I Am Late!

Has there been any incident in your life when you were late for school or office? Oh yes! I am one of the victims of this sorrowful incidence.
The sharp sound of the huge alarm bell ringing echoed in my ears. I woke up warily and noticed that I was five minutes late. Thus, I hastily got ready for school. Luckily I was in time.
I think there was some enrapturing news in the newspaper because my father was stuck to his seat. After a huge argument he stood up reluctantly. Without a word I sat down beside him in the car and had a fleeing glance at my watch. As expected I had very little time to reach school at the nick of the hour.
Suddenly our car came to a screeching halt. As this disaster struck I was now sure that there was no chance that I would not be late for school. I cursed my lucky stars. The fierce faces of my teachers now floated before my eyes.
I learnt that there was some technical failure in the car. The big and hefty machine was pushed to the mechanics garage. It was then repaired in ten minutes. I looked at my watch and my heart sank in disappointment, as it was already
I wondered how my friends would react if I, the most punctual student, reached late to school. The confused faces of my friends searching for me in the vast crowd of school children lingered before my eyes.
With all these gloomy thoughts I finally reached school. I ran to the school gate but to my dismay the gate was already closed. After a lot of pleadings with the watchman, I was unwillingly admitted inside.
As soon as I reached my class I got some knee shaking glories from my teachers! I tried my best to explain that I was late through no fault of my own, but my clarifications fell upon deaf ears. How I wished I could disappear into the thin air! As my day began with a bad note, I was cranky and annoyed throughout the day.
I have something to say to those suffering from anguish due to these reasons. Life does not always run on a smooth track so we should learn to accept it as it comes! At times, listening to a bit of scolding is better than trying to defend yourself, by retorting back.
Has something similar to this happened with you too? Why not tell me then??
I have had many occasions in which i just made it to class, but if your late, it's nothing bad really. And you had an excuses, the car broke down. you could have had your father write a letter for you to take to your teacher.
Dear Meghna,
That was good. As far as I'm concerned, I have the habit of always reaching late everywhere. And I've almost missed my trains and flights.
Your post made me think about them!
Another good piece of creative writing. Keep it up!
Hi Meghna,
I like this story. Just started to school last week. Wish me luck just started driving - it takes about 30 minutes. You should have a lot of comments about this post.
Wow! Your school starts really early. I thought 8:00 was bad.
Also, thanks for the fav- on technorati. Something I need to spend more time on. I tried to Fav you again. However, did not work.
1 Fav only it said. Oh Well.
Talk to you soon,
Elizabeth G.
Dear All,
So I think that I'm not the only one out here who is late! Thanks for the comments and hope you keep reading and commenting............
Im Christina, you left a comment on my blog not long ago. I cant belive that your school starts at 7 o'clock, I have to get up at that time to get ready for my school which starts at 9 o'clock. Anyway, thats beside the point, I really enjoyed reading your post, it sounds like you are a talented writer. It would be cool if you could keep leaving comments on my blog, I will try my best to do the same on yours. Your thoughts are very much appreciated!
Dear Christina,
Thanks for dropping by and leaving a comment. My school certainly starts at 7 ( in summers) and I too think it is too early. Thanks for the complement! Your blog is cool too! I will try my best to post comments on your blog! It certainly will be good!
when i was in school I had a bigger bro who would always delay things and almost everyday i would fight with my bro and dad about the importance of being punctual and not having to stand and plea with a watchman... but the thing is once u get to college being late almost everyday and every class gives u an opposite feeling of self satisfaction and smugness.. :D
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