police without any hesitation!
(10) List out 3 good points of the person who tagged you.
Aarthi is a great lady: She writes wonderfully; She is very encouraging and She does lots
of tags and memes!
(11) Which type of person do you hate the most?
I do not hate anyone in particular but I do not like someone who says a lot of lies
(12) What is your ambition?
I want to become a renown doctor and for that, I have to study hard! I also dream of becoming a writer someday……
(14) What is the thing that will make you think someone is a bad person?
Nothing as such…
(15) If you could do one thing different in life, what would it be?
Help to save the environment
(16) Something which made u laugh today?
The hilarious jokes of my friends…
(17) How do you deal with a friend who has wronged you?
Not met anyone like that yet!
(18) Name one favorite song of yours.
I like songs by Shakira and Bryan Adams in English and in Hindi I like the songs from Taare Zammen Par! So I can’t name just one.
(19) If you are given a wish, what would you wish for? (MY QUESTION)
Thousand more wishes!
I’m glad I’m finally done with all these tags. As usual, anyone interested in doing any of these tags is free to do so! Hope you all enjoyed this
Got to go now and study hard! Bye…

all the best for the finals...
wow..that was quite a lot of work!! even i have lots of tags pending including the ones yu have done in this post.. You are wise beyond your years, dear, csnt stop wondering :)
Good luck with your finals :)
Lot of work you did. Good. And I wish you all the best for your exams.
Hi Anand,
Thanks a lot for the good wishes! I sure need them :D
Hi Lena,
Looks like this is a tagging season with every blogger pending with tags :D
Thanks so much for the compliment and for the good wishes for the finals! Need to study really hard!
Hi Jaggu,
Yes, that was tons (am I a bit exaggerating??!?!) of hard work! Wish I could struggle so hard for my exams too....Thanks a lot fort he good wishes!
bestos for ur exams, meghz. u did a lot of wrk doing all this memes. thnx for taking it up, but now take more time to understand ur subjects, and write exams. :-D it was fun reading teh memes, and the answers to serious questions.. :-)
Hi Anoop,
Thanks a lot for the best of luck's...am in need of them! Actually this is the time I understand internet addiction! I'll sure study hard ending up learning subjects a day before..he...he....
I'm glad you liked it...by the way, those answers to serious questions were not that serious :D
Dear Meghna:
I hope you do well on your final exams; somehow, I have the feeling that you will do more than well!
I remembered you saying that you liked 'butterflies' so, if you haven't seen my post on butterflies it is here, if you wish to take a break from your studies:
I was just wondering how many grades they have in India? Here in Canada they can go up to 13 (not all provinces though) and then it's off to college or university, or as I prefer it in German, 'Universitat'.
Again, best of luck with your studies and exames.
( :O)
Hi Don,
Thanks for the good wishes and I really hope your sixth sense stands right for me!
It would be rejuvenating for me to see the post about the butterflies. I'll see them soon! Thanks...
In India we have classes until 12th grade and then we join college!
Thanks once gain for your encouragement and motivation!
this was nice n fun too :-)
all the best for ur exams..
Hi prasoon,
Yes, it was fun to answer these questions. Thank you!
Hi Meghna, I wish you all the best for your studies and examinations! Work well and take good care of yourself. ;)
Thank you morinn. I will take your advice seriously.
all the best....do well girl
Hi Neha,
Thanks for this encouragement.
I can see already that you will go far in life. A wonderful blog you have here, keep up the great work. Good luck on your exams.
Hi Meghnak!!
Have sooo much work to do! Sorry for not commenting for a while!
I just have to, it is a hobby!!
LOTS of work. But just go hard for a few years, and you'll rest for all your life and have an office and education!!
That just gave me lots of information, maybe i should answer them one by one on MY blog.
Thanks for the idea!! Meghnak, you just brightened my day Sister!!
Hi Rebecca,
Thank you for the complements.
Hi Nadine,
Yes, you are welcome to pick up any of these tags and answer the questions in your blog. It is of so much fun that I really enjoyed doing this hard work. Hope you too enjoy. I would love to see how you come up with those interesting question-answer session.
Hi Meghna! Great memes! Was nice reading them all! I do cross fingers for your studies and know you will do well, you're a great girl!!
Hi Nikita,
I am glad that you liked reading these memes. Thank you for the complements :D
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