The Blood Dripping Face! (Part-3)

This is the first time I'm writing such a long story so i am really very excited. Hope you all enjoyed reading this long story!
Madeline was surprised! She had never seen such an eccentric before. Was he crazy? Or did she do something? Curiosity led her to follow the boy. She saw him reach an abandoned garden. He cautiously looked around himself and then quietly sat down on the bench, lost in thought. Madeline stealthily crept in front of him. Before he could utter a word, Madeline said hi and introduced herself.
Joel was surprised to see the girl smiling at him! He remembered how hard he was trying since morning to forget that dream; but now that girl was talking to him and trying to be his friend. However, he consented! Both friends sat down on the bench and started talking. Soon they discovered that they both were neighbors. With a promise to meet Madeline again the next day, Joel went back to his home!
In bed, Joel could not sleep. No way! Those horrifying images crept into his mind as soon as he closed his eyes and then the next minute..Madeline’s smiling face flashed before him. The whole night, Joel was in a fix.
Finally as the dawn arrived, Joel decided to visit Madeline and tell let her into this terrifying secret. He had a hasty breakfast and then broke into a run towards Madeline’s house. He was nervous when his shaking hands pressed the bell…tringgggggg
Madeline opened the door. She was as surprised as Joel was nervous. She invited him inside. When Joel was comfortably seated in the living room, Madeline noticed that he was sweating.
“Would you like a glass of water, Joel?” she asked.
“Oh yes, please!” Joel said gratefully.
As Madeline left the room to fetch water, Joel looked around. It was a cozy little room. The interior was tastefully and artistically decorated. Suddenly his eyes fell upon a well framed photograph. It was the photo of a young girl. Joel went nearer for clearer view.
He was confused and amazed at what he saw. The photo was exactly similar to Madeline though she looked younger. But the fascinating fact was that there were white flowers in front of the photo and a candle was burning. This meant that the girl in the photo was…dead…but?
Madeline entered the room with a glass of water but her smile changed into a frown when she saw Joel standing next to Valentine’s photo. Before she could speak, Joel asked,
“Who...who is she?”
Madeline had never wanted to tell this to anyone but she had no other option now!
“She is my twin sister, Valentine. Joel, we lived at your house before you came in there. My sister, my father and I lived a happy and contented life. But suddenly one day.......hell broke loose. Our dad married an old lady who now became our step-mother. She was a cruel woman who always acted benevolent in front of my father; but behind her back she would bully and threaten us.”
“She would make us work hard and toil day and night. One day, Valentine refused to follow her orders. My step-mom became irritated. She closed Valentine in the attic and left her there for the whole day. Dad returned the next day and found Valentine missing. She had been banging at the door until midnight but the next morning, when dad returned ..... all was quite. My mom led him to the attic but we were horrified at what we saw. There were spiders walking around the dead body of poor Valentine as she lay in a pool of blood. My father left the woman and since then, we’ve been living here. By the way, yesterday was her 13th birthday and her 3rd death anniversary!” Madeline replied
Joel was dumbstruck at what he heard! He hurried back home and asked his parents to take a new home. He never wanted to live in this house…
A week later when Joel was shifting away to a new home; he visited the attic for the last time. The warm rays of the sun streamed into the room enlightening him… “May Lord shower his holy blessings upon her” he murmured and left; never to return again.
The screaming echoes of poor Valentine can still be heard at
Hurray...We're done now! I'm glad I could finish this long story and hope you all enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it! Thanks for your patience for waiting for these parts and then reading these stories!
And yes, do you think I should write more long stories for the further posts or should I stick to the shorter ones which can fit in one single post?
- The Blood Dripping Face! (Part-1)
- The Blood Dripping Face! (Part-2)
A Ghost All Around Her!
- The Stranger On The Street!
hi dear!
you have been tagged - check for details :)
hello sweet lil angel.....
it was fun to be on ur gives the feeling of fresh and tenderness.....
you have long way to go....keep going and enjoy ur life with ur culture....
Take Care
Hi Meghna,
This was a wonderful story you have written and thanks for sharing. You've unveiled the mystery slowly in parts and it was worth the two days' wait. I am glad that you broke the story into pieces, otherwise it would have been very long. I think that you keep your regular routine on posting your stories; but whenever you write such long stories in between, you can break it into different episodes.
Keep up the excellent writing. You're able to catch the attention of readers. Well done!!
Dear Meghna,
GREAT Story!!!
If I were here for the first time, I wouldn't have believed that this is written by such a small girl. You have a long long way to go and we all look forward to it. The story was not much scary, however, but was filled with mystery.
I agree with Peter Pie on the point that for long stories, you can once in a while, keep the excitement of readers and break it into 2-3 posts. We are ready to wait.
Great going, my dear!
:) nice story, meghz. keep your imagination flying, and am sure you will bring us superbly written stories like this.
@ Lena- Thanks for the tag!
@ life- Thanks for calling me a sweet li'l angel! I'm glad you liked my blog! I hope I too can go a long way like you all! :D
Hi Peter Pie,
Thanks a lot! Thanks for telling I can post long stories in parts without much hesitation! Thanks for all the compliments :D
Hi Catherine,
I'm glad you liked it and thanks for the compliments. Actually, I started out with writing a horror story as you can see the first part is a bit horror but ended up writing a mystery story! :D
I'll try to write more long stories and I'm glad that you can wait. Thanks a lot... :D
Hi Anoop
Thank and I'll certainly try to write more of such stories!
Great story, Meghna. Keep them coming.
But I think I spotted a little error.
"She would make us work hard and toil day and night. One day, Valentine refused to follow her orders. My step-mom became irritated. She closed Madeline in the attic and left her there for the whole day. Dad returned the next day and found Valentine missing."
Shouldn't Madeline be Valentine? Since Valentine died in the attic and not Madeline. I could be wrong, of course.
Hi manic,
Thanks! I'm glad you spotted the error and it was extremely nice of you to even tell me about it! Thanks a lot. I hope not to make such errors in future and be a bit more attentive! I've corrected the post now and offer my sincere gratitude and thanks to you! :D
Hi Meghna! You must write a book with your GREAT stories and poems...
-Great story-
Hi Stephi
Thanks :D
you have a wild imagination girl. u will become a big writer some day.
Hi Dreamer,
Thanks for the compliment! Glad you like it :D
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