My Journey Through Fire-II

Now comes the second part of the story which you all have been awaiting. I hope you enjoy it and find it another of my liked adventures on MINSY- My Magical Bed. If you have not read the first part, you can read it here- My Journey Through Fire-I. Enjoy!
The food was delicious and nothing like I had tasted before. I just cannot describe how well they tickled my taste buds! Then Fireprobe put some kind of rectangular boxes on the table. These boxes were flat and as I later learnt, were their currency (money). One could not leave or the hotel would not leave us actually, until you paid the money.
Soon we were out into the open once again, this time a
t a different place. This was some kind of an amusement park or playing ground. All around, I could see Sycs, smaller than Fireprobe and in different colors, playing in bowls (yeah literally, like the ones we have on Earth), plates, spoons shoes etc.

Curious to know more, I asked Fireprobe about himself. He told me that he himself was a non-living, made-by-Sycs techo which were called fireprobes. They were created to help the Sycs find where the humans were burning things and where new Sycs were being created. Often if a human put his hand into the fire, it was Fireprobe who would push it out. (Got a correction there in the Biology book- they say it's OUR I know HA!). He told me that each fireprobe lived only for three days and this was his last day.
Guys......please tell me how you liked it and is it any worthy of me to write more of my adventures on MINSY? I surely enjoy reading your comments and if you haven't yet read the first part, please read it here- My Journey Through Fire-I
hey it ended very fast. i hate alarm clocks!
it was creative indeed.. nice read.. and u got a souvenir is it?
ill wait for tomorrow morning to hear minsy's new adventures :-)
I agree with ended a bit fast!
I like this Fireprobe stuff.
Pretty intriguing,MeghD.
Good work! :-)
wow, love the imagination, Little sis :-D nice...
@ Sawan- looks as if you wanted it to go on forever :D
LOL! Keep waiting patiently coz Ill be letting you read another one soon!!
@ aayu- O....really? And imagine me thinking that it was too long...LOL!
I'll take care of that next time!
@ Richa- Hey...i've seen u at other blogs too....Thanks for this comment/invite! But, u aren't spamming me, are you?
@ BB- :D geeee.....Thanks :)
Curse the alarm clocks...
Stupid, stupid alarm clock! It woke you up and ended the story for the rest of us1
The story was great and I thought it showed a lot of artistic talent. I can even see your Magical Bed turning into a series of children's books. They love to eat this kind of writing up the way your Sycs' love to eat everything burned up - kids would eat up your ever word!
The writer of Eragon, the dragon series of books, was started when he was only 15 years old!
Could be, with a lot of hard work, you might end up like him and since he's now a young, young multi-millionaire, if you follow in his steps you can buy be a coffee or something? Heee, heee. just kidding about the coffee..... I want a hot chocolate instead, ok?
As far as your Magical Bed goes, keep em coming!!!!!
haven't red the first part even then I hav njoyed the sec part...
i was glued to the pc until I finished reading..u rite well re
Amazing Meghna
You are truly a writer I can tell! Thanks heaps for your lovely comment, your praises make me smile, though I still think you are a better writer in many ways. Your descrription varies, and your imaginations is better... though I hope in future you read my book and tell me how it is! I'd love to write a story with you in future too if possible...
Anyways, how literally terrific! I love how their world is different, how there are talking computers, well you'd never expect that would you?, and their food is mostly made of paper-I should taste it one day!- I can't believe they die in 3 days.. I almost cried and felt broken hearted for the little one but at least you kept him a souvenir. Make sure you take good care of him though, eh? ;)
This Minsy of yours is wonderful, and I love your ideas of writing about your dreams... though I truly wonder how you remember them? I cannot myself after a few hours!
You are magnificent Meghna, and if I had to choose the best child writer it would HAVE to be you. Your words taste like honey on my tongue, your rich descriptions envelop me in a whole new atmosphere.
I read yr comment at XH's btw..
When did you paint,and "win painting competitions" darling ? :D
Lol at tht..:D
@ adi- LOL! I'm still doing that :P
@ Don- I agree, "Stupid, stupid alarm clock!"
Thanks a lot Don...artistic talent, eh? :D It would be my humor if kids like me around the world read my story and liked it! Wow! That's new and funny Don! I always eat up what you write too :P
I'm an ardent fan of eragon. Cristopher Paolini (not sure abt how he's spelt) is my true source of inspiration and he's set the standards really high with the kind of work he's produced. I guess it's equivalent of Potter status and has also a movie made of it :0
I'll certainly work hard and try to stand up to your expectations and more importantly, what I expect out of myself :0 Why only a hot chocolate? I'd love to buy you a new PC and net conn. that we can stay in touch, and of course, a flight ticket to India !!!
Heee....he....I'll certainly keep em goin :)
@ Priya- Hey...u understood? Very brainy then :D Cooolllll......I hope you read the first part too, and then remain glued on to read the other stories too!
@nadine- You are truly a better writer, dear! Thanks loads for this comment too! You deserve those praises. I believe we both have different styles but you are great at what you do! I hope we both can collaborate our work and write a wonderful book in future too!
I loved their world too nadine and enjoyed my sojourn. I loved the food, and I'll remember to recommend you to MINSY! Don't worry about FireProbe for he couldn't be in better hands, could he? LOL! ;P
O...nadine, that's whole lot of praises to make me go all red...don't say anymore, for I don't deserve that much. Anyways, I'm glad you liked it so much and I hope you too remember your can one forget when one has a bed as Minsy :P
@ aayu- DUH! Dodo....looks like u still don't know me! I won an art certificate in class four and five LOL!
Now you know, I'm not that good now, atleast not as good at nandu or sanju :)
Meghna, Check my new post. U got something there.
@ Sawan- Goin bro :)
Or me :P
I agree with you Meghna, both yourself and Nadine have great writing skills. Your stories and written work show fantastic creativity and imagination beyond that of a usual 13 year old. I was enthralled with your Fireprobe story until you mentioned it was his last day alive. How was he going to die, I wondered?
Keep writing the Minsy series.
It was a nice story bus don't you think it could have been a bit lengthy; in easy words it ended very quickly
We all need to book your autograph in advance :D lest it becomes a precious commodity later
@ Aayu- ROFL!!! I'm far far better than u :P
@ Miss W- Thanks a lot for that compliments. I'm sure Nadine deserves it. She's great at her job.
Nice forced me to rethink...tell you as soon as I decide coz there are around seven possibilities coming to my mind :P
@ Sahefa- Gotcha...will take care next time :)
@ Mac- Stop kidding and pulling my leg! :P ;)
I loved the both parts of this series Megh ! I hadnt read the first one, so I first read that and then this one....and you know what I just feel you should continue this, coz you have conjured it so well !!!
And this definitely is a road not taken. May I dare say I see all the makings of the next JK Rowling in you ?!
Man you girls make me jealous !
Have a gr8 diwali sweetheart.
@ Cindy di- I'll try and come up with another part soon :) JK Rowling?? You too pulling my leg like MAC? But u look serious yaar....I'm not even as good as you di ;P
Happy Diwali to ya 222 :D
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