The Modern Punishment For Students

Flipping through the newspaper is an old habit of mine. And at times, it very beneficial too. If you remember my earlier post-What A Unique Way To Honor Students!, where I told you all about eco-friendly rewards for brilliant students, here is another quite fascinating information similar to that.
Yes, this is an interesting news I read, and mind you, when I say interesting, I mean chill, coz I am not taking about any sensex downfall or something LOL!
The latest news is that in Agra, known for its eternal beauty and peace, The Taj Mahal, a school has decided to abide to its culture and give it's students a punishment as peaceful and beautiful as that. Don't believe? Read on and you'll know.
Down the bin go those old punishment rules of beating, caning, standing out and all, for 166-year old St. Peter's College has decided a beneficial punishment for students, YOGA!!!
Yes, yoga. That's the new in-thing punishment, and I have to agree with the principal of the college, John Fareira, that it is a kind of guru-cool punishment indeed!
It includes pranayam and other postures. This is indeed one of the greatest punishment I can think of, and hope it is implemented in all schools around the world. Not only will it help the students, but the peace of mind may help them critically analyze and understand their mistake.
This school has also gone a step further by getting rid all junk food and colas in the school canteen. Usually students not obeying or not finishing their work do yoga but occasionally when the whole class is creating some trouble, they all have to do pranayam for 10 minutes.
The principal has noble thoughts as he wants the children to be focused and disciplined and therefore emphasizes on yoga.
So what say guys?? Doesn't this health oriented punishment rock??
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Sorry it's off topic, but you've been tagged in a meme! Go here to find out
You bet it does !! I hate yoga though, always did, and I'm glad I'm outta school for once now !!!
we too used to have yoga period every thursday till VIII std...... wasn't a part of punishment though .... infact we enjoyed it a lot ..... :D
i like yoga too..:)...
this is quite interesting :-)
hmm....i thought like u when i was at school...hehe later as u grow old u realise stuff...
punishment - hehe , something that we are made to do and we dont like....thats meaning that applies here haina??
There r no harsh punishments in my school n' I've never got one. So no need to worry.
cool.... :)
@ Lord- Thanks for the meme. Will try and do them soon :)
@ CIndy di- I've never really been interested in yoga too, but it's far better than caning or standing out na??
@ Harsh- WOW! Lucky....we have it only after exams and at that PARTICULAR time, we detest it :)
@ Vandita di- Check it out soon
@ Broca- Good for ya :)
@ Raaji- sure!
@ Sahaja- I do agree,....u grow up an realize things...I'm doing that now :)
That's the literal meaining, yes....but for some this might apply here tooa nd for others it might not!
EG: Standing OUT in HISTORY classes is nevah like a punishment LOL!
@ Adi- WOW! Good boy LOL!
@ Sakhi- :P
yoga as punishment? i am surprised. Yoga session should be a reward. Th teacher is in this manner building hatred towards yoga. children would grow up to think that yoga was something they got to do when they did something wrong. I am sorry but i do not agree.
being into fitness myself, and being most passionate about yoga, i know it is a bliss.
@ Kiran- Got ur point but you see, kids who hate it might start liking it soon!
Wow :-) that was interesting
lol ,If my school had followed that , I would have got myself into more trouble just to get punished :D
ha ha! tales the tormented soul in school! how many times did you have to suffer at yoga?
and btw, who can forget out meghna!
Eww :O
Bad enough for me,atleast !
But its totally and completely better then caning and other crapstuff.
I wish our school had similar punishments given =P
I think it is a bad decision. I had written about it here...
BTW, I reached your site through
It sounds like a good idea to me but I think they should call it, and see it as, a 'treatment'. Calling it a punishment is not really putting it in the right context and gives Yoga a bad name (as mentioned by Kiran.)
In the US I took Yoga in high school when they still had gym classes. At my school the boys out numbered the girls by a large margin so gym was no fun. They brought in a Yoga instructor for the girls.
Depending on how you look at it Yoga can be torture for some. So I do agree this is a great time for reflection for disobedient students.
Great to know there are still innovative teachers. Yoga is good and students will learn the benefit of doing this. End of the day, it is going to be a reward to the students.
Non violence is indeed a need of today's world and should be a new mantra world over for everything.
