My Journey Through Fire - I

I hope you all do remember that I have been writing my magical bed adventure series of stories. For those who do not remember, the secret is that I have a magical bed and as soon as I am tucked into my bed, I am drifted off to a faraway magic land...... ( ADITTION TO THIS PART- I've named my Magical Bed "MINSY"). Don't you worry! I have given links to previous posts at the end of this story :)
One of my recent experiences was my journey through FIRE, the first part of which is narrated here.
Fire, the word and particularly that miracle has always aroused my curiosity and generated interest inside. I lay in bed thinking of it, when my Magical Bed (I have now named it "MINSY") obliged me by taking me on a tour to the most unexpected, unusual, yet exciting of all places. Yes inside FIRE!
The initial entrance gave me goose bumps. My Bed took me to a forest amidst the cold dark night. I looked around but saw nothing, expect the scary darkness that encompassed me. Suddenly, as if out of nowhere, I saw a fire ignited right under my nose, and miraculously, it soothed my cold and numb veins but did not give me the common sensation of feeling as if I am burning, even when the fire was right under my nose, so very near.
Then my bed held me tight actually it felt as if it had tied my legs and hands to it's ends and then took a struggling, terrified and loudly screaming me and astonishingly, mercilessly threw me into the fire. Momentarily, I heard my petrified screams echoing into he serene ambiance and I remade my mind about my sweet little Bed!
But wonderfully, as I had changed my thoughts about my bed, I realized it was not to be so. My Magical Bed had actually done me a I will never forget ever.
As I entered the fire, I realized, it was a world, a world like any other, like a world on land, in water, in the sky so in fire too! The ambiance was like spring, not as I'd expected. There were people too....ummm....or maybe not. They were not people but yeah, some kind of living things.
As soon as I entered, I was welcomed by a flying, hand sized "speaking" computer. It flew and zoomed itself into my hands where it snuggled comfortably. It had lips and a tiny hand, just like animated mobiles and stuff we see on advertisements or net.
Then, I heard the most cutest of baby voices I'd ever heard, just like an infant speaking it's first few words! It said, "My name is Fireprobe. I will be your guide throughout your tour through the "Goldenfiresyc World". I think I should inform you robtee (that's what they call Miss, Ma'am or stuff like that) that people here are called Sycs and they speak a tongue unknown to you (Sycsi) so oblige me by letting me be your guide and interpreter."
I heard him and felt flattered. While I stood there thinking what I was to see next and what this journey had in store for me, Fireprobe guided me to a place which I think was a kind of restaurant so I could first eat something and continue my sojourn.
First let me tell you about the place where I stood. The floor looked like flowing fire but was not hot and neither liquid but solid. All around there was no sky but a kind of yellow light through which one could see no zenith or anything else but the eternal yellow glow.
As I asked Fireprobe where to move, he unexpectedly started laughing and asked, "Move, Robtee?...he...he..."
"Then what do we do. Just keep standing here like dumb?" I asked annoyed. Obviously Fireprobe realized my annoyance and explained.
"Here, no one moves. I mean people are born at a place and they live there throughout life. Whatever they need, they just summon it." Saying so, he said something strange, probably in their own language and Voila! there suddenly stood before me, a kind of building with doughnut doors.
I entered (actually it came towards me and engulfed me in its doors) excitedly. Then in the flick of a finger, we were seated on chairs and a menu floated towards me. It was like the ground, looked like a fluid but was solid yellow in color, the words floating above it.
Fireprobe read out the menu to me in English. Paper Mache, Paper cloves, paper Ice cream, papyrus paper butter and Papery Bread! yeah, people here ate different flavors of what we call paper on Earth. this much is enough today. To know more....about what I chose and what I ate and my further journey, keep reading my blog for I'll be posting the next part sooner than you know :)
You can read the other stories of my adventures here:
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Yaaay!!! I got the first comment.
So, Fire ROCKS!!! I think it is the coolest element.
Wish I had a magic bed, which would take me for an adventure just like yours...
