The Blood Dripping Face! (Part-2)

I was delighted to read the response to the first part of this horror story, thus I decided to publish this post as soon as possible. Hope you like this as much as you liked the other post!
Joel felt as if he was burning …he opened his eyes and looked around. He was in his own room…he felt the warm hands of his mother caressing his forehead! He sat up with little difficulty and stared at his mother’s face with questioning eyes!
“What happened, ma?” Joel murmured.
“You are all right, dear? Don’t worry!” His mother answered.
“But…but…what happened?” he asked with a confused tinge in his voice!
“It was late last night when we heard you scream. Your father checked in your room but could not find you there. We heard your voice again…but this time it came from somewhere on the second floor. Your father found the old attic door opened and there you lay. You had fainted and were looking ill. You were bathed with sweat so we brought you back to your room. You have been sleeping for a couple of hours since then!”, his mother explained
Suddenly the dreaded memory flooded back to his mind …the girl..the blood..the spider….ahhhh! His mother soon left him alone in the room and did not ask him any questions keeping in mind that he was unwell.
Joel tried hard to forget that horrifying incident. He told himself that it was all a bad nightmare. However, the harder he tried to forget, the more he remembered the incident. He decided that it was best for him to go outside and take some fresh air. He dressed himself and went for a walk.
Joel walked alone…lost in thought with no idea of the place, time or hour. It was an abandoned street with no other soul in sight. Suddenly, he saw a girl coming from the opposite direction. At first sight, Joel didn’t see anything special but as she came nearer……
Joel found her with a striking resemblance to someone…someone…. All of a sudden, the memories rushed back to his mind! The girl…the stranger's face was exactly like the girl’s face he had seen last night. Except that she was better looking with no blood drops or sharp teeth. But her brown eyes..yes..she was that girl!
As she came nearer..he shrieked in terror and ran away……..
(TO BE CONTINUED..................)
I'm glad you had so much patience but there is more to go! I will be posting the last part within hours but until then...keep biting your nails before the secret is unveiled..................
Hi Meghna,
This looks like an interesting suspense story. I'm glad that you have kept the suspense throughout the first 2 parts, with nothing much of a clue left. Great going.
The only problem is that I can't wait to read the last part!
Hey not fair, this was a very short post. Stop teasing us ;-)
waitinnn.....(bitin my nails...have almost finished them off)
he he,...
Hi, this is an interesting story with suspense factor. I'm prepared to wait for the final part as I'm sure you'll come up with some great stuff!
@ Peter Pie- Thanks! I'm glad you liked it! The secret is unveiled in the third part and so hope you liked it!
@Transit- Hey...the last one is much more longer...don't worry! :D
@Neha- Thanks! Keep biting them but now the last part has been published!
@Catherine- Thanks a lot! I'm great that you had as much patience to wait and read these two parts. But now the final part has been published and hope you enjoy reading it! :D
nce gng.. gng to read the next part now...
Hey Anoop..
The wait is up..I've already posted the last part!
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