In A Bid To Help Our Humanity .....

Equality amidst all, every human is our brother…..we have all been taught this; but have we ever done our bit to help humanity? It is worthless if you do not contribute in spreading the feeling of brotherhood and helping our mankind.
While you ponder over this, I have penned down how I could do that! I have a really marvelous and as usual, there is a streak of insanity in my creation too…..
I have always seen bony, weak structures [who in no way look human] dressed in rags. They dwell upon the side streets and call it their abode. These people live in such poverty and are so impoverished that they do not have money to wear clothes that can cover the body or to buy food that can fulfill their hunger.
Looking at them, do you not have pity and sympathy for them? Have you not always wanted to help them and make our country a better one? Yes, we all have! And to fulfill my desire, I will outshine the stars too…..
I would become a scientist and create and invention that stirs the world. An invention that can be of extraordinary use to invention that can help all in need…an invention which abolishes hunger and poverty…an invention which benefits all!
Yes, you heard it correct! I would stand all day through in that stuffy little room [laboratory] with a green test tube in one hand and a red one in the other…watching the flames that burst when I mix them and the fireworks, I would endure! I would be called an insane, crazy scientist but I wouldn't care until I'd have completed my breath taking invention!
Now that it stirs your exciting nerves, I would tell you what it would be called! The name of my unique machine would be "The Ray Of Good Hope". It would be the silver lining in the sky for my fellow humans.
Now, what is it you ask? Okay….Now it's time I slid that black cloth from over my inimitable device. It would be a small compact machine with a red and a green button. With the press of a red button, the device would emit a golden beam which, if falls on any object (mind you, anything, I say!) could make it double it's original size. Yeah…a single grain of rice, could grow into a gigantic mountain, providing food for thousands of people!
It could abolish slums and provide a proper dwelling place, clothes and food for all. Wouldn't that be fabulous? This machine would make every person on Earth live a dignified life and would spread equality and brotherhood among all!
Being a little covetous, I would like to actually live in the small card house I've made at home! Just scared the wind doesn't blow too hard! I would also have loads of candies, chocolates and ice-creams…Wow! That's what I call "life"!
Being a benevolent girl, I would allow free usage of my machine to every needy person. Now, have I told you what the green button is for? The green button would be to rectify the mistake of any person and return the object to it's original size! So there's no chance of ill handling! (You see how intelligent I am??!)
Okay friends, I got to go now….And bury my head into the huge Science Book! After all, I have to work hard to complete my invention and the next time, I'll be sure to be back with some more of my unique creations….
Until then, goodbye…..
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While you ponder over this, I have penned down how I could do that! I have a really marvelous and as usual, there is a streak of insanity in my creation too…..
I have always seen bony, weak structures [who in no way look human] dressed in rags. They dwell upon the side streets and call it their abode. These people live in such poverty and are so impoverished that they do not have money to wear clothes that can cover the body or to buy food that can fulfill their hunger.
Looking at them, do you not have pity and sympathy for them? Have you not always wanted to help them and make our country a better one? Yes, we all have! And to fulfill my desire, I will outshine the stars too…..
I would become a scientist and create and invention that stirs the world. An invention that can be of extraordinary use to invention that can help all in need…an invention which abolishes hunger and poverty…an invention which benefits all!
Yes, you heard it correct! I would stand all day through in that stuffy little room [laboratory] with a green test tube in one hand and a red one in the other…watching the flames that burst when I mix them and the fireworks, I would endure! I would be called an insane, crazy scientist but I wouldn't care until I'd have completed my breath taking invention!
Now that it stirs your exciting nerves, I would tell you what it would be called! The name of my unique machine would be "The Ray Of Good Hope". It would be the silver lining in the sky for my fellow humans.
Now, what is it you ask? Okay….Now it's time I slid that black cloth from over my inimitable device. It would be a small compact machine with a red and a green button. With the press of a red button, the device would emit a golden beam which, if falls on any object (mind you, anything, I say!) could make it double it's original size. Yeah…a single grain of rice, could grow into a gigantic mountain, providing food for thousands of people!