I actually posted a video on my blog about how students acted so cruel to fellow alumni.
Btw, I liked the term 'Guru-cool'.
@ Kochu- Sure sight bro :)
@ FOAL- LOL! It isn't that pleasing, is it??
@ Vinni- It hasn't been applied in my school yet but I hope they do add it, especially for amth and history as I'd love to get punished then :)
Really? ;P
@ Aayu- Dirty gal!! It's so good in our school "Stand Out" ;P
Yoga's good for ya dear....mein toh gayab ho jaoongi but some wgt reducing yoga will do ya good....NO OFFENSE MEANT...ha! Why do I say that?? You toh know me ROFL!
@ Mridul- Thanks for dropping by and sharing, I'll read your point of view too!
@ David- You give an answer to all of us here.... thats the most wonderful of idea!!!
@ Urban- That's good to hear! I wish we had that in india too :)
Yoga can be torture for someone but it certainly is "a great time for reflection for disobedient students.", as you say!
@ STI- Teachers are always creative... that's their job! I hope others are on due too!
@ MG- AHINSA, gandhi ji's principle will never be forgotten!
I'll see the video soon! And is certainly cool!
I'm sure the students of that school think otherwise.
But yeah, that is an innovative way to deal with punishments. Though this might lead to Yoga being associated with a misdeed and hence a disregard in the student's mind for it.
@ Alok- I think its not always that students dislike punishments.
EG: Standing OUT in HISTORY classes is nevah like a punishment LOL!
Accha.....I think then that what David says is should be called treatment instead of punishment :P
well i just came to tell you that you have been tagged on my site as well but the first comment on here was about you being tagged too...ah well.
Yoga...a punishment? I guess it would bore a lot of student lads but in the end, isn't it good for you? It is a wierd idea, I wonder if it will catch on.
You have a nice blog meghna........came from ajith's blog............good luck for ur competition...........subscribed to ur blog by RSS..........
Wow, Yoga, that is along way from whippings kids used to get in the early 1900's! Sounds like an interesting concept... I'm sure I wouldn't mind to get YOGA as a punishment...not saying that I would get punished anyways! :) lol
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Hiya Meghna
Thanks for commenting! I hope you liked the game!
Anyways... WOWEEE! How terrific is that? I would love to be punished like that! In school, being punished is a dread, but when I hear this yoga exercise, it sounds a million times better so that if my school does that punishment, I will never have that feeling of dread!
I totally agree... it relaxes the mind and calms you down. A very wise way to deal with anger or frustration. The best thing to do! Spectacular.
@ Sharp-'s strange but I do hope it will catch up soon as it will be benenfecial too!
Thanks a lot for the tag! I'll hope to do it soon!
@ Nagraj- Oh! Thanks a lot! I hope you keep on visiting :)
Thanks for the subscription! Hope to do well in the competition !
@ Lauren- LOL! BTW, I dont mind being punished if yoga's the punishment :P
I'll pay a visit soon dear!
@ Nadine- Oh yes! I enjoyed the game!
Certainly, yoga removes the dread from the punishment and is beneficial too! A relaxed and calm student is far more good :)
i luvd yer blogs..!!! skimmed thru de posts..!!! seems u spent loz of time here..!!! blog rollin thee
! Dr. Mani- Thanks a lot :)
Yoga helps in many ways, thinking, listening and more on patience. I always think there should be strictness with children or student than punishing, as it gives more anguish than peace of think. Well thought our educationist!
dis seems a vry gud idea n i don think its wrong at all.. its like - "even at my worst i am best with you" for the student. this shows how teachers want their students to receive only the good things in life.. as the students get to realise how important yoga is for a healthy living, am sure this would only increase their respect n love for their teachers.. gud post meg!!
@ Jeevan- Not strictness actually but yea....discipline....even if students do not like it! Yes, punishments of other kinds can be torture so yoga is a good option :P
@ Sulo- Thanks :) Nice opinion- "even at my worst i am best with you" for the student." The teachers have always wanted that, I believe! LOL! That's another idea...yes, they might start liking teacher along with yoga ;P
I guess it'll be interesting if teachers are also asked to do yoga if they did not handle students well. I mean, teachers are more prone to loosing temper infront of students, personal opinion though
@ Vijay- Nice thought!! Being a student, I absolutely agree!!
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