The New Generation!

I finally gave a sigh of relief after I heaved the last heaviest bag into the car. I turned around to see my eighteen year old cousin brother, swinging the car keys on his fingers with huge earphones on his head and his sleek i-pod tucked into his jeans pocket.
With an aggravated look, I snatched the keys from him and slung them to my dad. Finally, when all the “good-byes” and “see-you’s” were over, we sat down in the car. I looked back to see my cousin waving frantically…and then he turned back….shaking his head to the tunes! I was annoyed and irritated at his behavior but was pleased that he was not accompanying me and mom.
We were traveling to my mother’s hometown to meet my grandparents. As we reached the airport, Dad said good-bye and with apologizing looks, hastily drove away to his office. We entered the airport and learnt that our
But the first thing that caught my attention was a group of youngsters who sat before me…. There were three girls and two boys. They were all wearing boisterous short clothes, which I believed one w only see on TV! Each one had many piercing in their ears and eyebrow. They were all listening to music, drinking cold drinks and flipping through some film magazines….
Sudden frustration filled my mind. “Is this what they call the future of our country?? These good-for-nothing youth who can change the world, they say?” And I shook my head in misery, shooting a last pestered glance at their faces!
Suddenly a lady came and sat beside us. She looked pale and was sweating profusely. Beads of sweat formed on her forehead which she wiped with hasty actions. She sat down and gazed timorously all around. My mother, seeing her condition inquired about what had happened.
Without any warning, the lady broke into tears and said, “My only son, the apple of my eye….Atul, died last week. I am now left alone in this huge bad world thus I am going back to my native town. I am worried because I’m traveling by plane for the first time and am not sure about the procedures! I’d be glad if you could come with me and accompany me!” and she looked at my mother with questioning eyes which shone as my mother shook her head positively.
The speaker somewhere suddenly blared telling all the passengers to board their planes. While passing the security checks, the five youngsters came behind us. Suddenly one of them noticed that lady with us was having Jet Airways plane tickets. I too noticed it then....
The lady got worried again but those youngsters came to her rescue, who had apparently heard her story too. One of the girls covered her with a shawl and offered her a cup of steaming hot coffee. The guys took her baggage and accompanied her back to the waiting area and told her that they would accompany her as they were traveling by the same plane! The lady broke into a grin, whole-heartedly blessing the children.
I looked with amazed eyes and the youngsters, who I had initially though as “good-for-nothing” youths with exorbitant and lavish habits, as they helped the lady in every possible way and soothed her.
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lol....appearances can be deceptive..but well different people are different..and our gen is something with a huge heart...its just that we like to get on each other and rag and all that...but deep in all of us are good :)
Hi Vishesh,
Very rightly said...We may have westernised but our hearts remain traditional and full of moral values!
glad that you realised appearences can be deceptive, lillte sis.. i was gng to give you a seremon if you didnt realsie that :P he he he... a mix of modern culture, with values based on tradition...that is teh best way, i think.
appearances can be deceptive, both in positive ways(like in this case) or in negative ways.
awesome story..:).. I really enjoyed it
but I didnt like that in the end you still judge western culture and mordernisation as being valueless and the values "only" coming from our traditions... thats kind of a generalisation ..:)
very nicely written, but being a youth myself let me tell you no matter how dorky we look or how much pepsi we drink, we would become responsible citizens. did the youth then in the 70s not dress and behave differently? did their parents not say the same? i am sure they would have.
It doesnt matter with the generation. Wherever we are, its our responsibility to follow/respect our traditional values. And we have to propogate them to our next generation as well.
Hi Meghna, I just wanted to say you that this post is great, as always. Values and traditions are important!
I've posted chapter 9 from my story! If you can, visit it!
Congrats, great post! Keep writing!
Great post. We all have a tendency to judge by appearance and should always remember that they can be deceiving.
Good post Meghna!
I think the same, how can those people just lazily trot around and be silly when they have to control the generation sooner or later!?
I look at those type of people and also think," Our generation is going to be ruined at this rate!"
