
Lying on my back and watching the starry sky, words crept into my mind and VOILA! out emerged these verses! Hope you enjoy this short poem.
Tonight is the very night
You and I unite
Glint in the eyes
And stars in the sky
I've been waiting for this
Ever since we last cried.
For tonight is the very night
You and I unite
The moon shines bright
The leaves on trees sway
The lapping of the river
The games that nature play
For tonight is the very night
You and I unite
I'll look at you,
You'll look at me
And bliss overwhelms us
And everything will be alright
For tonight is the very night
You and I unite
The clock strikes twelve
It is past midnight
I slowly creep to the lonely woods
And wait there while the hungry jackals fight
For tonight is the very night
You and I unite
It's four hours….then seven
No sight of you around the darkness drawn
I stifle back a tear
And walk the lonely path forlorn
For tonight WAS the very night
You and I WERE to unite…….
My sincere prayers for my friends all around India, especailly in MUMBAI or areas around. May all Indains unite and fight back against this terrror. I'm praying hard for all :(
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may their soul rest in peace!!:)
Im's all too saddening and shocking.
TC Megz!
Lovely poem.. My heart goes out for the families who have lost their near and dear ones!! :(
a touchin one meg! a heart boilin incident indeed!! may all our hearts unite in prayer for d lonely n the wounded, for those who lost their lives n d lives of their loved ones! n the brave hearted jawans!
"samastha lokha sukino bhavanthu!"
Such a nice piece meghna.
My prayers too for everyone.
Love to be here again ;)
Always take care!
@ Broca- I cannot deny! May their souls rest in peace!
@ Keshi di- The incident certainly is. Most unexpected at the moment. It's absolutely obnoxious and terrible..... too!
@ Sakhi- Thanks. Mine must be so sad....i mean with no fault of those innocent people!
@ Sulo- Thanks! Exactly! May we unite and fight terrorism together and restore sound impossible but it isn't!
I'm extremely proud of the brave jawans!
@ Iriz- Thanks again! They certainly need our prayers!
Glad to see ya too :P
this is a touching poem, Meghna.
yes, I hope all this will stop in the end...
@ Zawan- Thanks :) hope too....ters no use saying ters no end to it cox WE knw ter is. only if we try :)
yeah Meghna,
yesterday i told my dad that India should make strict rules for people to enter it, just like the embassy of the United States of America does.
@ Zawan- I agree with you and your dad.....but what can we do? It all depends on the PM and other politicians who only look forward to banking on votes, whatever be the gravity of the situation. I don't even have the power to elect them :(
Tonight is the very night,
You and I unite
I like tat phrase!!
lovely , disappointments are as much a reality as hope is . .
The terror attacks at Mumbai is sickening
Maybe its because I'm just a guy, but I never really took to poetry, but this poem was sweet. Not often I would say that about a poem, especially from someone who is but a child!
But you are special, and so was this poem, so it was one of those special times when even I, an old lug, actually took the time to time to enjoy a poem!
Oh, by the way, I forgot to remember to tell you that you really should submit this poem to one of the Indian newspapers, maybe the editorial section or the reader comment sections.
I'm sure that everyone in India, especially those in the great city of Mumbai, would appreciate this poem at this specially sad time.
I loved the poem!!!!!
We are all praying because of wa r , you know I am praying with you :)
Kisses and hope everything will go Ok
@ Rohan- LOL! Thank you...that's the main verse, I guess!
@ FOAL_ WOW! Really true words....will remember them forever! SICKENING??? abominably maddening :X
@ Don- Thanks a lot for that lovely compliment...I'm glad you enjoyed it! I hope I do get eh opportunity....MAY THERE BE PEACE!
@pichila- Thanks a lot....prayers from all are needed!
What a touching, heart-felt poem. My heart goes out to all Indian's during this tragic time in your country. I have been praying and hope peace and healing can come. Take care my dear friend.
@ Cindy- Thanks. The situation in mumbai is pathetic....keep praying!
This starry night glow for those soles. peace :)
Can i put music for your poem and release it as an album....I wud acknowlege ur name in the
@ Jeevan- Amen!!
@ Viny- Wow!!! Sure!
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