It could abolish slums and provide a proper dwelling place, clothes and food for all. Wouldn't that be fabulous? This machine would make every person on Earth live a dignified life and would spread equality and brotherhood among all!
Being a little covetous, I would like to actually live in the small card house I've made at home! Just scared the wind doesn't blow too hard! I would also have loads of candies, chocolates and ice-creams…Wow! That's what I call "life"!
Being a benevolent girl, I would allow free usage of my machine to every needy person. Now, have I told you what the green button is for? The green button would be to rectify the mistake of any person and return the object to it's original size! So there's no chance of ill handling! (You see how intelligent I am??!)
Okay friends, I got to go now….And bury my head into the huge Science Book! After all, I have to work hard to complete my invention and the next time, I'll be sure to be back with some more of my unique creations….
Until then, goodbye…..
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one of the best posts i've ever read... it is sad what the world goes through everyday and how many people suffer... this gave me hope... :)
lol...but people being people,what will they do?
btw any inventions for youth unite?
Hi Bubbles,
Thank you. Glad to know that you liked the post. Yes, it's my endeavour to help man kind :) We all hope that we can abolish poverty and help humanity!
Hi Vishesh,
Yes, but, people being people won't be able to do something to help people?
Yes, I'm planning on some inventions for youth unit. But presently being out of station, it may take a bit of time. I'll inform you then. Thanks.
An invention that can be of extraordinary use to invention that can help all in need…an invention which abolishes hunger and poverty…an invention which benefits all!
If u remove the poverty n hunger..the world order will collapse..coz world is running coz people are hungry and they work hard to get food...
one thing u can do is to bring those poor in mainstream..give them work...
Rest Scientist..u must be one..the world needs dedicated people wid humanity :)
Hi dreamer,
So, if you remove poverty & hunger, world will collapse. Ha....ha. So, let it continue because people can work hard to fetch food?
Wonderful thoughts..... Thanks for sharing :)
very thoughtful de best 4 ur invention :)
Hi karthik,
I am delighted to know that you liked my thoughts. Thank you for the best wishes; I really need them if I really want to create such an invention, isn't it? :P
you don't need to invent something new, its already there, its called education
This was nice; and a pretty good invention might I say.
I was going to say something sarcastic about the disadvantages of the act of inventing such a machine, but since it was done out of heart and hope I'm gonna just let you go ahead.
But I want you to double the size of my hamburger when you're done. :)
Hi anand,
You've said it rightly. Education is THE magic which works!!!
Hi alex,
Thank you for letting me go with this one :)))). But, sorry, the machine is for needy & poor only. Hmmm... maybe in my next invention.... there will be something for you too! Thanks:)
Hi Meghna, great post!Great invention too.
Just wanted to tell you that I've posted something in the blog. It's very important, so if you can, please read it and tell me what do you think!
Keep writing...Great post!Good luck :P
hi Meghz
uh huh.
whose work is this? :P
btw m in siliguri..and you #%$@(!^@(*@ cant even call any of us??..*angry face* :P
check out two of my pics on my blog!!..
and wassup with you in Delhi?
when ya returning?
Hi stephie,
Thank you for visiting & telling me; but I've already seen the post and put my thoughts over there.
Hello Meghna!
That was amazing! i hope you become a successful scientist, and very famous! That invention sounds fantastic mesmerizing!! AWESOME!!! :)
Keep studiying, hopefully, i'll be there to watch the TV and hear your name announced after helping the poor with your LOVELY invention.
That is nice that you want to help people. They will pray for you for eternity. They won't forget you.
Thanks for sharing that charming post!!
Hi Nadine,
It was so wonderful of you to talk such beautiful things. Yes, maybe.... I may become a scientist one day and really help poor people. Who knows?