I feel awful, they will be teaching their children bad things. Their parents will leave them in life trusting them to take good care!
Great story... as usual!
Hope we can do something about this, so that our future is well. I wish, but we are not allowed!
Stay in Touch! :)
Hey Anoop,
Wow! I'm glad I realised this pretty sooner than that cause I wouldn't have liekd listening to a sermon from Big Bro! Yes....mordern culture with the blend of traditions :P
Hi Anand,
Reading all these comments is like a moral science class at all teach me a lot yet with words that are kind. Thanks :P
Hi filarial,
Oh, that is not what I meant...It's actually that most of the time you ehar elders on TV and outside, nagging about the that's just what I meant...We are still Indians at heart with our moral values embedded intac :P
Hi Vinni,
Yes, I think you are absolutely correct! The youth is powerful and mannered :P
Hi Jaggu,
Exactly! We have to confer these moral values to the next generation too so it is important we follw them too :)
Hi Stephi,
It's always nice to hear from you! Thanks :P
I'll be visiting soon!
Hi John,
I too have that tendency so I'll always remember your advice. Thanks :P
Hi andine,
Yes! I too felt that but my mind changed after the whole incident!
I hope we all don't become covetous and work for the benefit of the next genenration too!
A touching one......happy to read 'kindness prevails'.
I felt the same when reading about those youngsters and later realize our misunderstood just at their appearance. People have their individual style and taste as what they practice teach them and most time their fashion hides the best thing of helping and kindness which they have. This is something tales to aware the two sides of lifestyle in one.
Hope u have a nice trip in plane and visiting your grandparents.
suntymez even r eyes dont tell de truth..u need to c beyond dis... in dre heart...hi megz... surely u r not a budding blogger.. but a gr8888 blogger...ann though itz said u can alwayz improve but today i say..YOU've made it gal..
cherrz to ya
/keep rytin/
fst sight can be decieving :)
very neatly written..hope u enjoyin ur trip
take care
fst sight can be deceiving :)
very neatly written..hope u enjoyin ur trip
take care
Posted this link in
First impressions are always important; but, on the other hand, they are not always necessarily the correct one, as your post pointed out.
First of all, very nice blog! Yeah, I guess we all try to judge a book by its cover sometimes; it seems to be our nature. But like any other habit, we could learn to not judge by first glance.
My Blog; Visit if your interested :D
Hello Flower,
Kindess is still prevelant :P
Hello Jeevan,
Certainly..eople have different tastes and choices but that does not mean that they are not kind/good....I've learnt a valuable lesson! Thanks:p
The trips is already over and I enjoyed it!
Hello Suviaba,
Thanks a lot friend! It's always good to hear compliments and take a lesson from soemone so near and dear!
Thanks a lot :)
Hi Sourish,
Thanks a lot! The trip os over and it was a pleasant one too :P
Hello Don,
Yes, this incident taught me a lot and I'm glad I shared it with you all :p
Hello G,
Thanks for dropping by! yes...That's what my mistake was but now I've learnt a lesson :p
Hello Jack,
Thanks :P
beautiful story :)i really enjoyed it
wow!!...really good! such things happen in real life also!!!???...:))
really enjoyed reading it!..guess we still have such people among us!!...:)
It is a happy ending when appearances surprise us with their actions
Hi Aravind,
I'm really glad you liked it! :)
Hello Anonymous [I'd love to know your name too next time!]
I suppsoe they do happen to interesting people like me! ;)
Hi Pratap,
Yes, we do have such people bro! :P
Hello Bipopular,
Yes, its a real real happy ending when appearances surprise us :)
Very rightly said!
Hmmmm as i was reading your post I also had a bad impression, not about the young people, but about you.I thought you didnt respect personal freedom and is a culture preservation freak....... I too was mistaken....
Hi kenney,
I thought you didn't respect personal freedom and is a culture preservation freak..
He...he. How did you think so? Glad that you realized that it was a mistake.
Thank you for sharing. Keep vising:)
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