The Earth Of Every Man's Dream!

May peace prevail on Earth
And the candles of light shine brightly
May there be tranquility everywhere
And people live forever happily
May all the wars vanquish
And people stand forever united
Tackling with valor, troubles they face
For peace, their courage they bade
May Lord listen to all prayers
And people live as a single team
May the Almighty make the Earth
The Earth of every man's dream!
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nice poem, but finally its upto us.... no almighty is gonna use his magic wand !!!!
You said it rightly, kenny. No, no almighty to's really up to all of us. People like you and me...the people who want to change...the people who want peace!
Thank you!
Hi Meg,
Nice poem once more. But in summary, it's our freedom that kills us. The freewill to do anything as in anything, good or bad.
By the way you did not tell me you have a new template. Very nice choice. And mind you, this is a more mature one. I am afraid you're growing now into a young lady.
I also changed my Family blog but just like the same as my blogging tips blog.
Anyway, I am preparing the questions for the interview and believe me, I am very excited to do it. I am very happy to interview people who I admire most.
Hi Angel,
Thank you. Glad to note that you liked the poem and also the layout.
Our freewill to do anything can either be positive or negative, isn't it, if you look at it?
I'm really excited to know the fact that you are going to interview me. Hope I can come up with something interesting.
heyy yaar nice poem. I liked this post of urs also.
Why don u go for a fan club?
:) :)
Hi baby doll,
It's my pleasure to note that you liked this short poem. Thanks!
Fan Club? He...he...Is this blog itself my fan club? Encouragement and support given by all my esteemed readers, people like you, all constitute part of my fan club, isn't it?
Thank you!
aww... beautiful :-)
Very creative :-)
in a single word..
ok one more word...
I want to add more n more...i loved it
Hi Raji,
Thank You!
Hi The Dreamer,
I'm happy to know that people liked this short poem. Thanks!
A beautiful poem. And oh that such a utopia could exist. But, if life were perfect and we had no strife, what reason would we have to grow?
tis not limited to a 'dream'..
it'll be true..someday..and we'll all achieve it..:)
Hi Jane,
You said it! Such a utopia...
Thank you for the complements.
Hi aayushi,
hey. nice one! :)
Hi sewanti,
Thank you.
very beautiful poem...
may all you have wished come true...
Hi skeptic pain,
Glad to know that you liked this short work. Thanks!
lol...hey megha, you made me skeptic like it though...
A lovely poem to go with a lovely pic!
Keep it up dear :)
why not post this on YU?
Hi sameera,
Thanks and glad to know that you liked them.
Hi skeptic saint,
Hi vishesh,
Yes, I think I can post this in YU. I'll try to do so soon. Thanks.
Very nicely stated - a great poem!
an ideal world, isnt it? I hope we will live in such one some day, or at least our kids :)
Hi Don,
I am really glad to read that! :)
Hi lena,
I hope I could do that a least when I'm old and for the future generations too...I'm certainly hoping :p
the budding blogger is an awesome blog by a teenager like you. may god bless you.
i have added you in my blogroll.
couldnt resist sharing the thoughts of a 12 year(oooops 13 yr) old teenagers thoughts with ma friends..
chek out my blog and if u like do ad me in your link list.
all the best.
Hello Meghna!
Such talent you have! Wonderful!! :)
As i read it i thought, i do also hope war will come to an end! But you know, we have a good life these days, so wars are another thing. After all, life can never be perfect!
Almighty is special, and without him, there would have been no earth, no animals, no humans!!
You are tagged
I really am amazed at the diversity and excitement on your blog. You are so worldy in a good way of course!
Keep up the awesome work and you are an outstanding writer!
:) Glad I found you on blogcatalog
You really write nice poems. I appreciate it
Hi Jaggu,
O>K. I will look at your pages about it and see what can be done. Thanks!
Hi lord i want to ...,
Thank you for the complements and I'm really delighted. It's a pleasure to know that people like my works and appreciate and act as an encouragement for improving upon further. Hope you keep visiting and reading. Thanks.
hey meghna,
u r just a year older than i am, but how do you get these great ideas and all those words???
ps:I've tagged u!
Hi jaggu again,
Thank you :)
Hi rupashree,
Glad to see you someone of my age and liking in this huge blogosphere. Thank you. I keep observing and're doing better. I'll be looking at the tag. Thanks!
Beautiful poem. Well written, and full of hope as it should be. We all hope for peace.
Hi eric,
Glad to know that you liked this poem. Yes, we all strive for world peace. Thank you!
i agree 100% with the poem I hope you keep your creativity goin and keep on speaking your mind with your writing.
Hi shawn,
Thank you for the encouraging words. Glad to know that you liked the poem.
Peace from a tender wind, a simply loving poem!
Hi Jeevan,
Thanks a lot for those lovely words!! :P
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