The INTERNET Friend!

"Ronnie dear, lunch is ready. Go wash your face and eat something….Oh Ronnie, change your dress, eat your lunch and then switch on the computer", said the angry voice of Mrs. Stevenson when she entered Ronnie’s room.
But Ronnie turned a deaf ear towards her. He was absorbed in reading the messages flashing on his screen. Mrs. Stevenson sadly shook her head and went away mumbling to herself!
But Ronnie did not care! All he wanted to do now was to read the messages that Alexander Mortail was sending….
Just a week before, Ronnie had found a social networking site and he too had followed the craze and joined in! It was here that Ronnie read Alexander’s profile and they became friends. He discovered that Alexander and he had lots of things in common, like their love for ice-creams and chocolates, the Age Of Empire Game, chess, reading etc. They both were in the same classes and of the same age. This made things furthermore exciting!
Like usual, Ronnie and Alexander were excitedly talking about the next level in the AOE game when Alexander suddenly said that he was not like all the other people on Earth! This made the curious chap Ronnie excited! His imagination began to soar and he dreamt that Alexander was an alien from Mars…with two antennas and huge bulging eyes!
“Then who are you?” typed the excited and trembling hands of Ronnie…eagerly waiting for an answer!
“Hey..I got to go! Talk to you tomorrow! Same time and tomorrow I will also unveil my secret!” replied Alexander!
Ronnie did not get a wink of sleep for the whole night! He dreamt about who Alexander was..was he an alien or a boy with supernatural powers like Spiderman or Batman or was he…was he…something really different from what he thought?
Finally the great day arrived. Ronnie excitedly stared at the computer screen. There was nothing in it! Suddenly Alexander replied…a strange message flashed there!
“Switch on the television. Flick to the WWN (World Wide News) channel and you will see me there!” Alexander said!
Surprised at this strange reply Ronnie turned on the television! He flicked channels.. waiting impatiently to find WWN. After some time of changing channels and surfing through the and white movie, Cartoon Network....WWN! Here it was!
Ronnie couldn’t believe he was in his senses. Before him sat a skinny looking boy on a wheelchair, who had a smile etched on his pale face. He introduced himself as Alexander Mortail!
Alexander Mortal was a physically challenged boy. He was from a wealthy family but his parents could do nothing for his illness. Alexander had lost both his legs and one hand in a car accident and since then, he had been using a wheelchair! He had tried to join normal schools but the kids sneered at him and made fun of his physical inability.
But one day, Alexander’s father bought him a computer. It was then that he learnt about the internet…
He left school and started taking online lessons. He also joined many social networking sites where he made friends with many kids who shared the same passion with him for games and chocolates. He was just like another ordinary internet freak in the virtual world but not in reality!
“I am obliged to be using the internet. I have made many friends who share the same passion as me and do not make fun of my disability. It has provided me with a place to interact with normal kids and talk to them as an ordinary boy” Alexander said in the interview with tears dwelling in his eyes….
Ronnie stared in astonishment at what he saw and heard. He too broke into silent tears after hearing that Alexander did not have a long time to live as the other bones in his body had also been infected and were degrading day by day. Ronnie decided to continue talking to Alexander till he was there…
“I loved your interview!” wrote Ronnie…so how many chocolates did you eat today…I ate 7…………….they continued chatting but they did not know that tears were glistening as the shimmering moonlight on the cheeks of both boys!
Poor Ronnie. I knew some boys like that. They never made it past the tender age of 18! But such is life and people like Ronnie, it can be hoped, can only make us realize how fortunate we are - how much we have to be thankful for?
As for me, my friends say I lack nothing, except, well..... maybe brains? That said, as sad as all of the little Ronnie's are out there, all we can do is appreciate them for what they have - not what they don't have; all who they are - not who their not!
Great post from a great blogger.
such a hard hittin story dear...
that makes me know one thing abt u---that ur a sensitive gal with a beautiful heart...ppl wh can write like this are found less....ur a swthrt!!!
meghz - one of your best. :-D just loved this. somewhere it tugged my heart too. way to go, meghz.
u have a talent for writing poignant stories in the simplest of languages i love the way you write
Hi Don,
I agree with you! Such people make us realize how truly fortunate we are! lack no brains and believe you are exceptionally talented to write such wonderful stories! :D
Hi Neha,
Thanks for this wonderful comment! I'm glad you liked it!
Hi Anoop,
Hey...I didn't expect this! I'm glad you liked it so much to call it my best! :D
Thanks a lot!
Hi vegabond dreamer,
Thank you very much. I'm glad that you liked the story. Thanks for the complements.
wow! i could not refrain my tears on reading this one. this is a very touching story dedicated to all children out there who have such problems! it's a great topic to write about Meghna! kudos for that! ;)
Hi Morinn,
I'm glad you liked it! I didn't think that this story would have such an impact on my readers! I'm elated!
This is dedicated to all disabled internet users around the world! Keep smiling.........
That was so touching!
I see you have a special place in your heart for special children,that's very noble :)
Hi sameera,
Yes, I have a special affection for this kind of kids. I'm happy that you liked the story.
Wow! What a great story...I missed out on your blog for more than a week and I missed all of this! Well done! Such a great story with a great message!!
Hi Nikita,
I'm glad you liked the story nd liked the message too!
I thank you whole heartedly once again for being such a motivating reader...I never thought that not reading my blog for a week would affect someone! Thanks for everything :D
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