Thank you!
do u ride in a bus ..have a u know who make those sky-scrappers.. who makes that single rice of grain...these are all who works to remove their hunger..if they don't need any food anymore...wat will drive them to work... ?
who will guard u if the soldiers don't work..who will protect ur machine if the POLICE and Security don't work coz dey don't need any food anemore...
I tell u a story...
One scientist was shot dead as he made one machine who can reduce the petrol usage of the car by nearly half of the present value..
but it was covered up fast..wen it got disclosed ..ppl came to kno some country govt sponsored the elimination coz it wud had tumbled their economy which is all oil dependent..
think abt give work to poor so that they can contribute to the nation building ..not take advantage of ur benevolent nature and sit idle in front of ur house to get food..
A brilliant thought hides in this post. Poverty is a problem everywhere.
Great post.
All the best for your invention.
Hi dreamer again,
You really have some different thoughts altogether which are interesting, but somewhat misleading too.
"these are all who works to remove their hunger..if they don't need any food anymore...wat will drive them to work... ?
If food is available freely & easily, people will stop working altogether according to you. But what about the luxuries of life? One will still have to thrive hard for attaining them, isn't it? (as my machine will only cater to the poor, just to achieve their basic necessities :P)
So, people can't stop working altogether; but only thing is that poverty will be abolished and I feel that is necessary.
You've pointed out to a meaningful story about the scientist and such things are possible in real life.
Thank you!
Hi sahefa,
Yes, I agree with you 100 %. Thanks.
where's the reply to my comment? :(( :P
Hi Meghna. I wanted to ask you you have any friends who'd like to join to our whaling project?
In a world filled with despair; a world gone mad and where injustice rules, from one corner of the globe to the next, your 'Ray of Hope'' was never more needed!
Someday, God only knows, that 'Ray of Hope' will dawn and the Earth and it's war ravaged inhabinents will be set free from all of the poverty, selfness, greed, violence and hatred!
May the great God speed that day and usher in that long sought after 'Ray of Hope.'
Hi ayushi,
I'll be contacting you on phone soon.
Hi stephie,
Let me see and talk to my blogger friends. Then I'll let you know.
Hi I am a lover of children's literature,
Yes, the 'Ray of Hope' is very much need for the betterment of the entire world, to eradicate poverty and other such things. I'm sure one day i can come up with such an invention and let me see...
Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
Heyy sisyy
seems to be a nice post will read it later on . Title is really gooood. Well m back in blogosphereand want ur email id. So pl send me a mail on
Hi ananya,
I'll send you a mail soon!
I enjoyed this post :] That's one interesting invention, I await its completion.
Hi bamboo forest,
Glad to know that you like my proposed invention. I'll let you know as soon as it is done.
Thank you!
wow...that would really be some invention...i wld be glad to help if you need any...wokay???maybe we ll share the nobel prize or something...
hey mind if i blogroll you???
you are really good kiddo , I liked the post . You have a very beautiful
mind .
I read the third part of the story as well , keep it up , really good .
Great post, Meghna! And, wish that Ray of hope could also kill all racism in this world! all hate and illnesses...I think the world is hungry for real peace...peace in any way...peace for your mind (love)...peace for your body (food/shelter)...and only God can make people change IF people WANT to change...not just pretend to change...and be're a great girl!
Hi skeptic paint,
Thank you for offering me help in completing this invention :) Yes, I'll really on top of the world to receive nobel prize :)
To skeptic paint again,
I'm glad to know that you liked my posts and plan to blogroll it. Thanks for that! Keep visiting.
Hi tyro,
Thank you for the encouraging words and support. Hope to see you more :)
Hi nikita,
Yes, if it can kill racism in the world too, the invention would be really meaningful. Thanks and glad to know that you liked the post!
Hey Meghz,
If you start mis-spelling my name..then you'll have it :|
What a lovely thought!Good luck with your "machine" :)
Oh aayu,
sorry! That was a yping error! I'll be back soon...
Hi Sam,
Thanks a lot...these best wishes will certainly be put to use :P
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