Sunday, November 30, 2008


The Night Sky

Lying on my back and watching the starry sky, words crept into my mind and VOILA! out emerged these verses! Hope you enjoy this short poem.

Tonight is the very night
You and I unite

Glint in the eyes
And stars in the sky
I've been waiting for this
Ever since we last cried.

For tonight is the very night
You and I unite

The moon shines bright
The leaves on trees sway
The lapping of the river
The games that nature play

For tonight is the very night
You and I unite

I'll look at you,
You'll look at me
And bliss overwhelms us
And everything will be alright

For tonight is the very night
You and I unite

The clock strikes twelve
It is past midnight
I slowly creep to the lonely woods
And wait there while the hungry jackals fight

For tonight is the very night
You and I unite

It's four hours….then seven
No sight of you around the darkness drawn
I stifle back a tear
And walk the lonely path forlorn

For tonight WAS the very night
You and I WERE to unite…….

My sincere prayers for my friends all around India, especailly in MUMBAI or areas around. May all Indains unite and fight back against this terrror. I'm praying hard for all :(

I hope you enjoyed reading the post! To read more of my posts and help me win the Blogging Idol Competition (as mentioned in my recent post- I Need Your Help), please SUBSCRIBE to my blog.

Related posts:

  1. Is God Really Up There?
  2. The Waters
  3. Mornings
  4. The Earth Of Every Man's Dream
  5. To My Mother!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Meghna Who?

Meghna Who.jpg

OMG!!! I think somebody wrote my obituary!! LOL!

Miss Meghna passed away recently following an unbearable surge of creativity not able to be sustained. Meghna was not afraid to die. She just didn't want to be there when it happened.

Miss Meghna was born in India. She did extremely well in studies and was an out-standing student always. When Meghna was born, peope were surprised that she didn't talk for a year and a half. Later, she became a big chatterbox, so till she was eleven, she always thought her name was, "Shut Up!".

She hated Maths and History. She found obvious as the most dangerous word in Maths. For her, History repeated itself, as she never listened the first time (she dozed off!). Nevertheless, Miss Meghna passed twelfth grade with flying colors. She became a Doctor soon. She left for work at noon to beat the morning rush!

She took up freelance writing with the hope of publishing a novel soon. With a pen and diary in hand, she took to creativity craziness soon early. During surgeries in the Operation Theater, she would jump suddenly crying- "EurekaEureka….I found a suitable name for my character."

Meghna was a bit weird actually, wearing mismatched socks and hair tangled all over. She did not like taking a bath and hated milk. Her obsession for fiction novels knew no bounds. The best life she liked was lying on a cozy bed with a good book, and chocolates and lemon drink by the bedside with i-pod plugged on.

She always ate the dessert first, as she believed in eating the ice-cream before it melts, for life is too unsure. She liked bikes without breaks. She was a big prankster who loved playing jokes on others.

She got hooked on to the internet and blogging pretty early in her life and made a memorable journey. Along the way, she made many friends and well-wishers who should be invited to her funeral . She had always wanted to win the Blogging Idol competition.

After Meghna's death, her wishes are to be followed strictly. According to her will:

  • All her money should be divided equally between all her blog readers.
  • Her doctor's coat and equipments should go to her parents for remembrance and all other personal belonging should be buried with her, including her chocolates and pen/diary.
  • She wants everyone to celebrate each and every Birthday of hers after death. Every birthday, her grave should be decorated with balloons and streamers.
  • Her grave should be surrounded by gamaxine powder (ant repellent), so as to keep those tiny creatures away as they might be lured by the galore of sweets.
  • No one should offer flowers at her grave but chocolates and ice creams.
  • Her novel or blog ideas are strictly copyrighted and should not be copied.
  • She should be allowed to rest in peace but no one shedding tears. If anyone wanted to cry on her death, he/she is forbidden to do so, but can eat a chocolate or ice-cream instead.
  • Some money she learnt should be given to blogger or wordpress to improve their services and also to the television channels in India who have no better work.
  • Another part of the amount earned should be donated to the Mental Asylum where she could not be treated.
  • On her tombstone should be embedded the words, "Meghna who?"

Keep silent near her grave, for she may come back to life soon then!

Anything you got to add?

Related Posts:

Are you joking? There can not be any post related to my obituary!!

