Friday, September 7, 2007

There Is No Shortcut To Success!

Phil was an innocent teenager who was benevolent and generous. But like all of us, he had one great problem. He had too much faith and belief in astrology.

Like each year, before the examination, he went to the astrologist. But he returned with a heavy heart because the astrologist predicted that Phil would get a very bad result in his examinations.

As his nature, Phil believed in his future predictions. Still, he decided to work hard. Phil was confident that he would fail, but he believed there was no harm in working hard.

Thus, determined but hopeless, yet well prepared Phil wrote his exams. He had no trust in himself. But he was amazed and overjoyed when he saw his name in the merit list. This meant that he has passed with flying colors.

This incident brought immense change in Phil. He now learnt that his future was not in the hands of any other person, but in his own hands. Phil could change his future if he was strong-willed, determined and of course, if he worked hard to attain success.

Do you have confidence and belief in yourself? Are you determined to work hard? I do not say you should not believe in astrology or the like; but should not consider it a shortcut to success. Hope all of you there who are like Phil would have learnt a lesson from this story!!


Peter Pie

Dear meghna,
An interesting story! I don't leave everything to God or astrologer. I believe that hard work is essential for success.
Well written!


I think that you conveyed the message in a positive note, which is highly appreciable.


Dear Prabha and Peter Pie,
Thanks for the complements! This story sure does convey a message for people like Phil!


7 Laws of the Universe.

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Dear key,
This was great thanks for this fabulous comment and visit!

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