One of the most important things about any great writer, or any great story, is that they always make you want to know more, more about the story, and as such, they will always keep you coming back for more.
Your Magical Bed stories, including this one on fire, does exactly that!
Now, no matter how bussy I am, I will just have to return to find out more! I'm beginning to think that they should add, along with heroin, crack and other addictive drugs, the name: Meghna! As you and your stories are just that... ADDICTIVE! Only, of course, in a good way and not at all like those disgusting addictive drugs.
Oh, by the way, I think that FireProbe is just ever so cute and friendly. One night, in the darkess of darkness, I lost my keys and yet, out of nowhere did appear..... you guessed it... Fireprobe.
After fumbling and searching in vain for my keys, which where no were to be found on the ground, Fireprobe with his glowling smile, glowed so brightly that I was able to finely see where my keys were.... in my hands!
Silly, silly old me..... I'm just ever so forgetful, but one thing, I promise, that I will shall never forget, is my dear Meghna, who fills me with wonder each and every time I read one of her wonderful stories!
seems like a fairy tale .. "Adventures of MEMI"
MEMI => Meghna Minsi :-)
o my my...sho shweet..technocratic tour...
I love ur stories...hehhehehe
really had a good seems so long I had any dream...I guess I m too old for this :)
:) cool ;)
wonderfully narrated dear...i think u should try publishing ur works
wow sis, that is some good imagination at work... :-D nice story line...
@ Adi- LOL! first yaar! I too am intrigued by fire! Dontcha worry! MINSY isn't that merciless....I'll ask her to take you along next time :)
@ DOn- I hope I do try to keep it it up! I know it's pretty tough to keep that element in stories. I find it only in the novels of those wonderful established authors!
I'm really blushing at that comment. Thanks a lot dear DON :)
I hope you do return and find the ending worthy of it. I'm trying my best, you know :P BTW, when you say that....I have to mention that your comments are ADDICTIVE TOO...LOL!
Thanks a lot once again!
That's the imagery I was waiting to read :) WOW! FIREPROBE came in useful, didn't he? That night it came in my dreams again and asked me to extend my sincere gratitude to you,.....And tell you I owe you a lot :)
And however forgetful you maybe, I promise never to forget you....and one thing I promise....if I ever get a chance to publish a book, the first one will be dedicated to you :)
@ Sawan- LOL! An apt name...I'm still thinking :P
@ Sourish- I'm glad you do (or I'd have been angry- LOL!) Oh yes, you are old, and that's the reason I call you my BIG bro- bade bhaiya LOL!
@ Vish- ;)
@ Enigma- It's not that good, I beleive!!! THANKS :)
@ BB- "Nice story line".....but you don't know the whole thing yet:P
That is some really brilliant imagination (especially paper eating creatures inside fire, that is amazingly intelligent! :D).
Also I loved the "things move towards you" paradigm; again, very inventive.
P.S. The robot guy reminds me of a similar character from "Halo". Have you played Halo?
Kya imagination hai,MeghD!
Just like you can't write meri type of poetry,I can't write such stuff!
Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeksss..m jealous!
Another brilliant story by a fantastic writer! Well done!! I enjoyed this one as much as all the others! What's going on with you and me..."great mind thinks alike"!
@ Alok- ummmm....I guess so :D Thanks! HAlO? what's that? a movie or a game? If it's a game, I DON"T LIKE PLAYING GAMES ON COMPUTER....I don't like games at all, actually, so no idea LOL!
@ Aayu- Agreeed....sheeeeekkksss...>LOL! We are different but so similar na?? :P
@ Nikita- LOL! agreed with you too :P Still cannot stop smiling at that...I'm glad you liked the story!
It's a game. :D
There is this computer guy who is actually a little flying orb who speaks in this squeaky tone in the game (he turns out to be a traitor).
Anyways, your story reminded me of him. :D
@ Alok- ooo....never heard of it :0 A coincidence?? I don't believe in coincidences though ;P The only game I ever played is Mario and spider solitaire. My brother is a game freak though, but I didn't know games were like movies- where you have villains and traitors LOL!
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