I hope you enjoyed reading the post! To read more of my posts and help me win the Blogging Idol Competition (as mentioned in my recent post- I Need Your Help), please SUBSCRIBE to my blog.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

The Modern Punishment For Students

The Modern Punishment For Students
Flipping through the newspaper is an old habit of mine. And at times, it very beneficial too. If you remember my earlier post-What A Unique Way To Honor Students!, where I told you all about eco-friendly rewards for brilliant students, here is another quite fascinating information similar to that.

Yes, this is an interesting news I read, and mind you, when I say interesting, I mean chill, coz I am not taking about any sensex downfall or something LOL!

The latest news is that in Agra, known for its eternal beauty and peace, The Taj Mahal, a school has decided to abide to its culture and give it's students a punishment as peaceful and beautiful as that. Don't believe? Read on and you'll know.

Down the bin go those old punishment rules of beating, caning, standing out and all, for 166-year old St. Peter's College has decided a beneficial punishment for students, YOGA!!!

Yes, yoga. That's the new in-thing punishment, and I have to agree with the principal of the college, John Fareira, that it is a kind of guru-cool punishment indeed!

It includes pranayam and other postures. This is indeed one of the greatest punishment I can think of, and hope it is implemented in all schools around the world. Not only will it help the students, but the peace of mind may help them critically analyze and understand their mistake.

This school has also gone a step further by getting rid all junk food and colas in the school canteen. Usually students not obeying or not finishing their work do yoga but occasionally when the whole class is creating some trouble, they all have to do pranayam for 10 minutes.

The principal has noble thoughts as he wants the children to be focused and disciplined and therefore emphasizes on yoga.

So what say guys?? Doesn't this health oriented punishment rock??

Related Posts:

  1. The School of My Dreams
  2. Teachers
  3. EXam FevEr!
  4. Top 10 Tips for Success in Examinations
  5. What A Unique Way To Honor Students!

I hope you enjoyed reading the post! To read more of my posts and help me win the Blogging Idol Competition (as mentioned in my recent post- I Need Your Help), please SUBSCRIBE to my blog.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Count Your Blessings

This is an inspirational short story, probably not fictional. It is the story about a girl who learns a valuable lesson in life, by reading a small note by one of her friends. Do have a read, for I am certain it will inspire you to have a positive outlook towards life!

Count Your Blessings!

Count Your Blessings- A Short Story

She looked around until she saw the last light in the kitchen being switched off. Then she comforted herself and let the soothing serenity encompass her in the darkness all around.

Then she slowly sat up in bed, cautious not to make a sound. As soon as she was comfortable in her position, she buried her head in her hands and started grumbling under her breath, her grumbles slowly turning into sobs and then into full fledged tears.

Leela was the only daughter of a middle class family and went to a flamboyant school and was provided with everything her parents could afford, toiling day and night for their child's happiness.

But unfortunately, this was her daily routine. Leela knew that everyone in her school brought mobiles, i-pods, i-phones or atleast an MP3, but she could afford none. She grumbled and complained to Lord vehemently blaming Him for giving her birth in such a downtrodden family.

She asked God why her parents didn't understand she needed these things and why they scolded her even if she asked them to buy it. She then scolded Lord for giving her such dispassionate parents who did not care about her at all.

Then she scolded and complained to Lord on the food she had eaten and the shabby dresses she wore. Her friends ate lavish dinners and she had to do with only a plate of poor rice and pulses. Her classmates wore lovely dresses and she walked around in tatters compared to them.

Though her dresses were lovely and her food was tasty, though she had at least a computer and a digital camera. Leela was still complaining. She was never satisfied and thus it became her daily routine to loath Lord for even sending her to Mother Earth's lap.

She went on to point out why she could not go shopping daily, why her parents scolded her for getting poor grades, why she could not go to the amusement park,and so inked her thoughts to Lord and wrote a long long list of her complaints.

The next day she woke up, despondent and still lamenting over herself. Her thougths were engaged in herself, in solitary and forlorn poignancy; she lived a life aloof from others.

That very day when she was going to enter the class, her eyes fell on a note outside her class. It was a collage by one of the students; mostly those who did not care but copied it from the net just to please the teachers and do their (ever-so-boring) duty. Leela took a step forward and read the chart. It said:

GOD IS ONE. It does not matter whether you pray to Allah, Jesus, Krishna or Raam.....all that matters is whether you thank HIM.

