Tips For Saving Tips!!!

The present generation is governed by the technology revolution. I’m saying this although I do not understand any of these blogs based on technology, created by my fellow teenagers!! (He…..he). So you can be sure I got some pretty good news and some tips for you on saving tips in restaurants!
I love to go to restaurants and I’m sure you too adore it! But have you ever thought of one that is technology-based? I haven’t anyways even in my wildest dreams. (But I don’t dream on technology, LOL!!) Here’s the surprise for you. My fellow classmates were recently having a discussion on the food joint and their poor services in the city when one of my peers told me about an automated restaurant.
This restaurant is in a German city,
The food reaches them comfortably on a mini railway system running from the roof in the kitchen to the dining room (instead of being manhandled by a careless waiter!). That’s not the end. The restaurant even has a system of informing the customers how long the food will take to prepare! No need to pay any tips to the waiters as they are not to be seen at all!
Great, isn’t it? So I know that you can’t wait. Sure that you all would be queuing outside Baggers Restaurant after reading this post.
Hi Meghna,
Thanks for your vote and more importantly your comment. I can't believe that you are twelve years old. You aren't kidding? I didn't know how to enter a computer at your age. Keep up your good work. I will keep checking your blog out. And I liked the ant poem.
Thanks for visiting my blog :)
I haven't had visitors for a long time. It's cool to have someone from India to visit my blog. I'm in Korea and go to an international school. It's cool how blogs connect people around the world isn't? :)
I love how you're interested in how kids can change the world. I definitely agree in that idea. I'm only 15 years old but I've made a change! (well, not so big but still.kkk) It was my school project to make a video about what I cared and what I wanted to change,and that came out to be the idea of warming the orphans. The blog you visited was my writing and here's the site for the video I made just incase you wanted to see..:)
This article about saving tips by using technology is such a great idea! Korea doesn't really have a trend for tipping.
Oh and I forgot to ask. Our school is starting a project to prevent global warming. It's called the global cooling concert preoject. It's an idea to have a concert on earth day around the world. It's similiar to Live Earth concert but our project is done by students. Canda, Kazakstan, and China are currently joining us. Do you think your school or class might be interested? We would love to have more volunteers. Are you interested? Just asking since you seemed to be interested in lots of things. We're planning to have a blog with skeptical articles, a documentary about the whole process, and an official site that has all countries and people's ideas. Well, I'll come back to read your great articles again! Blogging rocks!
Dear Meghna,
Oh, Tips for saving tips. You gave some great tips. Now, I'm off to the restaurant. See you...
Thanks for the tip on tips, Meghna,
Here's another -- move to Australia!
There is very little tipping here, except in particular cases.
It is said that in this country, taxi drivers sometimes tip passengers, saying "$15 will be enough, mate, forget the odd cents!"
Dear binge,
Thanks for the comment and another tip. Australia sounds like a great country!
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