Count Your Blessings Every Night, for Lord has taken out time for you from the millions of people whom he has to care for and given you what he could. Look around and see those whom he has not blessed as much as you, and feel lucky. Look at those whom he has showered his blessing upon, much more than you, and make up your mind to work hard and earn those blessings from Lord.....Thank HIM but never complain to him....for Lord might also get angry and take away even what you have.

Feel Lucky and Blessed...for if there is no one, there is Lord. Count You Blessings and you will realize there is more to thank Lord for, than to complain.

Leela read over the note atleast thrice before going for the first class. Then she read it every time she moved out of class or entered. Then she gave it a final thorough reading before going home, as if her eyes and heart just could not digest what she read.

That night she tried it out and realized that it worked. And then she did it every night. She thanked God for at least giving her such parents who lived only for her, atleast giving her clothes that she wore for there were any who got none, atleast giving her food that she could eat for there were loads who did not even get a morsel a day; giving her everything that she had and asked Lord only for one thing....blessings in the form of strength and will power so she could work hard and achieve what she had not!

I hope you enjoyed reading the story! To read more of my stories and help me win the Blogging Idol Competition (as mentioned in my recent post- I Need Your Help), please SUBSCRIBE to my blog.

Recent Posts:

  1. The Revival Of An Old Bond!
  2. Is God Really Up There?
  3. The Picture
  4. The Miraculous Escape
  5. The New Genenration

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I Need Your Help!

Blogging Idol
Okay.....this is something important....really important for me!

Please give a few minutes of your valuable time to stop by and help me out!There's an interesting competition around the blogosphere called Blogging Idol. And as you guys think.....I'm in for it!!! Yeaaaa...­

But again, who other than you can help me? The competition is about increasing the number of subscribers to your blog in a limited time period. Whoever does so wins and fabulous prizes on the stake guys!!

So all those who are addicted to my blog but have not subscribed, please....please....please do so and whoever have subscribed by mail, kindly do it again by RSS (coz that's only what counts in the competition!). You are not helping yourself but a kid like me. And also, I have read posts on the blogs of other participants and I see that they are offering prizes to lure their readers.

So you people too can have my favorite candies and chocolates (muaaahh.....ehhhh.....they are my FAVORITE...mind ya). And if I win, you can have all of those, LOL! So here's my stake- candies, chocolates, books and my precious pen. Please do subscribe to my blog. For help, you can check out the subscribe section HERE. However, the relevant portions of the said post is reproduced here for your convenience.

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Why Should You Subscribe?

A simple question... Why do anybody subscribe to my blog?

A simple answer..... So that you don't miss the opportunity of wonderful time pass by knowing about the updated articles of my blog immediately :) and also help me win the competition!

My readers wouldn't have to browse the internet for hours on useless articles all over, when they have the facility of having it right here, under their nose!!

He...he.....Miss Bloated Mouth, and that I am guys! OK, jokes apart- Seriously....Whenever I come across with a new story, mystery, fantasy, poetry or any bizarre thing, you can have immediate access to it. ANd once again, help my future make better!

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If you don't know how to subscribe to a blog, don't worry. I can understand. I was like you about a year back.

RSS stands for "Really Simple Syndication". It is a way to easily distribute a list of headlines, update notices, and sometimes content to a wide number of people.

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I am unable to understand now! What is the delay? Be quick. Click and subscribe and let me have those wonderful prizes by winning the competition!

How Much Will It Cost?

No.... Nothing.... Nada. I mean it's completely free, and now, I'm offering candies, chocolates, books and my precious pen. (My favorite and precious stuff :( So why don't you try now?

But, you're free to pay me any amount by paypal, if you feel that it's worth it and I'll be glad to use it as pocket money. No probs :))) LOL!

Now, my request to you!!!

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Please subscribe to my blog by simply clicking on the above icon and choosing your favorite feed reader and help me out in winning this prestigious competition. This will really help me to improve my blog's performance and boost up my confidence so that you can have better output from this blog. But more greedily and importantly, I have the chance to win!

If you have already subscribed, please spread the news and tell your friends, as I need the maximum help :)

I hope all of you will encourage me as you have done in the past, and SUBSCRIBE to my blog, right away!

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